Alan Keyes
On Trump's Strange endorsement
By Alan Keyes
The headline read "Trump-McConnell smackdown foreshadows fury in 2018 primaries." But toward the end of the story comes a telling observation:
A funny thing just happened on the way to this 2018 showdown, however. While pro-Trump Republicans Roy Moore and Mo Brooks are challenging appointed GOP Sen. Luther Strange in this month's Republican primary in the special election in Alabama to complete the term of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Strange just won Trump's enthusiastic endorsement.
A thoughtful man, thoroughly cognizant of his duty to the U.S. Constitution, his state and its people, Moore refused the federal judge's blatantly anti-constitutional demand. So, an ungodly coalition of forces engineered Chief Justice Moore's removal from office. It brought minions of the GOP's elitist faction cohort (one of whom was later rewarded for his pains with a seat on the federal bench) into line with the rabidly leftist Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC), notorious for its slanderous attacks on conservative individuals and organizations.
This ungodly axis succeeded in carrying out its blatantly anti-constitutional agenda. For his adherence to the plainly stated requirements of the U.S. Constitution, Chief Justice Moore was removed from office, in what amounted to a "Star Chamber" proceeding, substantively devoid of any lawful cause for its action. Some years later, as that same lawless coalition moved to impose acceptance of so-called "gay marriage" on America's resistant body politic, Roy Moore was again elected to be chief justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama. Again, he stood fast in his duty to act with deliberate diligence, in pursuance of his duty to the U.S. Constitution and the citizens of Alabama. This time it involved the Alabama Judiciary's response to the SCOTUS' Obergefell decision, purporting to make acceptance of so-called "gay marriage" the "law of the land" throughout the United States.
The same ungodly coalition, representing the same collusion of elitist faction forces, again engineered Chief Justice Moore's official demise. This time their legally suspect methods included an outcome that not only aimed to nullify Judge Moore's tenure of office, but to leave him in an official no-man's land intended to deprive him of any means of earning a living. Though conceived with greater sophistication than the purge practices of old Soviet Communism, this outcome gave off the stench of party dictatorship, which is not content to remove opponents from power, but seeks to destroy their livelihood and, by implication, their very lives.
Earlier this year, when then-Gov. Bentley was considering people to replace Jeff Sessions, I wrote a blog post asking "Will Bentley replace Sessions with a token of true hope?" In it I wrote that "Roy Moore effectively represents all Americans who care about preserving the premises of God-endowed right rooted ... in 'the laws of nature and of Nature's God.'" The elitist faction cohorts presently in control of the leadership in both the Democratic and Republican parties quietly share the aim of severing the United States of America from its roots in the God- revering principles of the Declaration of Independence. They agree in their desire to repress and remove from our politics all the voices that refuse to surrender those principles, and the respect for God's authority that substantiates them.
Unless people of good faith revive that respect, and rediscover what it takes to elect leaders who will represent us in doing so, there is no hope America's constitutional self-government will survive. It's all well and good to entertain the hope that someone not really committed to those principles will be miraculously transformed by God to serve them. But how can this be anything more than willful, wishful thinking when it involves working with unprincipled elitist faction leaders to thwart the political success of candidates like Judge Moore, who have not only said what people want to hear, but walked into the fiery furnace to act accordingly?
It has been said that evil triumphs when good people do nothing. How much more does it triumph when people who profess to care about what is right and good stand idly by as outstanding people who share and champion their views are attacked for bearing witness to truth? How much more does it triumph when these proven champions are battered aside by cohorts of wickedness, with strangely enthusiastic cooperation from quarters that are purportedly opposed to their assault on the premises of America's liberty?
Should we simply ignore this evidence of crafty doublemindedness? Or should we ponder the fact that our fallible human judgment may have mistaken the gilded work of our own hands for a fit token of God's hope, when instead what we have uplifted may be, like the biblical golden calf, an idol that cries out to God for judgment.? Good-sounding words, or damaging wounds, inflicted by those intent on denying our nation's dependence on God: Which are the truer witnesses of good faith? A billion dollars, or one steadfast voice, persistent through all travails, urging us to lean, as our nation's founders did, on the authority of God: Which is the greater treasure, in this our time of greatest need?
August 14, 2017
The headline read "Trump-McConnell smackdown foreshadows fury in 2018 primaries." But toward the end of the story comes a telling observation:
A funny thing just happened on the way to this 2018 showdown, however. While pro-Trump Republicans Roy Moore and Mo Brooks are challenging appointed GOP Sen. Luther Strange in this month's Republican primary in the special election in Alabama to complete the term of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Strange just won Trump's enthusiastic endorsement.
