Armand C. Hale
No rest for the weary
By Armand C. Hale
February 7, 2011

Here is more informational items saturating my e-mail sources as I prepared to write about topics from the front burners of the non-main-stream-media. Some of this news and information will make you mad, sick, crazy or maybe all three. (JMJ)

NOM National Newsletter February 3, 2011

So much is happening — in Rhode Island, Maryland, Wyoming, and even New Mexico, where a bill to block recognition of out-of-state same-sex marriage was introduced. To see and hear our new Rhode Island radio ad click here! But the heart of the marriage debate this week moved to Iowa. The Iowa House voted overwhelmingly (62 to 37!) to refer the question of marriage to the people of Iowa — to give Iowa citizens the right to decide whether or not homosexual marriage should be part of Iowa's constitution. And also this week, over in the Iowa Senate one man — one man, vowed to stand between Iowans and the voting booth! Senate majority leader Mike Gronstal (D-Council Bluffs).

Gronstal vows to prevent a vote on a marriage amendment because he says it's not about him: "It's about a significant portion of the citizens of this state that some people say shouldn't have the same rights that everybody else does," he said. In other words, it's about you: You will vote wrong because of your wrong values, your ugly motives, your illegitimate vision for marriage. It's rare for an elected official to describe (even implicitly) the citizens of his own state in such dark terms. Source: Brian S. Brown, President, National Organization for Marriage

This will really frustrate liberals and a few RINOs too, probably!

Tea Party Express has been working hard to be an unstoppable force in Washington, and to build upon the incredible momentum & tea party movement already has going for it. The Tea Party Express will host a first-ever "Tea Party Town Hall." But we have to do much more than holding our leaders in D.C. accountable. We have to get more people elected who will respect the will of the American people and the tea party movement. The Tea Party Express is about to launch their latest "Target List" for the upcoming Congressional elections. We must add more tea party supporters to both the House and Senate and we can only do this with your help and support. We need to build a massive war chest to win more campaigns for constitutional conservatives. Please help us with a contribution. Source:

A U.S. Representative From YOUR State Promised To Stop Birthright Citizenship But Hasn't Tried

Thanks to all of you who sent faxes from your Action Board the last 24 hours. And thanks to all of you who have been phoning the offices of U.S. Representatives, urging them to immediately sign onto , H.R. 140 introduced by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) a full month ago. H.R. 140 would stop the practice of giving U.S. citizenship when both parents are illegal aliens or foreign tourists. Be sure you have taken advantage of all action opportunities at: 202-224-3121 or here. Source: Numbers-USA.

8 Million Illegal Aliens Still in U.S. Jobs

All federal and state enforcement efforts against illegal immigration the last year failed to reduce the number of illegal aliens holding U.S. jobs and keeping unemployed Americans from having them, according to a Pew Hispanic Center study released this week. In the few states that have seriously implemented their own mandatory E-Verify laws, the number of illegal aliens has declined. But the annual count of illegal aliens by Pew indicated that the illegal foreign workers are mainly moving to lax-enforcement states and taking jobs there. Thus, the number of jobs held nationally by illegal aliens remained steady at 8 million. The answer, of course, is to make E-Verify mandatory nationally (through Congress) or greatly increase the number of states doing so. But time is running out in several states as their short legislature session head to a close for the year. Source: Numbers-USA

Need an Immediate & Strong Boost

We only have 24 days remaining in our first funds drive of 2011. As of today, we have only raised $11,000 of the $40,000 we must raise to meet our minimal operations budget. Please take immediate action to donate to help us prevail in 2011. You can donate to Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) now by credit card or Pay-pal via our online secure donations page. Source:

Interesting Perspective On The TEA Party by Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin ran as the Constitution Party Presidential candidate in 2008. About 10 minutes into the interview, he has some interesting thoughts on the TEA Party, and some words of caution too. Source: by Chuck Baldwin.

Madison Theatre Company: Angry At Arizona and Tea Party?

