Linda Kimball
Supernatural Genesis 1-11 vs. Pagan Darwinism: God and liberty or fallen mankind and tyranny
By Linda Kimball
April 12, 2023

At present, science has no satisfactory answer to the question of the origin of life on the earth. Perhaps the appearance of life on the earth is a miracle. Scientists are reluctant to accept that view, but their choices are limited: either life was created on the earth by the will of a being outside the grasp of scientific understanding, or it evolved on our planet spontaneously, through chemical reactions occurring in nonliving matter lying on the surface of the planet. The first theory places the question of the origin of life beyond the reach of scientific inquiry. It is a statement of faith in the power of a Supreme Being not subject to the laws of science. The second theory is also an act of faith. The act of faith consists in assuming that the scientific view of the origin of life is correct, without having concrete evidence to support that belief.” (Robert Jastrow, Ph.D Theoretical Physics, Until the Sun Dies, pp. 62-63, 1977)

“…the biological theorists don’t know that Kant has analyzed why one cannot have an immanentist theory of evolution. One can have empirical observation but no general theory of evolution because the sequence of forms is a mystery; it just is there and you cannot explain it by any theory. The world cannot be explained. It is a mythical problem, so you have a strong element of myth in the theory of evolution.” (Eric Voegelin, CW Vol. 33, The Drama of Humanity Conversations, III, Myth as Environment, p. 307)

Out of one side of their lying mouths, antichrist new pagan Global Darwinists and their fellow travelers tell us to believe that the Biblical God is dead, and with His death, so are Reality, immutable Truth, universal morality, original sin, man as God’s spiritual image bearer, the two created sexes, and Nature’s Law, for these point to eternal verities:

“It is a proposition of eternal verity that none can govern while He is despised.” (American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828).

Yet out of the other side of their lying mouths, it’s common for them to brazenly proclaim that in ‘reality,’ evidence supporting mythological Darwinism is overwhelming. Some go so far as to claim that the myth of evolution is an established fact.

Their claims, however, are self-refuting, irrational, and based on a massive edifice of falsehood. Here’s why:

Both fact and evidence point back to unchanging Truth and Reality. Truth is accordance with that which is, has been, or shall be. History, as it unfolds, is a record of truth and reality: of what works and what does not work; of what is right and true and of what is not. The long-term collective memory of this unfolding historic knowledge is common sense.

Truth, as recorded over and over by history shows that the seed of wheat has never brought forth anything but wheat. We all know this is true; it is common knowledge. Never once in our long history has the seed of wheat brought forth tomatoes, or some strange thing never before seen. Yet these miraculous events ought to have happened at least once if evolution is true.

History records the cyclical repetition of the four seasons, year after year, down through the long history of mankind. History likewise records that the return of spring is always, without fail, accompanied by the return of birds. Each kind pairs off, builds nests peculiar to its own kind, and procreates. Not one time has history recorded the absence of spring or a robin mating with a bluebird or a frog. Nor has history ever reported a nest adorned with a porch, swing, or swimming pool. Why not? Because just as the seasons must repeat cyclically, birds do not magically evolve into something higher but must do what birds have always done.

Birds possess no free will, hence must do as instinct dictates. Yet if evolution is true, one might reasonably expect to hear of extraordinary displacements upsetting the rhythm and pattern of the four seasons as well as to see highly evolved bird/frogs (brogs?) nesting in terraced penthouse nests.

Truth is clearly on display when mating season arrives and each kind of animal procreates, as they must. Anyone who spends time around animals, such as farmers, ranchers, and hunters know this to be true. Never once has history recorded lions, cattle, deer, or horses, for example, refusing to procreate. Just as with birds, these animals lack free will and have no choice but to reproduce as instinct dictates.

Truth and reality also show that over the long course of history, not once have stallions deserted their mares to ‘go gay.’ Nor has history ever witnessed even once, a titmouse dying its crest orange or purple nor female-hating Drag Queen monkey’s tattooing their arms, legs, and faces, donning hideous wigs and make-up and putting rings through their noses and tongues in mockery of female monkey’s.

