Alan Keyes
What better message from election day?
By Alan Keyes
There is a phalanx of supposedly pro-life, conservative individuals and organizations helping to persuade conservative voters that Mitt Romney is pro-life; that he supports the God-endowed natural family; that he intends to respect the 2nd Amendment's protection of the people's right to keep and bear arms; that he will respect the natural rights of conscience; that he will repeal Obamacare; and so on. Readers of this column know that the evidence of Romney's actions, including things he has said and done during this election cycle, strongly challenges these assertions.
Let's assume that, with help from the positive expectations this phalanx of endorsers helps to create, Mitt Romney wins the presidential election. The preponderance of available evidence warrants the assumption that, contrary to these positive expectations, President Romney will then proceed to make decisions and policy proposals that advance the liberal/leftist/socialist agenda, as he has pretty uniformly done in the past. (For example, he has already started to walk away from the impression created during the primary election season that he intends to repeal Obamacare. Not long after being formally nominated, he talked instead about which parts of Obamacare he intends to keep in place. In the same interview, he cited favorably features of the socialist scheme put in place in Massachusetts when he was governor there.)
Given the facts, his conservative boosters can't simply deny the possibility that Romney will "revert-to-type." They claim that if he does so, we can "hold his feet to the fire." But a little clear thinking inevitably leads us to ask what fire these Romney boosters are likely to be kindling. Right now, the mercenary cohorts of Romney boosters, flush with the wages of their hire, are positioned to drown out the facts that cast doubt on their choruses of false praise for Romney's "conservative" views. Assuming that they are successful, a large proportion of the conservative voting base will go into the voting booth with the false impression that Romney is a conservative "savior" anxious to undo the damage Obama has inflicted on America's strength and spirit.
What will these supposedly conservative Romney endorsers do if and when he resumes his usual liberal/leftist/socialist demeanor? Will they turn to the grassroots people they helped to deceive, confess the error of their ways, and act as effective channels for their disappointed outrage? Fat chance! It's far more likely that they will soldier on as the hired hands of Romney's propaganda machine. It's far more likely that they will try to portray Romney's reversion-to liberal/leftist/socialist-type as "new conservatism," or "a refreshing era of bi-partisan co-operation," or "a statesmanlike promotion of unity and national consensus," etc., etc. (all phrases that connote the surrender of the conservative cause). Keeping the benefits they derive from their stalls in Romney's political stable won't be their only incentive to rationalize and extenuate the truth about Romney's resumption of socialism, however. By claiming that his reversion is some updated version of what it means to be "conservative," they will avoid having to explain why they failed to warn people of the record that makes his reversion to socialism entirely predictable. They will avoid the embarrassment of scrambling to find some way to salvage their lost credibility with the people who trusted their word and who will, justifiably, feel betrayed.
The problem with staking your future on deception is that in the future you must continue to deceive. For those "conservatives" intent on deception, nothing is quite so irritating as people who insist on speaking the truth. So the Romney cohorts will seek to silence conservatives who dare to offer a true assessment of Romney's resumption of his career-long socialist walk. They may or may not lend a hand as the Romney/Rove forces proceed systematically with the leadership purge exemplified by their efforts to destroy Todd Akin's campaign.
But will they lift a hand to oppose it?
So the would-be purveyors of truth are likely to be silenced. Yet it is the people at large who will pay the ultimate price for what is perpetrated. As Romney continues to implement the elitist consensus in favor of socialism, the elitist faction will press forward with its assault against the sovereignty of the American people. Deprived of the information needed to rouse them in its defense, they will all too meekly surrender it.
When people wake up to the true magnitude of that surrender, they will burn with mingled outrage and shame: outrage at what has been done to them; shame at what, in their ignorance and gullibility, they have done to future generations. It will be a King Lear moment, a surge of impotent rage and grief, as the truth of their lost sovereignty is driven home; and as the night of humankind's renewed oppression falls, obscuring even the memory of republican liberty.
