Linda Kimball
Demonic darkness: America's invisible wave of evil
By Linda Kimball
April 6, 2015

Today many intellectuals and modern theologians slavishly follow after whatever passes for current trends in scientific and evolutionary theory, thus they believe the Genesis account ex nihilo, the supernatural, the fall, miracles, the Resurrection of Christ, hell, angels, demons and possession are out dated concepts. Despite this, in 1967 Mortimer J. Adler, the guiding genius behind The Encyclopedia Britannica and Great Books of the Western World, predicted that belief in a spiritual reality would not only return but be considered orthodox science. His prediction has come true, for today, Eastern-oriented occult pantheism (evolutionary New Age cosmic humanism (1) and esoteric neo-pagan materialism (evolutionary secular humanism) have nearly merged, making it difficult to distinguish one from the other.

Over the past three hundred years, the Western Christian tradition has slowly but steadily been eclipsed, first by scientific evolutionary materialism, now by Eastern-oriented scientific cosmic humanism which has infused and spiritualized the former, transforming it into an agency for the transmission of the naturalistic structure of the evolving universe of matter and psychic energy and other revelations from fallen angels and evil spirits. This legion of disembodied beings call themselves everything from Transcended Masters to Maitreya, Semjase, the Council of Nine, Space Brothers and ancient Ennead of Egypt together with evil spirits going by such names as god, christ and jesus. All of this has led Martin Lloyd-Jones to declare:

"The modern world, and especially the history of the present century, can only be understood in terms of the unusual activity of the devil and the "principalities and powers" of darkness...In a world of collapsing institutions, moral chaos, and increasing violence, never was it more important to trace the hand of the "prince of the power of the air." If we cannot discern the chief cause of our ills, how can we hope to cure them?" The Christian Warfare

In the space of a few short decades occult New Age spirituality (2) has made profound inroads. Its upsurge manifests itself in the form of everything from obsession with the paranormal, channeling cults, ghost-hunting, necromancy, light-bearers, spirit guides (3), goddess worship, shamanism, transcendental meditation and visualization (4), 'new' contemplative or centering prayer (5), the enneagram (6), labyrinth walking (7), yoga (8), Wicca (9), revitalized Norse paganism, transformational festivals (10), vampires (11), Ouija boards (12), poltergeists (13), the proliferation of 'new' religions and Lucifer as the Angel of Light:

"Medium and psychic Sylvia Browne admits there are dark entities that choose from the beginning to be this way, but she denies the devil. According to Browne, God sent Lucifer down to watch over people when God saw they had chosen "the dark side." According to Browne, "Lucifer is neither dark nor fallen. He wasn't rejected by God or banished from the light." (The Dark Side: Beyond Good and Evil, Marcia Montenegro, Christian Answers for the New Age)

The hugely popular "new" contemplative or centering prayer (5) is a hybrid drawn from prayer practices of the Christian contemplative heritage fused with Eastern mysticism. The hybrid version,

"...originated in St Joseph's Abbey, a Trappist monastery in Spencer, Massachusetts. During the twenty years (1961-1981) when Keating was abbot, St Joseph's held dialogues with Buddhist and Hindu representatives, and a Zen master gave a week-long retreat to the monks. A former Trappist monk who had become a Transcendental Meditation teacher also gave a session to the monks. ....Centering prayer is essentially a form of self-hypnosis. It makes use of a "mantra," a word repeated over and over to focus the mind while striving by one's will to go deep within oneself. The effects are a hypnotic-like state..." (The Danger of Centering Prayer, Rev. John D. Dreher, Catholic Education Resource Center)

In the foreword to Philip St. Romains book, "Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality," Keating acknowledges that kundalini energy is the focus of the "new" Christian contemplative prayer. He states:

"Since this energy [kundalini] is also at work today in numerous persons who are devoting themselves to contemplative prayer, this book is an important contribution to the renewal of the Christian contemplative tradition. It will be a great consolation to those who have experienced physical symptoms arising from the awakening of kundalini in the course of their spiritual journey ... Most spiritual disciplines world-wide insist on some kind of serious discipline before techniques of awakening kundalini are communicated. In Christian tradition ... the regular practice of the stages of Christian prayer ... contemplation are the essential disciplines..." (Kundalini Energy (Serpent Power) Same as Contemplative Silence, lighthousetrailsresearch)