Truth reveals that only man possesses the free will to choose to lie, deceive, pierce and tattoo his body and do things contrary to nature, like choosing to hate women, and engage in sodomy, which leads to nothing but sterility, disease, damage to the body, and a shortened life.

Refusal to anchor the order in the Creator declares Stanly L. Jaki, cannot,

“...but leave one with the fearful prospect of a radically random state of affairs. There stones would not regularly fall, but just as likely hang in mid-air or take off unexpectedly in any direction. There it would be most unlikely that the hatching of a chicken egg would yield a chick. There a flower would perpetuate its own kind only as an exceptional case. In other words, in a world severed from its Creator, lawfulness would be the miracle, that is, a most unexpected event.” (Miracles and Physics, p. 29-30)

Despite that truth and reality can clearly be known by reason, antichrist pagan evolutionists willfully disbelieve what they cannot help but know is true — that mankind is only of two sexes and is a soul (inner person) embedded within matter endowed with mind, conscience, and free will:

“The first dogma which I came to disbelieve was that of free will…” Bertrand Russell, 1872-1970

“Everything, including that which happens in our brains, depends on these and only these: A set of fixed, deterministic laws. A purely random set of accidents.” Marvin Minsky, artificial intelligence guru

“We are descended from robots; and composed of robots, and all the intentionality we enjoy is derived from the more fundamental intentionality of these billions of crude intentional systems.” Daniel C. Dennett, Kinds of Minds

The Darwinian mythos, observed C.S. Lewis, is devised not to seek truth but to keep God out:

“More disquieting still is Professor D.M.S. Watson’s defense. “Evolution itself,” he wrote, “is accepted by zoologists not because it has been observed to occur or…can be proved by logically coherent evidence to be true, but because the only alternative, special creation, is clearly incredible.” Has it come to that? Does the whole vast structure of modern naturalism depend not on positive evidence but simply on an a priori metaphysical prejudice. Was it devised not to get in facts but to keep out God?” (CS Lewis, The Oxford Socratic Club, 1944)

Death of America

Described by Alexis de Tocqueville as the freest most enlightened civilization in history, Western Europe and America are founded on Christian principles. John Adams (1735-1862), signer of the Declaration of Independence, main author of the Constitution of Massachusetts in 1780, Vice-President under George Washington, and 2nd President of the United States, concurs. In a letter to Thomas Jefferson, dated 1813, Adams wrote,

“The general principles on which the Fathers achieved independence, were…the general Principles of Christianity. Religion and Virtue are the only foundations…of republicanism and of all free government…”

As early as 1896 however, Christ-hating Progressive intellectuals had begun the work of demolishing America’s founding worldview. Liberal theologian Walter Rauschenbusch, leader of the Social Gospel movement, used the pulpit to preach an evolutionary pantheistic hence anti-God, anti- creation, anti-soul, anti-individual liberty, anti-truth message.

“Individualism means tyranny,” sermonized Rauschenbusch, by which he meant that ‘oneness’ with nature (pantheism) brings salvation through a divinized god-State controlled by evolutionary Progressive ‘god men.’ In this morally inverted view, moral good is submission to Progressive dictates while moral evil is dissent against it.

This morally-demented nonsense, writes Jonah Goldberg in his book “Liberal Fascism,” laid the groundwork for the equally morally insane preachments proclaimed decades later by Marxist Frankfurt School intellectuals such as Herbert Marcuse in the 1960s — ‘oppressive freedom,’ ‘repressive tolerance,’ ‘defensive violence.’ (Liberal Fascism, p. 86-87)

By the time of Pres. Woodrow Wilson’s regime, Progressive intellectuals had speculatively replaced the living Creator with a pantheistic ‘ineffable force’ that works its black-magic ‘inversion of morality and reality’ through Darwinian evolution-magic. By waving the wizard’s wand of evolution-magic over our Constitution — presto! — it ‘came to life,’ and now ‘lives, breathes, and evolves.’ Having unshackled themselves from God the Father and universal moral law Progressives saw themselves as possessing a divine writ from their divinized ineffable force of nature (spoken of in public as God) for organized cruelty, immorality, lying, power-grabbing, and for furthering their work of destroying America’s worldview foundations. Those who stood in the way of ‘progress,’ (destruction of Christian Worldview), that is, faithful orthodox Christians and all defenders of America’s founding Christian worldview and Constitutional Republic, were demonized as ‘other,’ because says Goldberg, “they were by their very existence blocking the will to power that gave the mob and the avante garde…their reason for existence.” (p. 85)