What if, instead of letting themselves be gulled and then openly betrayed, authentic conservatives awakened in time to the prospect of that betrayal? What if they spread the word to make provision against it by withholding their consent from the charade that sets them up for it? What if they demonstrated the depth and seriousness of their conviction in a simple, united effort to reject the rabid ideologue openly committed to tyranny over them (Obama) and boycott the unprincipled lip-server offered as their conservative "savior" (Romney)? What if instead, they voted en masse for "Platform Republicans," thus rallying around a record of Republican platforms that confirms, in principle, the requirements of America's continued self-government?
Easily predictable betrayal is in store for principled conservatives, no matter how the election for president goes. Only two things are required for voters to prepare the strength and confidence they will need to thwart it: 1) Spread the link The Platform Republican Approach to the 2012 election that people can use to read and consider the Platform Republican approach; b) Follow the simple voting pattern it entails. Except for the resources of your own spirit, will, and common sense, no tools or resources are required to implement this approach beyond the ones that allow you to read this page.
When the smoke clears on election day, which message do you think will better serve the survival of America's liberty: the unchallenged false pretense that Mitt Romney is a strong conservative whose election will "save America" (i.e., the socialist mess the elitists have made of it); or the palpable proof that there is a decisive bloc of principled conservatives who are independent in mind and strong good will. And that they are determined to conserve the principles of God-endowed right that are the strong foundation for America as it ought to be and as, by returning to its God-acknowledging foundation, it can be again.
[Will you say no to Obama? Will you say no to Romney? Will you say no to socialism, whatever party label it wears? Will you join in giving an unmistakable, visible political mandate to the GOP "Platform Republicans"? If you will consider the "Platform Republican" voter strategy for the 2012 election, just send me an email at alan@loyaltoliberty.com. Put "Yes I will" in the subject line. No further message is needed. Of course, your additional thoughts and suggestions will be welcomed. As the implementation of this approach develops, I'll send email updates to the reply address you use. Also, please share this idea with others so they can consider it for themselves.]
September 27, 2012
There is a phalanx of supposedly pro-life, conservative individuals and organizations helping to persuade conservative voters that Mitt Romney is pro-life; that he supports the God-endowed natural family; that he intends to respect the 2nd Amendment's protection of the people's right to keep and bear arms; that he will respect the natural rights of conscience; that he will repeal Obamacare; and so on. Readers of this column know that the evidence of Romney's actions, including things he has said and done during this election cycle, strongly challenges these assertions.
Let's assume that, with help from the positive expectations this phalanx of endorsers helps to create, Mitt Romney wins the presidential election. The preponderance of available evidence warrants the assumption that, contrary to these positive expectations, President Romney will then proceed to make decisions and policy proposals that advance the liberal/leftist/socialist agenda, as he has pretty uniformly done in the past. (For example, he has already started to walk away from the impression created during the primary election season that he intends to repeal Obamacare. Not long after being formally nominated, he talked instead about which parts of Obamacare he intends to keep in place. In the same interview, he cited favorably features of the socialist scheme put in place in Massachusetts when he was governor there.)
Given the facts, his conservative boosters can't simply deny the possibility that Romney will "revert-to-type." They claim that if he does so, we can "hold his feet to the fire." But a little clear thinking inevitably leads us to ask what fire these Romney boosters are likely to be kindling. Right now, the mercenary cohorts of Romney boosters, flush with the wages of their hire, are positioned to drown out the facts that cast doubt on their choruses of false praise for Romney's "conservative" views. Assuming that they are successful, a large proportion of the conservative voting base will go into the voting booth with the false impression that Romney is a conservative "savior" anxious to undo the damage Obama has inflicted on America's strength and spirit.
