Donald Hank
Donald Trump, you're HIRED!
By Donald Hank
Click on the link, scroll down and click on the arrowhead pointing to Donald Trump. Listen:
This interview between Meredith Vieira and Donald Trump is a game changer.
Now mind you, I had always thought of Donald Trump as an immoral man who should not be president. I absolutely detest gambling and casinos, and he is invested in them up to the eyeballs.
But yet, Trump is saying politically incorrect things here that no other politician has dared to utter since Reagan. I was amazed and am humbled.
If you are still skeptical, take a look at who else is out there.
Romney is more of a Democrat than a GOPer and many conservatives will stay home if he runs.
He birthed the idea of Obamacare and racked up huge debts for his state as governor. He also forced "gay" marriage down the throats of his constituents. We can't talk about him.
Ok, so let's compare Trump with Mike Huckabee.
Huck is a nice, gentle outspoken pro-life Christian and has some musical talent. He is the darling of the Christian Right.
And yet, Huckabee can't seem to come out and say we can't let illegal aliens overrun us because illegal behavior is wrong and that illegals are crowding our federal prisons and using too many public services while not paying much into these services; that they also introduce enormous amounts of drugs into our country and bring violence in the form of street gangs and drug-related crimes. Instead he weeps over the kids of illegal aliens and says they deserve scholarships paid for by you. He doesn't want you to choose to help them with charitable giving. He wants you to pay with the proverbial gun of Big Government to your head.
In keeping with his soft heartedness, he pardoned a whole slew of convicts as governor, paved the way for big business to hire illegals in Arkansas and generally ran what many saw as a sanctuary state.
But worst of all, he said, during his last campaign, that he wanted to name Richard Haass, head of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), as his secretary of state. What's wrong with that, you ask?
Haass had just written and published a paper in which he said we need to "rethink sovereignty." Translation: nations, like the US, for example, should stop being sovereign and bow to the wishes of international organizations. One-world government, New World Order. That's Huck's dream, and you have no part in it.
In other words, same foreign policy as Obama's. Move over, grassroots, and make way for the technocrats. We'll tell you what's good for you — and what's Christian.
Ok, but maybe for you, Huck's pro-life position is the only issue. Fine, assume that Huck were president and made some stirring speeches about the sanctity of life. Swell. He might even manage to eliminate partial birth abortion.
But a few years down the line, after a succession of presidents all committed to the idea of eliminating sovereignty, we would be part of a North American Union (it's not far fetched. Bush tried to entangle us in a supranational organization called the Peace and Prosperity Partnership; cf: Jer 6:14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace. ). Most assuredly, this NAU would operate along the same lines as the European Union (EU), which has eliminated both sovereignty and the last vestiges of democratic rule in Europe. The European Commission makes all the important decisions, and guess what? They're not elected. They're named by other bureaucrats based on their devotion to the chic far-left anti-Western ideology that has held Europe in thrall for decades. (See the article by Sonya Porter on the workings of the EU Parliament).
So as a result of the anti-sovereignty policies of Huck and subsequent New World Order clones in government, the US eventually could no longer make meaningful decisions about its internal policies. Its legislatures and the Chief Executive would be puppets of a central supranational (North American) government. Your vote would be even more meaningless than it is now.
No matter how pro-life a president is, if he sells out America to the enemy, none of his pro-life ideas will ever make it off the drawing board.
So forget Huck.
Newt is another possibility, but I have already detailed why he is not a viable option.
But what about righteousness, you ask? That is a legitimate question, certainly. I would love to see the Donald come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. And you know what? Common sense is a very Biblical concept. It is in fact one of the greatest gifts of God. Ironically, in those terms, Trump sounds more biblical in what he says in that interview than any politician I have heard in a long time. He realilzes that a president's job is to serve the interests of the US, not the world. He knows that borders must be protected and that Mexicans are not entitled to our jobs. He knows that continuing to give all the jobs to the Chinese is suicidal and wants this trend reversed. He has said marriage is between a man and a woman. He knows, as a business man, that when your money has run out you need to stop spending and that there is no such thing as borrowing yourself out of a financial or economic crisis.
These are all things no president seems to have been aware of for decades.
Trump reminds me a little of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, a powerful man who was a non-believer at first but came to believe in the Living God of the Jews when he saw the miracles that God could perform, while his own gods failed.
Let's just watch and listen to this man very carefully in the next few months. I have not settled on a candidate at this point (despite the gushy title to my article), but given the illustrious assembly of losers in the hopeful list, Trump could be the least of all evils. But as the French say:
*In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Further reading: Kenyan governmnent says Obama born in Kenya, not native American:
*Dans le pays des aveugles, le borgne est roi.
