Alan Keyes
Trump the promise keeper?
By Alan Keyes
Above all, they rightly concluded that she would continue Obama's strategy of importing hostile persons and groups into the United States to facilitate the transformation of this nation's population, the citizens of which form the body whose sovereign authority ordains, establishes, and ultimately oversees the institutions of constitutional self-government in our country.
The abuse and subversion of our border and immigration policies was the key to implementing this transformational strategy. It included the importation of persons with murderous, hostile intent, shipped in under the guise of extending help to refugees from countries most subject to the depredations of Islamic jihadi terrorism. The strategy also involved careless enforcement of the laws intended to secure our borders and regulate entry into the United States. This allowed criminal elements from Latin and South America to enter the United States repeatedly, despite being apprehended and deported time after time.
Impelled by the evidence of experience in the streets and schools of their communities, of the growing disorder and degradation of orderly life this laxity entailed, Americans inveighed against the strategic assault. They were constantly ignored and vilified. The leadership of the party that is supposed to be in opposition to Obama and Clinton warred against them repeatedly in political contests, openly declaring war during the 2014 GOP primaries. Donald Trump saw his political opportunity in the resentment and hostile distrust produced by this continual and open contempt for voters' feelings.
It allowed him to pursue his ambition to parlay great wealth into direct political power. Parachuting into the GOP primaries, he voiced the resentment and distrust boiling over among the GOP's constituents. He did so stridently: boldly naming names, calling names, slamming his opponents as the culprits, even though it meant rousing the demons of division and internecine conflict that prowl in the shadow of America's tragic history of racial and religious bigotry.
To this end, he deployed the habitual "sales puffery" encouraged by his repeated success in merchandising Trump-branded projects and products to people mesmerized by his gaudily alluring imitation of life. He conjured visions of the great wall he would build to end the foreign invasion of America. He exploited the loathing easily engendered toward the objects of fear. He discarded the often-ironical politeness, correctly appraised as hypocritical, most politicians compulsively deploy.
Not long ago, before a rudely self-indulgent popular culture debased our sense of moral and political propriety (i.e., the sense of how people should behave toward their fellow citizen, even when they disagree), this open exploitation of fear and loathing would have been enough to make a candidate a political pariah, especially when pursuing the office, above all others, that is supposed to represent the Constitution's first-listed goal of "union." This sense of political propriety (as distinct from so-called "political correctness") persists among conservative Republicans, especially those who profess to follow Christ.
But Donald Trump was (and remains?) a cultural Democrat. For a long time, he immersed himself in the libertine social culture of American leftists, dominant among Democrats. Rhetorically rude and violent attacks against political opponents are this libertine culture's stock-in-trade, more so because the aim of Marxist/Leninist/Alinskyite politics is to subvert and disintegrate the constraining moral "superstructure" that masks and upholds the ruling elites whose power the communists/socialists aim to overthrow and replace.
Adherents of this leftist culture have no stake in maintaining the moral understanding and character that sustains our constitutional, democratic republic, because they have no stake in the success of the institutions of democratic sovereignty it aims to preserve. They could not care less for the constitutional separation of power, the system of checks and balances, or the careful cultivation of respect for the exercise of God-endowed right, which America's prevalent founders regarded as bulwarks crucial to giving the sovereignty of the American people its best chance to endure.
The mantra of leftist politics is "change," not endurance. Leftist change denotes the constant flow of history. It reflects the constant stream of material events, in which all bounds, limits, and constraints are illusions, imposed by our defective understanding. They serve to mask the only thing that matters, which is the effective power generated by the flow. In the context of this leftist understanding, promises – though they conjure solid walls of safety – are, as it were, written in water, more transient than shifting sands. As I have said before, Americans of goodwill who put their trust in Donald Trump must prepare themselves, lest his failure to keep faith with them impels them to lose faith in the true aims and premises of our nation.
April 10, 2017
The Trump administration rewarded Border Patrol agents for their support of Trump as president by picking an Obama holdover whom they despise to be their boss.... Many expressed regret for having
supported Trump in the first place and for having believed he would actually listen to them and care about what they experienced while risking their lives for other Americans....
The feelings of betrayal come just days after the announcement of Obama-hire Kevin McAleenan as the next Commissioner of CBP.... 'Every single agent I have spoken with has been upset,' Breitbart Texas' director said. 'They tell me "We feel betrayed by the Trump administration. We don't understand how the Trump administration could pick this person to be our boss after what we did...." I find it to be very concerning...I have not spoken to one who does not feel hurt, betrayed, let down about this.'