What will these supposedly conservative Romney endorsers do if and when he resumes his usual liberal/leftist/socialist demeanor? Will they turn to the grassroots people they helped to deceive, confess the error of their ways, and act as effective channels for their disappointed outrage? Fat chance! It's far more likely that they will soldier on as the hired hands of Romney's propaganda machine. It's far more likely that they will try to portray Romney's reversion-to liberal/leftist/socialist-type as "new conservatism," or "a refreshing era of bi-partisan co-operation," or "a statesmanlike promotion of unity and national consensus," etc., etc. (all phrases that connote the surrender of the conservative cause). Keeping the benefits they derive from their stalls in Romney's political stable won't be their only incentive to rationalize and extenuate the truth about Romney's resumption of socialism, however. By claiming that his reversion is some updated version of what it means to be "conservative," they will avoid having to explain why they failed to warn people of the record that makes his reversion to socialism entirely predictable. They will avoid the embarrassment of scrambling to find some way to salvage their lost credibility with the people who trusted their word and who will, justifiably, feel betrayed.
The problem with staking your future on deception is that in the future you must continue to deceive. For those "conservatives" intent on deception, nothing is quite so irritating as people who insist on speaking the truth. So the Romney cohorts will seek to silence conservatives who dare to offer a true assessment of Romney's resumption of his career-long socialist walk. They may or may not lend a hand as the Romney/Rove forces proceed systematically with the leadership purge exemplified by their efforts to destroy Todd Akin's campaign.
But will they lift a hand to oppose it?
So the would-be purveyors of truth are likely to be silenced. Yet it is the people at large who will pay the ultimate price for what is perpetrated. As Romney continues to implement the elitist consensus in favor of socialism, the elitist faction will press forward with its assault against the sovereignty of the American people. Deprived of the information needed to rouse them in its defense, they will all too meekly surrender it.
When people wake up to the true magnitude of that surrender, they will burn with mingled outrage and shame: outrage at what has been done to them; shame at what, in their ignorance and gullibility, they have done to future generations. It will be a King Lear moment, a surge of impotent rage and grief, as the truth of their lost sovereignty is driven home; and as the night of humankind's renewed oppression falls, obscuring even the memory of republican liberty.
What if, instead of letting themselves be gulled and then openly betrayed, authentic conservatives awakened in time to the prospect of that betrayal? What if they spread the word to make provision against it by withholding their consent from the charade that sets them up for it? What if they demonstrated the depth and seriousness of their conviction in a simple, united effort to reject the rabid ideologue openly committed to tyranny over them (Obama) and boycott the unprincipled lip-server offered as their conservative "savior" (Romney)? What if instead, they voted en masse for "Platform Republicans," thus rallying around a record of Republican platforms that confirms, in principle, the requirements of America's continued self-government?
Easily predictable betrayal is in store for principled conservatives, no matter how the election for president goes. Only two things are required for voters to prepare the strength and confidence they will need to thwart it: 1) Spread the link The Platform Republican Approach to the 2012 election that people can use to read and consider the Platform Republican approach; b) Follow the simple voting pattern it entails. Except for the resources of your own spirit, will, and common sense, no tools or resources are required to implement this approach beyond the ones that allow you to read this page.
When the smoke clears on election day, which message do you think will better serve the survival of America's liberty: the unchallenged false pretense that Mitt Romney is a strong conservative whose election will "save America" (i.e., the socialist mess the elitists have made of it); or the palpable proof that there is a decisive bloc of principled conservatives who are independent in mind and strong good will. And that they are determined to conserve the principles of God-endowed right that are the strong foundation for America as it ought to be and as, by returning to its God-acknowledging foundation, it can be again.
[Will you say no to Obama? Will you say no to Romney? Will you say no to socialism, whatever party label it wears? Will you join in giving an unmistakable, visible political mandate to the GOP "Platform Republicans"? If you will consider the "Platform Republican" voter strategy for the 2012 election, just send me an email at alan@loyaltoliberty.com. Put "Yes I will" in the subject line. No further message is needed. Of course, your additional thoughts and suggestions will be welcomed. As the implementation of this approach develops, I'll send email updates to the reply address you use. Also, please share this idea with others so they can consider it for themselves.]
To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at LoyalToLiberty.com and his commentary at WND.com and BarbWire.com.
© Alan KeyesThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
(See RenewAmerica's publishing standards.)