Psychical researcher J.D. Pearce-Higgins, vice chairman of the Churches Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies (Great Britain) writes of the hazards of Ouija board (11) use and automatic writing:

"These apparently simple methods of attempting contact...are extremely dangerous. (People will become) obsessed or possessed by some...damaging spirit who has got control of them and won't let go. They are compelled to go on with automatic writing – at all hours of day and night (and) may begin to hear...voices telling them to do stupid and filthy things; they are no longer master in the house of their own minds and souls." (ibid, pp. 129-130)

From England to Australia and New Zealand, from South America to E. Europe, Canada and the United States, occult spirituality is quickly becoming the West's dominant orthodoxy, leading America's mainstream media to report:

"Neopaganism Growing Quickly: Numbers Roughly Double Every 18 Months in United States, Canada, and Europe." (Denver Post, June 26, 2008; How Evil Works, David Kupelian, p. 115)

"Sorcery Sells, and the Young are Buying" Atlanta Journal-Constitution, June 10, 2007 (ibid)

"Wicca is Believed to be One of the Fastest-Growing Religions Among High School and College Students" National Public Radio, May 13, 2004 (ibid)

In his book, "America's Schools: The Battleground for Freedom," Allen Quist warns:

"New Age religion is now aggressively being taught in our nation's public schools." A model curriculum has been developed that "is clearly centered on pantheism." "Much of what passes for environmental education and multiculturalism is really indoctrination in pantheistic/New Age theology. The ACLU and other similar organizations have no objections to (pantheistic indoctrination). It is only Christianity that these organizations object to." (p. 51)

Today millions of Westerners are risking everything to seek the occult world and its' alluring power. In "One or Two?" Dr. Peter Jones, Director of truthXchange and Adjunct Professor of New Testament at Westminster Seminary California writes that a wide variety of occult spirituality is now available. There is something for everyone:

"A Course in Miracles, Alchemy, American Indian Quest, Ancient Mythology, Arkashic Record, Aryuvedic Medicine, Astrology, Bahai'i Unity, Buddhism, Buddhist/Christian Dialogue, Chakras, Channeling, Christian Monastic Mysticism, Crystals, Divination, Dream work, Druidism, Eastern Meditation, Eckankar (soul travel), Ecofeminism, Enneagram, EST, Feng Shui, Gnosticism (ancient and modern), Goddess worship, Hare Krishna, Hermeticism, Higher Self, Hinduism, Holism, Human Potential Movement, Hypnosis, I Ching, Iridology, Jungian Transpersonal Psychology, Kabbalah, Karma, Mandalas, Mantras, Mind-altering drugs, Parapsychology, Past Life Regressions, Reiki, Re-incarnation, Religious syncretism, Rolfing, Sacred Technologies, Santeria, Scientology, Shamanism, Sufism, T'ai Chi, Tantrism, Tarot Cards, Teilhardism, Therapeutic Touch, Tikkun, Transcendental Meditation, Ufology, Urantia Book, Visualization, Wicca, Yoga, Zen." (pp. 40-41)

It is well documented that perversions, murder, possession and other evils, including human sacrifice, occur in Western witchcraft, Satanism and Eastern mysticism (e.g., tantric yoga) as well as pagan and pantheist occult religion in general. In his "Occultism, Witchcraft and Cultural Fashions," the noted cultural anthropologist Mircea Eliade of the University of Chicago refers to the interconnections between European witchcraft and Hindu Tantric yoga. He argues that "even a rapid perusal of the Hindu and Tibetan documents" reveals the connection:

"As a matter of fact, all the features associated with European witches are – with the exception of Satan and the Sabbath – claimed also by Indo-Tibetan yogis and magicians. They too are supposed to fly through the air, render themselves invisible, kill at a distance, master demons and ghosts, and so on. Moreover, some of
(them) boast that they break all the religious taboos and social rules; that they practice human sacrifice, cannibalism, and all manner of orgies, including incestuous intercourse, and that they eat excrement, nauseating animals, and devour human corpses. In other words, they proudly claim all the crimes and horrible ceremonies cited ad nauseum in the western European witch trials." (Psychic Forces, Chapter 22, "The Occult History of Parapsychology," Clifford Wilson and John Weldon, pp. 341-49)

