Armand C. Hale
More than the start of summer
By Armand C. Hale
May 30, 2011

Over the past century more than 35 million men and women answered the call to arms in World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Iraq, and countless unnamed military engagements. More than half a million of them never came home. Some died in battle. Others in captivity. All died too soon. Recent military action in Afghanistan and Iraq has offered fresh reminders of the human reality of war. Ordinary men and women leaving homes and families and all they know to risk their lives for an ideal of honor, or duty, or just to protect the soldier next to them. People of patriotism and goodwill may debate the merits of any given war, police action, or humanitarian mission. But there should be no debate about our debt to the hundreds of thousands of our citizens who have given the ultimate sacrifice of their lives heeding the nation's call to service. Memorial Day is more than the start of summer. It is a chance to pause and remember the sacrifices. Remember the gallantry and bravery. Remember the fallen. Source: From

The Graduates Who Will Never Be

Graduation season is upon us. A time of recognizing accomplishments, celebrating milestones and looking forward to futures filled with promise. In the midst of all this, let us not forget one very important truth. Over a million children per grade level throughout the nation would have been with us had they not been killed by abortion. That is right. Over a million members of each graduating class this year have been legally destroyed! Let us take a moment to reflect in prayerful remembrance of our fellow students who have been lost from abortion. We do not condemn those who felt they had to do this. Rather we weep with them now. Join a respect life ministry. Donate to the "Gabriel Project." And pray for the day when the most frail and vulnerable lives will enjoy the same protection the rest of us do. (JMJ)

From blogger Errol Phillips

"In addition to an independent audit of the Federal Reserve I think an independent audit of the IMF/World Bank is in order. As the USA is a large contributor to the IMF. I think that we paid a giant portion of the salary for the scum bag socialist now awaiting trial in NYC and many others like him."

"If I had any power, I would eliminate Rove from Fox. He is not helpful. They call him the "architect." Architect of what? What great plan did he inflict on us mortals?"

"Why do Jews vote for Obama? Because they are JINO's. Yes that's right. A great Article by Ben Shapiro explains this mystery in easy everyday language. Here is a bit from the article":

'Jews who vote for Obama are, by and large, Jews In Name Only (JINOs). They eat bagels and lox; they watch "Schindler's List"; they visit temple on Yom Kippur — sometimes. But they do not care about Israel. Or if they do, they care about it less than abortion, homosexual marriage and global warming'.
Click here to read the Article.

From "Conrad the Patriot"

"China has officially put the United States on notice that Washington's planned attack on Pakistan will be interpreted as an act of aggression against Beijing. This blunt warning represents the first known strategic ultimatum received by the United States in half a century, going back to Soviet warnings during the Berlin crisis of 1958-1961, and indicates the grave danger of general war growing out of the US-Pakistan confrontation."

"Knowledge is, in every country, the surest basis of public happiness."

George Washington, First Annual Message, 1790

An Open Letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu from "Mr. T" in Texas.

Mr. Prime Minister,

"As an average, true born American Citizen who has never changed their citizenship, I must relay to you that our so called President does not speak for a majority of true Americans. I am referencing his latest salvo at Israel of returning to the pre 1967 borders that would give the Palestinians a strategic and tactical advantage over your country. Patton once said " I don't like paying for the same real estate twice." This real estate has been paid for in the blood of your people and makes no sense to give it up. Know that we true Americans support Israel and its continuing struggles with your enemies. We fully understand how our alliance with Israel has provided a stable ally who is strong in their beliefs and their belief that the US will always stand by them. We understand that these pre-borders are not in the best security interests of your country and only someone who is intent on contributing to the destruction of Israel would make such a statement. He stands not for liberty and justice that both our countries are vested in, but for socialist propaganda and furthering your enemies agendas. Pay no attention to him, for what he says is nothing more than the wind blowing by.

Who Mr. Sotero speaks for is mostly contradictory to the beliefs of us Americans. As a closet Muslim, He speaks for the Palestinians, the Muslim nations, his socialist and Marxist cronies. But he does not speak for the American people.

We the American people speak for ourselves and we speak now...we will stand by Israel just as Israel has stood by us since becoming a nation. I for one, appreciate all that your country has done for us and can only hope our two countries will continue our strong relationship despite the ignorance of some of our leaders."