Viewing themselves as saintly, enlightened, scientific, forward-thinking, elite, and on the right side of history (meaning their evolution-deity), the West’s pagan Progressives, had “rejected the religious roots” of its own civilization for a “new order of beliefs” of which pagan Communism was “one logical expression.” (Whittaker Chambers, George H. Nash, The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America, p. 253)

The world’s first totalitarian regime was not Soviet Russia nor Italy under Mussolini. Neither was it Hitler’s Nazi Germany. No, it was Progressive Fascist America under the Wilson regime, reveals Goldberg. Like Mussolini and Hitler who had jack-booted activist-enforcers at their beck and call, so too did Wilson. In Italy they were called Fascists. In Germany they were called National Socialists. In America, Wilson’s badge-carrying goons were called Progressives. Nothing has changed, for today, Christ-hating Democrats and Biden’s jack-booted goon squad activists and FBI are the ‘woke’ enforcers of secular pagan liberal irreligion and its “divine writ” from the “divinized ineffable force of nature.”

Though differing in degree, secular pagan irreligion also infects both right (RINOS, for example) and left and is merely the continuation of the 20th century’s genocidal totalitarian irreligion. Their common foundation: some form of the Darwinian mythos disguised as science.

Exit God of Life; Enter Culture of Death

God creates life; Satan works to destroy life (murder/death). So, it is not surprising that countries which turn their backs on God reap a harvest of death and misery. Whenever the Children of Israel abandoned God and followed after false gods, they ended up with death and bondage. The experiment has been repeated many times with the same result (see Judges and Kings). (Exit God, Enter Death Culture, Don Batten,

Darwinism denies the existence of God the Father, and the transcendent Permanent Things that, grounded in eternally existing Reality (I AM WHO I AM), comprise this nation’s founding worldview and give rise to our inalienable individual rights and enduring principles of liberty: our living, personal Creator, Nature’s Law, immutable Truth, universal moral law, virtue, the two created sexes male and female, and the individual thinker and ‘choice-maker’ made in the spiritual image of God.

New pagan Progressive evolutionism tells us to believe that everything came into being by chance — accidentally, without meaning, purpose, or design — from matter. Thus, since man is an accidental emergence from ‘nothing,’ then he is in the image of ‘nothing.’ ‘Nothing’ has no soul, mind, or conscience. ‘Nothing’ owns nothing and has no Constitutional rights. And since ‘nothing’ is neither male nor female, then neither should man be, rather man ought to be ‘gender fluid,’ a term for polymorphously perverse androgyne or transgender.

Additionally, we are conditioned to believe that everything remains in continuous movement as it readies itself for the next quantum leap in evolution. By extension of this superstitious nonsense, evidence is merely an illusion, for not only is continuous motion anathema to truth, fact, evidence, and reality, but these verities along with all activity of the mind (thought, imagination, memory, dreams) are of the realm of spirit, which Darwinism claims does not exist. Hence the monstrously imbecilic claims made by pagan Darwinists regarding evidence, fact, and reality in support of evolution refutes evolution’s main claim, that truth and reality cannot and do not exist. The foolish King not only has no clothes, but he has no mind!

How can this self-contradictory conundrum be explained?

Answer: History relates that in addition to seeing man choose to do things contrary to nature, it says that since the dawn of history, it has heard man tell lies over and over and over. Man, records history, lies to himself, and he lies to others:

“I do not want to believe in God,” confessed Dr. George Wald, Nobel Prize winner and professor emeritus of biology at Harvard University. “Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation arising to evolution” Wald admission to Scientific American magazine.

“I suppose the reason we leaped at the origin of species was because the idea of God interfered with our sexual mores,” (Sir Julian Huxley, former president of UNESCO and grandson of Darwin’s colleague Thomas Huxley).

“We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom,” (Aldous Huxley.)