The very popular Tantra Kundalini yoga is based on the occultic chakra system which teaches that a universal evolutionary energy (Kundalini Shakti, the Supreme Power; serpent power) coiled at the base of the spine flows through human beings and through all of creation, uniting everything above and everything below, thus acknowledging divinity in all things and all people. Through strenuous yoga and other occult techniques outlined in ancient and modern texts, Kundalini Shakti uncoils and rises through seven "chakras" or power centers within the human body. During so-called kundalini arousal, which may last for months or even years, protracted insanity and/or demonization must be endured. In the words of power yogi Muktananda:

"I was assailed by all sorts of perverse and defiling breathing (became) abdomen would swell with mind was sick with fear (my) thoughts became confused, meaningless. My limbs and body got hotter and hotter....Then I felt a searing pain...I wanted to run away, but my legs were locked tight in the lotus posture.....Then...a moonlike sphere...came floating in (it) struck against my eyes and...passed inside me...I was terrified (but) still locked in the lotus posture (with) my head forced down and glued to the ground....I started to make a sound like a camel, which alternated with the roaring of a tiger (I went) completely insane (and jumped and hopped) like a frog (while) my limbs (shook) violently. (Later) I learned that this was a Hatha Yoga process effected by the Goddess Kundalini in order for Her to move up through the spinal column into the sahasrana (upper psychic center.)" (Play of Consciousness, Swami Muktananda, pp. 75-81, 84-85, 88-89)

With continued practice, surrender, and preparation, one day the kundalini current will reach full voltage and there will no longer be 'anybody home' but an unholy spirit residing in an empty shell of a body:

"The moment of power transfer had come....Muktananda (adept of Nityananda) was about to make the timeless journey....of the power yogi (the Siddha), but it required the catalytic power of the master guru, Nityananda...who was God to Muktananda, therefore worthy of worship as the supreme Deity. The voyage of consciousness, prized by the ancients, would split Muktananda into fragments...Sometimes (his) body would writhe and twist like a snake's while a hissing sound would come from inside (him)." Finally it happened – explosion, the point of no return where Muktananda "as an individual would be obliterated. Superconscious states would take control of him, and his consciousness would be kicked out to more and more remote levels." "In place of the former person was the walking void, the Unself, the hollow shell filled with the soul of the universe..." (Riders of the Cosmic Circuit, Tal Brooke, pp. 36-45)

Like "new" contemplative prayer and other occultisms, yoga does not liberate; it enslaves and binds. It does not enlighten but brings confusion and insanity. It makes people immune to redemption through Christ,

"Yoga does not open the door for the Holy Spirit, but for spiritist spirits." (Occult ABC: Exposing Occult Practices and Ideologies, Kurt E. Koch, p. 259)

Occult (Demonic) Bondage

According to Dr. Kurt Koch (1913-1987), a noted German theologian and minister with extensive personal experience in counseling and delivering thousands of people held in occult bondage, modern theologians who follow current scientific trends would be shocked by how many of the so-called scientists and intellectuals they slavishly follow have turned to occultism and spiritism (sorcery) and become demonized as a result. Be they scientist or otherwise, all who trespass into Satan's domain by committing sins of sorcery will be harassed by the powers of darkness, irrespective of whether they take the step consciously or unconsciously. Every sin of sorcery (occultism) cuts a person off from the Holy God and opens the door to demonic bondage. Any person who serves the devil (occult), will receive the devil's wages (Exod. 7:11-12; Lev. 19: 26, 32; Zech. 12:2; Mal. 3:5; Acts 8:16; Acts 16:16; 1 Sam. 28; 2 Chron. 10:13-14; Isaiah 2:6; 8:19; Jer. 27:9, 10; Gal. 5:20; 2 Tim. 3:8; Rev. 21:8; Rev. 22:15). Thus when a person abandons the Holy Triune God through sins of sorcery, he abandons his inner person (mind, will, conscience) at the same time as seen in relation to psychological disturbances having the following predominant characteristics:

(1) Warped, distorted character: hard-edged egoism; uncongenial, dark nature.

(2) Extreme passions: hard-edged egoism, abnormal sexuality (sodomy, lesbianism, sadomasochism, bestiality, pedophilia, pederasty, zoophiles); violent temper, belligerence; tendencies to addiction; meanness and kleptomania; compulsive lying.

(3) Emotional disturbances; compulsive thoughts of murder and suicide, anxiety states.

(4) Possession with destructive urges, fits of mania; tendency to violent acts and crime

(5) Insanity.