An American Citizen

Battle Escalates in Wisconsin

Wisconsin state court judges stopped implementation of these crucial reforms, and union-label lawyers are hoping it's only a matter of time until the entire law is completely GUTTED. While it's vital Governor Walker defend the law in the courts, we must make sure he won't be alone! Please respond today by signing the Declaration of Support to Governor Scott Walker and chipping in with a tax-deductible contribution. Source: The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation.

Victory in Minnesota!

The Minnesota House of Representatives voted 70-62 in a bipartisan majority to let the people of Minnesota vote on a constitutional amendment to protect marriage. Following passage in the Senate earlier this month, the amendment now heads to the 2012 statewide ballot to be voted on by Minnesota voters. Click here to send a message thanking your state legislators now! Many of these senators and representatives have been under intense pressure in recent weeks, as same-sex marriage advocates have tried to peel away the votes needed to defeat the amendment. Let them know they did the right thing in trusting their constituents to have the final say on marriage. Source: Brian S. Brown, President, National Organization for Marriage

Official Ballot to Stop the Gun Grabbers

The gun grabbers think that they can manipulate the Supreme Court Judges the same way they do Congressmen and the media. And with Mayor Bloomberg's personal fortune of billions of dollars, they may just be right. And the truth is that without your help for the Second Amendment Foundation's important work, they probably can. Remember, the anti-gunners are raising tens of thousands of dollars to steal this victory from us — we need your support now to help stop them dead in their tracks! Source: Alan M. Gottlieb, Founder, Second Amendment Foundation.

President Obama forgets Protocol for Queen. Click link to view video, then come back here and post your thoughts! Discussion posted by Teri Anderson: This is hilarious!

Obama Appoints His 33rd Czar and The Constitution Cringes

So Congress De-funds a few Czars and Obama appoints more. Ridiculous! What do you think about this? We recommend that you contact your members of Congress! Blog post link: Obama Appoints His 33rd Czar and The Constitution Cringes.

Local Recall Efforts underway on SB1070 Author, State Senator Pearce

Tell us what you think about this recall...and your opinion in general on this article by Darla Dawald, National Director: Local Recall Efforts underway on sb1070Œs Author, State Senator Pearce: Local Recall Efforts underway on sb1070Œs Author, State Senator Pearce

Globalism Destroys America: 10 Reasons Why The World Trade Organization Is Bad For The United States Economy

Check out the discussion 'Globalism Destroys America: 10 Reasons Why The World Trade Organization Is Bad For The United States Economy. Tell us your Globalism destroying us? Discussion link: Globalism Destroys America: 10 Reasons Why The World Trade Organization Is Bad For The United States Economy Sources:

Open Borders Wiki Leaks Scandal Spreads With Your Help

Thanks to your efforts, our ground-breaking release regarding Wiki Leaks documents showing a high level government official secretly plotting the merger of nations on this continent is spreading! The secret document written by US Ambassador, John McCain, and prior Governor of Massachusetts, Paul Cellucci is a real smoking gun! It is imperative that we do all we can to help as many Americans as possible have access to this once secret information! The more people who understand that illegal immigration is part of a broader effort to subvert America, the better chance we have of stopping both illegal immigration and this union or integration plan. Please read, understand, circulate and send copies to your lawmakers, email contacts, local media, favorite talk radio shows, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Info Wars, Drudge Report, etc. Wiki Leaks: 'North American Initiative' No 'Theory' Push hard to get this news article out everywhere! Additional Article: Supreme Court upholds AZ law punishing employers who knowingly hire illegals Source: The ALIPAC Team My thoughts: Why the people of Arizona re-elected McCain I will never know. Lands Presidential Debate

This opportunity will allow us to host a Republican Presidential primary debate. In true Tea Party style, this debate will not be an ordinary debate controlled by the establishment media; this debate will be the FIRST PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE EVER HELD ON TWITTER! We are moving forward quickly, scheduling the debate for June 15th. We need your help to make this debate happen. Your support will be a part of history. Source: Todd Cefaratti, Freedom Organizer

2012 is very rapidly approaching us. We could lose everything. We have to control the primary process very early. Remember, our object is not to get along. Our object is to win! (JMJ)

© Armand C. Hale


The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
(See RenewAmerica's publishing standards.)

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Armand C. Hale

MSgt Armand C. Hale retired from the U.S. Air Force serving his country for over 23 years. His many tours of duty included the Republic of Korea, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the State of Qatar. He has a Bachelors degree in business & management and has written a book on his experiences in the country of Qatar. You can purchase his book at and Lulu Books.


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