On Tuesday, I published an article endorsing Judge Roy Moore. For years he
has stood fast for America's founding principles and the Constitution framed to implement them. As the elected chief justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama, he
courageously represented the God-endowed right of the people of his state to honor God, as well as their rightful power to reflect that respect in the conduct of their
self-government. These are safeguarded and reserved to them by the U.S. Constitution's Ninth and 10th amendments, respectively.
A thoughtful man, thoroughly cognizant of his duty to the U.S. Constitution, his state and its people, Moore refused the federal judge's blatantly anti-constitutional demand. So, an ungodly coalition of forces engineered Chief Justice Moore's removal from office. It brought minions of the GOP's elitist faction cohort (one of whom was later rewarded for his pains with a seat on the federal bench) into line with the rabidly leftist Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC), notorious for its slanderous attacks on conservative individuals and organizations.
This ungodly axis succeeded in carrying out its blatantly anti-constitutional agenda. For his adherence to the plainly stated requirements of the U.S. Constitution, Chief Justice Moore was removed from office, in what amounted to a "Star Chamber" proceeding, substantively devoid of any lawful cause for its action. Some years later, as that same lawless coalition moved to impose acceptance of so-called "gay marriage" on America's resistant body politic, Roy Moore was again elected to be chief justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama. Again, he stood fast in his duty to act with deliberate diligence, in pursuance of his duty to the U.S. Constitution and the citizens of Alabama. This time it involved the Alabama Judiciary's response to the SCOTUS' Obergefell decision, purporting to make acceptance of so-called "gay marriage" the "law of the land" throughout the United States.
The same ungodly coalition, representing the same collusion of elitist faction forces, again engineered Chief Justice Moore's official demise. This time their legally suspect methods included an outcome that not only aimed to nullify Judge Moore's tenure of office, but to leave him in an official no-man's land intended to deprive him of any means of earning a living. Though conceived with greater sophistication than the purge practices of old Soviet Communism, this outcome gave off the stench of party dictatorship, which is not content to remove opponents from power, but seeks to destroy their livelihood and, by implication, their very lives.
Earlier this year, when then-Gov. Bentley was considering people to replace Jeff Sessions, I wrote a blog post asking "Will Bentley replace Sessions with a token of true hope?" In it I wrote that "Roy Moore effectively represents all Americans who care about preserving the premises of God-endowed right rooted ... in 'the laws of nature and of Nature's God.'" The elitist faction cohorts presently in control of the leadership in both the Democratic and Republican parties quietly share the aim of severing the United States of America from its roots in the God- revering principles of the Declaration of Independence. They agree in their desire to repress and remove from our politics all the voices that refuse to surrender those principles, and the respect for God's authority that substantiates them.
Unless people of good faith revive that respect, and rediscover what it takes to elect leaders who will represent us in doing so, there is no hope America's constitutional self-government will survive. It's all well and good to entertain the hope that someone not really committed to those principles will be miraculously transformed by God to serve them. But how can this be anything more than willful, wishful thinking when it involves working with unprincipled elitist faction leaders to thwart the political success of candidates like Judge Moore, who have not only said what people want to hear, but walked into the fiery furnace to act accordingly?
It has been said that evil triumphs when good people do nothing. How much more does it triumph when people who profess to care about what is right and good stand idly by as outstanding people who share and champion their views are attacked for bearing witness to truth? How much more does it triumph when these proven champions are battered aside by cohorts of wickedness, with strangely enthusiastic cooperation from quarters that are purportedly opposed to their assault on the premises of America's liberty?
Should we simply ignore this evidence of crafty doublemindedness? Or should we ponder the fact that our fallible human judgment may have mistaken the gilded work of our own hands for a fit token of God's hope, when instead what we have uplifted may be, like the biblical golden calf, an idol that cries out to God for judgment.? Good-sounding words, or damaging wounds, inflicted by those intent on denying our nation's dependence on God: Which are the truer witnesses of good faith? A billion dollars, or one steadfast voice, persistent through all travails, urging us to lean, as our nation's founders did, on the authority of God: Which is the greater treasure, in this our time of greatest need?
To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at LoyalToLiberty.com and his commentary at WND.com and BarbWire.com.
© Alan KeyesThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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