Alan Keyes
Now's the time to fight pallbearers of liberty
By Alan Keyes
I just read a timely meditation on the "fiscal cliff" shenanigans currently going on in Washington. In an article aptly entitled "Cause to Rejoice or Mourn," a friend and true soul brother, Dave Jeffers, laments the fact that the Washington pols on both sides of the (phony) partisan divide are "wishy-washy squishy leaders" prone to posturing but devoid of true conviction. He accurately observes that this tempts people to mournful political passivity, especially given Obama's re-election.
"The typical response to all of this mess," he observes, "is to disengage, especially with Christmas and New Year's approaching." But, after correctly pointing out that this is just what the bad guys are counting on, Dave calls on Americans of conscientious goodwill to "engage like never before. Let us get on our faces before Almighty God and cry out to Him to heal our land and save our nation...." But praying not with their lips only, I think people must seek God's strength to enact their prayers, by insisting that Congress (and especially the representatives in the GOP's collapsible "House of cards") vote to end government's gluttonous dissipation of the income and good credit of the American people.
In my most recent post at Loyal to Liberty, I discuss the sleight of hand involved in the whole "fiscal cliff" scenario:
"... [T]he notion that we're only now headed over the cliff is the biggest lie of all. They lying pols pushed us over the cliff several years ago, and we've been falling through the void ever since.
"The 'fiscal cliff' is just the lie they're using now to justify what they've been planning all along: steps that institutionalize America's abysmal fall. The pillaging of America isn't an emergency response to crisis. It's the institutionalized crisis, intended permanently to subject Americans to the oppressive form of government our constitutional republic was intended to replace. Instead of forming a government that serves the people, we'll be a people coerced by government into providing the labor and other resources that contribute to the aggrandizement of the elitist clique that has thus far managed to secure permanent control of our politics."
If you were among those who followed the "Platform Republican" approach to the late election, you resisted the temptation to let the choice-less choice the GOP/Democrats offered for president keep you from going to the polls. You voted to put the burden of proof on the backs of the GOP majority in the House. However, you were and are expecting John Boehner and his counterparts in the GOP's elitist faction leadership to betray the convictions generally upheld in the GOP Platform.
You expected Boehner's pathetically prompt eagerness to jettison the fiscal discipline the GOP Platform promised. You expected elitist faction Republicans like John McCain to use Obama's stolen victory as an excuse to call for the GOP to abandon its principled stands on moral issues like the right to life and the defense of the God-endowed nature of marriage. You now watch with a sense of confirmed expectation as the call to abandon principled conservatism pours like a billowing cloud of politically poisoned gas from the mouths of these pallbearers of liberty and their dutiful media apparatchiks.
Instead of discouragement, you feel as America's founder patriots must have felt when events unfolded that confirmed the British Monarch's intent to overthrow the liberty of the American people: Now is no time for mourning; but for action! The resonance of truth may at times be tragically sad and disappointing. But for the heart attuned, it is also liberating.
As the GOP's elitist faction leaders reveal their true colors, now is the time to convict them of their treachery by demanding that they stand on the convictions by which they falsely postured their way to re-election. Now is the time to demand that they put up or shut up with regard to their Platform's claim to respect the purposes and constraints of the U.S. Constitution. Now is the time to heat up every available means of communication with the demand that they resist surrender. Now is the time to make it clear that you see through the bipartisan charade that masks their arrogant imposition of elitist one-faction dictatorship.
For the GOP members of Congress, the lame-duck session ought to have only one purpose: to say NO to the elitists' socialist push — their threatening use of a crisis they devised and caused as a WMD for political terrorism, aimed at the extinction of America's liberty. By whatever name, any other purpose is tantamount to treason. However, it's very near to a certainty that the GOP's elitist faction leaders will instead behave (indeed, are already behaving) as, in mid-August, I predicted they would:
"Should Romney be defeated, the loss will be exploited to defame the very people the Romney/Ryan ticket does not represent — the authentically God-fearing, limited government, small 'r' republicans.... [T]he GOP leadership...will pretend to be reading the tea leaves (pun intended) left after the electoral repudiation.... On the excuse of that repudiation, the GOP's elitist faction leaders will be 'dragged' with mock sullen demeanor, in precisely the socialist direction they really want to go."
This prediction was not entirely accurate. Far from sullen, the demeanor of the GOP (Boehner/Romney/McCain) wing of the elitist faction is barely suppressed self-satisfaction. They feel sure that their strategy for extinguishing principled conservatism is moving ahead as planned. They have already begun the process of determining which proven elitist faction avatar shall be the GOP's next "presumptive" (i.e., elitist faction dictated) nominee for president in 2016.
Because the principles of representative, constitutional, republican government are its heart, the extinction of principled conservatism portends the extinction of the American republic. People who embrace the rabid notion that politics has no substance but victory will pretend (in the face of Obama's "victory") that there is no course but left, toward the republic's demise; no choice for its mourners but to follow in the wake of the party, falsely labeled as Republican, that now exists mainly to ease its final passing. But there are Americans worthy of the name, still loyal to America's founding truths. Except for their strength there would be no GOP majority in Congress. Such people should take the GOP's impending obeisance to Obama for what it is — the clarion signal that now is the time for Americans of good faith to disenthrall themselves from the GOP/Democrat delusion. Now is the time to secede from the GOP/Democrat parties of dissipation. Now is the time to save the country from the elitist would-be tyrants who control them both.
"What better first step than to raise up a party avowedly, openly aimed at rallying the faithful? What better standard to raise than the disused but faithful banner of the Federalists, round which our founders rallied those who ratified the U.S. Constitution?"