Writing to his friend and colleague Charles Lyell, Charles Darwin baldly confessed, “Often a cold shudder has run through me, and I have asked myself whether I may have devoted myself to a phantasy.”

So you did, Charles.

Darwinism — the Big Lie

In a letter to a friend, C.S. Lewis writes that he is right in “regarding (evolution) as the central and radical lie in the whole web of falsehood that now governs our lives…” However, Lewis astutely observes, “it is not so much your arguments against it as the fanatical and twisted attitudes of its defenders.” (Letter to Bernard Acworth, Spt. 13, 1951)

Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

“We have to use any ruse, dodge, trick, cunning, unlawful method, concealment, and veiling of the truth.” V.I. Lenin, progressive anti-hero

Today our Constitutional Republic, called the ‘shining city on a hill’ by Ronald Reagan, is on a dangerous fast-track to totalitarianism. What yet remains of our founding worldview and Constitutional Republic is rapidly suffocating and dying under an ever-expanding interlocking matrix of lies, from small lies to Big Lies, all of which are defended by the ‘fanatical and twisted’ tellers of them — amoral power-grabbers at every level of government and society who willfully disbelieve what they cannot help but know to be true.

As frightful and evil as this prospect is, there is more. The Progressive dream of utopia is fueled by Gnostic Manichaeism. In this demonic view, criminally minded power grabbers are ‘sinless and good’ while ‘others’ (orthodox Christians, Conservatives, all defenders of American tradition) are automatically evil. Ridding the world of evil becomes a matter of purging it of both evil others and destroying Western civilization.

Toward this goal, Progressives have forged an unholy alliance with Islam, said Jamie Glazov:

“Upon the foundation of their hatred for the United States, its members have forged their alliance with radical Islam, whose wellspring of anti-American hatred runs just as deep. In word and deed, both of these allies make it plain that they consider everything about Western civilization to be evil and unworthy of preservation; that they wish to see freedom and individual rights crushed by any means necessary, including violent revolution.” (United in Hate, pp. xx-xxi)

What sort of people are antichrist irreligionists? In the words of Alexis de’ Tocqueville, they are “they who obey the dictates of their passion…” In other words, they obey everything from virulently inflated narcissism (god-man megalomania, psychopathology), and lust for power to sexually perverted lusts, covetousness, gluttony, hatred, resentment, envy, and thoughts of murder — all fueled by will to power. In this light, political correctness, social justice, Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory, multiculturalism, hate crime laws and speech codes are seen for what they are: anti-social pathologies translated into politics and perverted law.

John Adams prescient warning speaks to our own time:

” We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion…Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” (1798)”

The Road Home

C.E.M. Joad, a 20th century progressive philosopher, spent most of his life proclaiming his distaste for the great I AM, the doctrine of Original Sin, and the transcendent Permanent Things. As a Progressive he wholeheartedly embraced revolutionary doctrine and the necessity for socialism. It was the genocide, catastrophic destruction, and massive suffering unleashed by application of Progressive ideas under direction of sinless men unshackled from God and moral law that led to Joad’s eventual rejection of Progressivism. In a book entitled The Recovery of Belief, Joad documented his transfer of allegiance from Progressivism and evolution back to Christianity, special creation and the Permanent Things that made this nation the freest most enlightened nation in the history of the world.

Joad wisely repented of the dark “dream of destroying the world…and building a utopia on its ashes — that has shaped and represented the modern progressive movement.” (Jamie Glazov, United in Hate, p. 2)

Not so Lenin. Only after Russia flowed with the blood of millions of people and his hands were stained with their blood would he finally admit:

“I committed a great error. My nightmare is to have the feeling that I’m lost in an ocean of blood from the innumerable victims. It is too late to return. To save our country, Russia, we would have needed men like Francis of Assisi…” (Richard Wurmbrand, Marx and Satan, p. 50)

Additional Sources:

Darwin Day in America, John G. West

The Spiritual Brain, Mario Beauregard, Ph.D. & Denyse O’Leary

Why Academics Embrace Evolution, Marylou Barry, WND, Apr. 27, 2009

Permanent Things, Andrew Tadie & Michael MacDonald

The Deadliest Monster, J.F. Baldwin

© Linda Kimball


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