(6) Bigoted attitude against Christ and God; conscious atheism; simulated piety; indifference to God's word and to prayer; blasphemous thoughts; religious delusions.

The ultimate goal of fallen angels and evil spirits is degradation and desecration of mans' inner person, the spiritual part of him created in the image of the Holy God. So what are systematically defaced and desecrated are the mind, will, conscience and sense of good and evil.

Demonic Darkness: America's Invisible Wave of Evil

Carl A. Raschke is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Denver specializing in Continental philosophy and the philosophy and theory of religion. He is also America's leading authority on subcultures of demonic darkness. In his fully-documented work, "Painted Black" he puts together a terrifying puzzle to reveal the chilling facts and cases behind an invisible wave of evil working through the minds of children and adults and subsequently sweeping over and across our nation outwardly manifest in an alarming epidemic of violence and madness that Western therapeutic science explains away as hallucinations, genetic influences and chemical disturbances. Such a posture, said Raschke, hinges on the most incredible delusion that the "symbol of the Devil does not at all mean what the symbol of the Devil has always meant..." (Painted Black, p.404).

According to Rashcke, demonic bondage does not always manifest itself in a will to do evil:

"Many of today's young satanists (are characterized) by a metaphysics of exhaustion and despair. A culture of despair becomes ever easier pickings for the...child pornographers (and the) professional (satanic) terrorists themselves. Satanism has already yielded a climate of fear in middle-class quarters where fear had never flourished before." (p. 406)

A culture of "exhaustion and despair" also welcomes demonized perverse 'sex-educators' (14) and professional satanic terrorists like the 9/11 murderers and ISIS.

Where occult bondage manifests itself in a will to do evil it is seen in the recent Dark Knight movie murders (15) and in the following chilling account:

"In a chilling 911 call, Texas teen Jake Evans spent 20 minutes calmly recounting how he shot and killed his mother and sister, calling himself "evil." (Texas Teen Tells 911 It Was Weird to Kill His Mother and Sister, abcnews, Oct. 5, 2012)

"It's weird," an even-voiced Evans told the 911 dispatcher. "I wasn't even really angry with them. It just kind of happened. I've been kind of planning on killing for a while now." "I'll never forget this. My sister, she came down the stairs and she was screaming and I was telling her that I'm sorry but to just hold still – that, you know, I was just going to make it go away," he said. "But she just kept on freaking out, but finally she fell down, and I got her in the head about, probably, three times." "Just to let you know, I hate the feeling of killing someone. I'm going to be messed up," he told the operator." "I'm really worried about nightmares and stuff like that. Are there any type of medications for that and stuff?"

America's secularized culture is a spiritual vacuum into which innumerable dark psychic forces have flooded. Most of the present destructive generation is sick, lawless, narcissistic, and undisciplined. America, the dying leader of the world, bleeds from thousands of self-inflicted wounds as she marches toward her own destruction to the beat of unseen drummers.

The clearest answer to the evil conditions of our times is found in the Bible. We are living in the Last Days. The final pages of history are now being read. Our time,

"...can only be understood aright in the light of the prophetic word. Satan is mobilizing all his forces for an all-out attack. The demonic world has entered the final lap....To fail, therefore, to take our stand at the foot of the cross, to fail to build our house upon the Rock, is to be swept away by the turmoil of the End-Times. We are living in days of a demonic nature!" (Demonology Past and Present, Kurt E. Koch, p. 37)

2015 @Linda Kimball

1. The Difference of Man and the Difference It Makes, Adler, p. 294

2. The New Age. What is it? Marcia Montenegro, Christian Answers for the New Age



5. Centering Prayer, Matt Slick, CARM; The Danger of Centering Prayer, Rev. John D. Dreher, Catholic Education Resource Center; Contemplating Contemplative Prayer: Is It Really Prayer? Montenegro

6. The enneagram gps: gnostic path to self, Montenegro; National Pastor's Convention Using Occultic Enneagram,, Dec. 12, 2006


8. Christian yoga: an oxymoron? Marcia Montenegro


10. Transformational Festivals, The Freedom Report



13. Poltergeists – An Evaluation of a Demonic Phenomenon,

14. The Little Black Book

15. James Holmes Charged With 24 Counts of Murder in Dark Knight Rises Massacre,

Linda writes on worldview and related subjects.

© Linda Kimball


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