December 2, 2012
I just read a timely meditation on the "fiscal cliff" shenanigans currently going on in Washington. In an article aptly entitled "Cause to Rejoice or Mourn," a friend and true soul brother, Dave Jeffers, laments the fact that the Washington pols on both sides of the (phony) partisan divide are "wishy-washy squishy leaders" prone to posturing but devoid of true conviction. He accurately observes that this tempts people to mournful political passivity, especially given Obama's re-election.
"The typical response to all of this mess," he observes, "is to disengage, especially with Christmas and New Year's approaching." But, after correctly pointing out that this is just what the bad guys are counting on, Dave calls on Americans of conscientious goodwill to "engage like never before. Let us get on our faces before Almighty God and cry out to Him to heal our land and save our nation...." But praying not with their lips only, I think people must seek God's strength to enact their prayers, by insisting that Congress (and especially the representatives in the GOP's collapsible "House of cards") vote to end government's gluttonous dissipation of the income and good credit of the American people.
In my most recent post at Loyal to Liberty, I discuss the sleight of hand involved in the whole "fiscal cliff" scenario:
"... [T]he notion that we're only now headed over the cliff is the biggest lie of all. They lying pols pushed us over the cliff several years ago, and we've been falling through the void ever since.
"The 'fiscal cliff' is just the lie they're using now to justify what they've been planning all along: steps that institutionalize America's abysmal fall. The pillaging of America isn't an emergency response to crisis. It's the institutionalized crisis, intended permanently to subject Americans to the oppressive form of government our constitutional republic was intended to replace. Instead of forming a government that serves the people, we'll be a people coerced by government into providing the labor and other resources that contribute to the aggrandizement of the elitist clique that has thus far managed to secure permanent control of our politics."
If you were among those who followed the "Platform Republican" approach to the late election, you resisted the temptation to let the choice-less choice the GOP/Democrats offered for president keep you from going to the polls. You voted to put the burden of proof on the backs of the GOP majority in the House. However, you were and are expecting John Boehner and his counterparts in the GOP's elitist faction leadership to betray the convictions generally upheld in the GOP Platform.
You expected Boehner's pathetically prompt eagerness to jettison the fiscal discipline the GOP Platform promised. You expected elitist faction Republicans like John McCain to use Obama's stolen victory as an excuse to call for the GOP to abandon its principled stands on moral issues like the right to life and the defense of the God-endowed nature of marriage. You now watch with a sense of confirmed expectation as the call to abandon principled conservatism pours like a billowing cloud of politically poisoned gas from the mouths of these pallbearers of liberty and their dutiful media apparatchiks.
Instead of discouragement, you feel as America's founder patriots must have felt when events unfolded that confirmed the British Monarch's intent to overthrow the liberty of the American people: Now is no time for mourning; but for action! The resonance of truth may at times be tragically sad and disappointing. But for the heart attuned, it is also liberating.
As the GOP's elitist faction leaders reveal their true colors, now is the time to convict them of their treachery by demanding that they stand on the convictions by which they falsely postured their way to re-election. Now is the time to demand that they put up or shut up with regard to their Platform's claim to respect the purposes and constraints of the U.S. Constitution. Now is the time to heat up every available means of communication with the demand that they resist surrender. Now is the time to make it clear that you see through the bipartisan charade that masks their arrogant imposition of elitist one-faction dictatorship.
For the GOP members of Congress, the lame-duck session ought to have only one purpose: to say NO to the elitists' socialist push — their threatening use of a crisis they devised and caused as a WMD for political terrorism, aimed at the extinction of America's liberty. By whatever name, any other purpose is tantamount to treason. However, it's very near to a certainty that the GOP's elitist faction leaders will instead behave (indeed, are already behaving) as, in mid-August, I predicted they would:
"Should Romney be defeated, the loss will be exploited to defame the very people the Romney/Ryan ticket does not represent — the authentically God-fearing, limited government, small 'r' republicans.... [T]he GOP leadership...will pretend to be reading the tea leaves (pun intended) left after the electoral repudiation.... On the excuse of that repudiation, the GOP's elitist faction leaders will be 'dragged' with mock sullen demeanor, in precisely the socialist direction they really want to go."
This prediction was not entirely accurate. Far from sullen, the demeanor of the GOP (Boehner/Romney/McCain) wing of the elitist faction is barely suppressed self-satisfaction. They feel sure that their strategy for extinguishing principled conservatism is moving ahead as planned. They have already begun the process of determining which proven elitist faction avatar shall be the GOP's next "presumptive" (i.e., elitist faction dictated) nominee for president in 2016.
Because the principles of representative, constitutional, republican government are its heart, the extinction of principled conservatism portends the extinction of the American republic. People who embrace the rabid notion that politics has no substance but victory will pretend (in the face of Obama's "victory") that there is no course but left, toward the republic's demise; no choice for its mourners but to follow in the wake of the party, falsely labeled as Republican, that now exists mainly to ease its final passing. But there are Americans worthy of the name, still loyal to America's founding truths. Except for their strength there would be no GOP majority in Congress. Such people should take the GOP's impending obeisance to Obama for what it is — the clarion signal that now is the time for Americans of good faith to disenthrall themselves from the GOP/Democrat delusion. Now is the time to secede from the GOP/Democrat parties of dissipation. Now is the time to save the country from the elitist would-be tyrants who control them both.
"What better first step than to raise up a party avowedly, openly aimed at rallying the faithful? What better standard to raise than the disused but faithful banner of the Federalists, round which our founders rallied those who ratified the U.S. Constitution?"
To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at LoyalToLiberty.com and his commentary at WND.com and BarbWire.com.
© Alan KeyesThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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