"I believe it was the Border Patrol agents who came out for him and put him over the edge to win the Republican nomination in the primary,' he said.... These guys go all out for him and then for some reason he puts someone who seemingly helped Obama try to destroy them and to open the border." ("Brandon Darby: Border Patrol Agents feel betrayed by the Trump Administration")
Above all, they rightly concluded that she would continue Obama's strategy of importing hostile persons and groups into the United States to facilitate the transformation of this nation's population, the citizens of which form the body whose sovereign authority ordains, establishes, and ultimately oversees the institutions of constitutional self-government in our country.
The abuse and subversion of our border and immigration policies was the key to implementing this transformational strategy. It included the importation of persons with murderous, hostile intent, shipped in under the guise of extending help to refugees from countries most subject to the depredations of Islamic jihadi terrorism. The strategy also involved careless enforcement of the laws intended to secure our borders and regulate entry into the United States. This allowed criminal elements from Latin and South America to enter the United States repeatedly, despite being apprehended and deported time after time.
Impelled by the evidence of experience in the streets and schools of their communities, of the growing disorder and degradation of orderly life this laxity entailed, Americans inveighed against the strategic assault. They were constantly ignored and vilified. The leadership of the party that is supposed to be in opposition to Obama and Clinton warred against them repeatedly in political contests, openly declaring war during the 2014 GOP primaries. Donald Trump saw his political opportunity in the resentment and hostile distrust produced by this continual and open contempt for voters' feelings.
It allowed him to pursue his ambition to parlay great wealth into direct political power. Parachuting into the GOP primaries, he voiced the resentment and distrust boiling over among the GOP's constituents. He did so stridently: boldly naming names, calling names, slamming his opponents as the culprits, even though it meant rousing the demons of division and internecine conflict that prowl in the shadow of America's tragic history of racial and religious bigotry.
To this end, he deployed the habitual "sales puffery" encouraged by his repeated success in merchandising Trump-branded projects and products to people mesmerized by his gaudily alluring imitation of life. He conjured visions of the great wall he would build to end the foreign invasion of America. He exploited the loathing easily engendered toward the objects of fear. He discarded the often-ironical politeness, correctly appraised as hypocritical, most politicians compulsively deploy.
Not long ago, before a rudely self-indulgent popular culture debased our sense of moral and political propriety (i.e., the sense of how people should behave toward their fellow citizen, even when they disagree), this open exploitation of fear and loathing would have been enough to make a candidate a political pariah, especially when pursuing the office, above all others, that is supposed to represent the Constitution's first-listed goal of "union." This sense of political propriety (as distinct from so-called "political correctness") persists among conservative Republicans, especially those who profess to follow Christ.
But Donald Trump was (and remains?) a cultural Democrat. For a long time, he immersed himself in the libertine social culture of American leftists, dominant among Democrats. Rhetorically rude and violent attacks against political opponents are this libertine culture's stock-in-trade, more so because the aim of Marxist/Leninist/Alinskyite politics is to subvert and disintegrate the constraining moral "superstructure" that masks and upholds the ruling elites whose power the communists/socialists aim to overthrow and replace.
Adherents of this leftist culture have no stake in maintaining the moral understanding and character that sustains our constitutional, democratic republic, because they have no stake in the success of the institutions of democratic sovereignty it aims to preserve. They could not care less for the constitutional separation of power, the system of checks and balances, or the careful cultivation of respect for the exercise of God-endowed right, which America's prevalent founders regarded as bulwarks crucial to giving the sovereignty of the American people its best chance to endure.
The mantra of leftist politics is "change," not endurance. Leftist change denotes the constant flow of history. It reflects the constant stream of material events, in which all bounds, limits, and constraints are illusions, imposed by our defective understanding. They serve to mask the only thing that matters, which is the effective power generated by the flow. In the context of this leftist understanding, promises – though they conjure solid walls of safety – are, as it were, written in water, more transient than shifting sands. As I have said before, Americans of goodwill who put their trust in Donald Trump must prepare themselves, lest his failure to keep faith with them impels them to lose faith in the true aims and premises of our nation.
To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at LoyalToLiberty.com and his commentary at WND.com and BarbWire.com.
© Alan KeyesThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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