© Donald Hank
April 8, 2011
Click on the link, scroll down and click on the arrowhead pointing to Donald Trump. Listen:
This interview between Meredith Vieira and Donald Trump is a game changer.
Now mind you, I had always thought of Donald Trump as an immoral man who should not be president. I absolutely detest gambling and casinos, and he is invested in them up to the eyeballs.
But yet, Trump is saying politically incorrect things here that no other politician has dared to utter since Reagan. I was amazed and am humbled.
If you are still skeptical, take a look at who else is out there.
Romney is more of a Democrat than a GOPer and many conservatives will stay home if he runs.
He birthed the idea of Obamacare and racked up huge debts for his state as governor. He also forced "gay" marriage down the throats of his constituents. We can't talk about him.
Ok, so let's compare Trump with Mike Huckabee.
Huck is a nice, gentle outspoken pro-life Christian and has some musical talent. He is the darling of the Christian Right.
And yet, Huckabee can't seem to come out and say we can't let illegal aliens overrun us because illegal behavior is wrong and that illegals are crowding our federal prisons and using too many public services while not paying much into these services; that they also introduce enormous amounts of drugs into our country and bring violence in the form of street gangs and drug-related crimes. Instead he weeps over the kids of illegal aliens and says they deserve scholarships paid for by you. He doesn't want you to choose to help them with charitable giving. He wants you to pay with the proverbial gun of Big Government to your head.
In keeping with his soft heartedness, he pardoned a whole slew of convicts as governor, paved the way for big business to hire illegals in Arkansas and generally ran what many saw as a sanctuary state.
But worst of all, he said, during his last campaign, that he wanted to name Richard Haass, head of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), as his secretary of state. What's wrong with that, you ask?
Haass had just written and published a paper in which he said we need to "rethink sovereignty." Translation: nations, like the US, for example, should stop being sovereign and bow to the wishes of international organizations. One-world government, New World Order. That's Huck's dream, and you have no part in it.
In other words, same foreign policy as Obama's. Move over, grassroots, and make way for the technocrats. We'll tell you what's good for you — and what's Christian.
Ok, but maybe for you, Huck's pro-life position is the only issue. Fine, assume that Huck were president and made some stirring speeches about the sanctity of life. Swell. He might even manage to eliminate partial birth abortion.
But a few years down the line, after a succession of presidents all committed to the idea of eliminating sovereignty, we would be part of a North American Union (it's not far fetched. Bush tried to entangle us in a supranational organization called the Peace and Prosperity Partnership; cf: Jer 6:14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace. ). Most assuredly, this NAU would operate along the same lines as the European Union (EU), which has eliminated both sovereignty and the last vestiges of democratic rule in Europe. The European Commission makes all the important decisions, and guess what? They're not elected. They're named by other bureaucrats based on their devotion to the chic far-left anti-Western ideology that has held Europe in thrall for decades. (See the article by Sonya Porter on the workings of the EU Parliament).
So as a result of the anti-sovereignty policies of Huck and subsequent New World Order clones in government, the US eventually could no longer make meaningful decisions about its internal policies. Its legislatures and the Chief Executive would be puppets of a central supranational (North American) government. Your vote would be even more meaningless than it is now.
No matter how pro-life a president is, if he sells out America to the enemy, none of his pro-life ideas will ever make it off the drawing board.
So forget Huck.
Newt is another possibility, but I have already detailed why he is not a viable option.
But what about righteousness, you ask? That is a legitimate question, certainly. I would love to see the Donald come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. And you know what? Common sense is a very Biblical concept. It is in fact one of the greatest gifts of God. Ironically, in those terms, Trump sounds more biblical in what he says in that interview than any politician I have heard in a long time. He realilzes that a president's job is to serve the interests of the US, not the world. He knows that borders must be protected and that Mexicans are not entitled to our jobs. He knows that continuing to give all the jobs to the Chinese is suicidal and wants this trend reversed. He has said marriage is between a man and a woman. He knows, as a business man, that when your money has run out you need to stop spending and that there is no such thing as borrowing yourself out of a financial or economic crisis.
These are all things no president seems to have been aware of for decades.
Trump reminds me a little of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, a powerful man who was a non-believer at first but came to believe in the Living God of the Jews when he saw the miracles that God could perform, while his own gods failed.
Let's just watch and listen to this man very carefully in the next few months. I have not settled on a candidate at this point (despite the gushy title to my article), but given the illustrious assembly of losers in the hopeful list, Trump could be the least of all evils. But as the French say:
*In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Further reading: Kenyan governmnent says Obama born in Kenya, not native American:
*Dans le pays des aveugles, le borgne est roi.
© Donald Hank
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