Check out the discussion "Madison Theatre Company: Angry At Arizona and Tea Party? Come Watch Us Kill Some Conservatives! by Dan Riehl." An apparently liberal theatre group in Madison, Wisconsin, is playing victim in response to pushback they've gotten for putting on a play that has liberal grad students murdering "right-wingers. Let me know your thoughts to Madison and the Director. Discussion posted by Darla, ADMIN / National Director: Review posting here.

Should Congress raise the debt ceiling? Congress is moving quickly toward a showdown over whether or not to raise the debt ceiling.

The vote over raising the debt ceiling will be the first critical test of the new Congress. Will Republicans take action to stop runaway spending or will uncontrolled deficits continue? Grassfire Nation wants citizens like you to have a direct voice in this debate. That is why we are making it possible for you to express your voice directly to Congress on this crucial issue.

Where do YOU stand on raising the debt ceiling? What do YOU think of promises from politicians to cut future spending? Would YOU support a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? Grassfire will compile the results of this nationwide "Citizen Survey On Our Federal Debt" and deliver them to members of the new Congress. Go here to complete your survey right here: Source: Grass Fire Nation. I say DON'T raise the ceiling!

Disturbing: Barack Obama Empowers Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

As the Middle East continues to be racked with uncertainty and chaos, news reports have surfaced indicating that Barack Obama's administration is pressuring Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to hand over control to a new regime that would include the radical Islamic group known as "The Muslim Brotherhood." Please, support our efforts to Defeat Barack Obama: CONTRIBUTE NOW — CLICK HERE Source: Our Country Deserves Better.

Wiki Leaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets

The US secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Britain's nuclear deterrent to persuade them to sign a key treaty, The Daily Telegraph can disclose. Please read. SICK! Source:

Don't allow Congress to forget about FCC power-grab

The Federal Communications Commission bypassed government regulations and seized control of the Internet, delivering what many believe is a knockout blow to one of the last, great free-market frontiers our nation and the world has ever seen. Earlier this week, communications giant Verizon was the first to file suit against the FCC, challenging their 'Net Neutrality ruling and alleging that the FCC has overstepped its bounds. Regardless of the legal challenges, right now the FCC has license to regulate the Internet and is already threatening to stifle the $30 billion annually that investors pour into Internet development and advancement and hundreds of thousands of jobs.

But as bad as that all sounds, the Heritage Foundation suggests that's just the tip of the iceberg as the FCC would inevitably be drawn into debates regarding Web content! Radically increased government control, a loss of free-market investment opportunities, monumental job loss, and a further eroding of Free Speech rights, could be in store for Americans if citizens don't make this a key issue on Capitol Hill. Together we must work to keep the issue on radar-screens throughout Capitol Hill. But your help is badly needed to take a stand right now by clicking here. Source: Grass Fire Nation.

Arizona Rancher Ordered by Court to Pay Undocumented Immigrants for Holding Them at Gunpoint

Wow! This is unbelievable! Published February 04, 2011 AP The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a lower court's ruling ordering an Arizona rancher to pay damages to unauthorized immigrants he held at gunpoint in 2004. Source

Obama and Imam Rauf Connection?

In previous reports researched by the Walid Shoebat Foundation, it was revealed that Imam Rauf has made statements in the Arabic language while appearing on Arabic media outlets that completely contradict his moderate tone when speaking English, exposing him as a direct supporter of terrorism, both financially and verbally. Source:

Stay permanently active in politics. Do not lose all the ground and let the socialist/communist back in control of Congress. Be vigilant, do not be arrogant, be humble. Pray for God's help of good against evil. We must ask God's mercy and repent of our sins. God will not deny his mercy. The greater the sinner, the more right you have to his mercy. God is not a liar. Trust in his mercy. That pleasing God the most. Amen.

© Armand C. Hale


The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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Armand C. Hale

MSgt Armand C. Hale retired from the U.S. Air Force serving his country for over 23 years. His many tours of duty included the Republic of Korea, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the State of Qatar. He has a Bachelors degree in business & management and has written a book on his experiences in the country of Qatar. You can purchase his book at and Lulu Books.


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