Linda Goudsmit
David and Goliath in the court of public opinion
By Linda Goudsmit
The Goliath narrative in 1 Samuel 17 opens with the Philistine army gathered for war against Israel.
"Saul and the Israelites are facing the Philistines in the Valley of Elah. Twice a day for 40 days, morning and evening, Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, comes out between the lines and challenges the Israelites to send out a champion of their own to decide the outcome in single combat, but Saul is afraid. David, bringing food for his elder brothers, hears that Goliath has defied the armies of God and of the reward from Saul to the one who defeats him, and accepts the challenge. Saul reluctantly agrees and offers his armor, which David declines, taking only his staff, sling and five stones from a brook."
David and Goliath, perhaps the greatest underdog story ever told, is the biblical saga of the young Israelite shepherd David challenging the giant Philistine Goliath. Tales of this long shot contest have thrilled audiences since biblical times because it features the arrogance of the unbeatable, armored "sure thing" against the boldness of the challenger armed only with a sling shot.
David is not intimidated when the towering, smug giant criticizes, taunts, insults, threatens, and laughs at him. So it is in politics!
Today the deep state giant Goliath has waged war against America and the only American with the courage to stand against this behemoth to preserve and protect the nation is unlikely combatant President Donald J. Trump.
Since announcing himself as a presidential candidate on June 15, 2016, President Trump has been the target of the well-defended, smug, seemingly indestructible deep state Goliath. The deep state and the colluding mainstream media have maligned him, criticized him, insulted him, threatened him, laughed at him, lied about him, lied to him, and now are desperately relying on philistine swamp-denizen Robert Mueller to provide a damning report – just before the midterm elections – that will finally succeed in destroying him.
Mueller's "investigation" has lasted 18 months, cost taxpayers $20 million dollars, and has not yielded a solitary shred of evidence that President Trump colluded with Russians or obstructed justice. In fact, Mueller's investigation has boomeranged and is now exposing the staggering illegal soft coup waged against POTUS by deep state ex-president Obama and his politicized administration to first delegitimize candidate Trump and then to overthrow him as a president.
Why would the Deep State risk prolonging the Mueller investigation? Why does the "investigation" still exist?
Its entire reason for being is to empower the court of public opinion and swing the midterm elections in favor of Democrats. If the Republicans lose the House in November they will also lose the chairmanships of key committees – impeachment proceedings against POTUS will commence and Mueller's investigation will cease. Mueller arrogantly believes he can run out the clock by slow-walking Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests that expose Obama and the deep state involvement in the coup against President Trump.
Mueller is not overseeing a proper nonpartisan investigation – he is trying a case in the court of public opinion with the enthusiastic cooperation of the colluding mainstream media and Internet media giants with a stake in the outcome. Just before the midterms Mueller will predictably present a scathing report about the President to the public. Mueller will indict without an indictment and suggest that voters express their outrage at the polls.
A midterm victory for Democrats will freeze efforts at transparency in Congress lead by Devin Nunes (R-CA) chair of the House Intelligence Committee, and Jim Jordan (R-OH) Committee on Government Oversight and Reform. Together Nunes and Jordan have been exposing the stunning improprieties of Mueller and his investigators including irregularities, improprieties, illegalities, and outright crimes committed by members of the Obama regime.
Mueller's staff of liars, leakers, and liberals are acting in collusion with current swampster-in-chief Rod Rosenstein to topple the President of the United States! They are described by Judge Jeanine Pirro in her newly released book Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy which details the unprecedented levels of their malfeasance and how they are all trying desperately to stay out of prison themselves!
The principals in this drama knew from the very beginning that there was no "there there" – no collusion and no obstruction but that was never Mueller's mission. Mueller is the finisher charged with poisoning public opinion with innuendo, rumor, speculation, and deliberate misrepresentation to swing the midterm elections against President Trump. The leakers are colluding with the mainstream media to paint a portrait of corruption where they know that none exists. It is character assassination – political murder without bullets.
So, why is President Donald J. Trump such a threat to the status quo? Why is Goliath even challenging David?
Because President Trump is committed to the Constitution and the rule of law which makes him the archenemy of the deep state. President Trump is an America-first patriot who believes in American strength, sovereignty, and defensible borders. He has said many times that we have no country without borders. Christopher Harris, executive director of Unhyphenated America, lists three things that define a nation:
The leftist/Islamist alliance in contemporary American politics represented by the leftist Democrat party threatens all three foundational elements that define our nation.
The left is financed and fomented by the globalist elite deep state who publicly reject borders, language, culture, and laws. They fully intend to impose an internationalized, universal one world government with one world marketplace after a socialized America provides them with total government control. The left's romanticized oneness includes one world without borders, one language, one culture, one set of laws, and one universal educational curriculum that prepares its students to be global citizens.
The Islamists are financed and fomented by the oil rich sharia loving Muslim countries who fully intend to re-establish the Islamic caliphate and impose sharia law worldwide. Together they represent the monolithic giant Goliath in our metaphor.
They are the twin enemies waging war against the nation and President Donald Trump is the unlikely David that is standing against this monolithic giant armed with only five stones and a slingshot. Let's examine them.
The first stone – the economy. President Trump's bold economic policy has produced a booming 4% GDP in only 18 months in office.
The second stone – foreign policy. President Trump's fearless unapologetic America-first foreign policy embraces our allies and penalizes our enemies. He has:
The fourth stone – bravely renegotiating international agreements so that they are favorable to the USA. This includes renegotiating NAFTA with Mexico and Canada to follow, walking away from TPP and the Paris Accord, and insisting that all NATO countries pay the obligatory 3% GDP for their national defense.
The fifth stone – transparency is the most powerful of all. The fatal strike that will bring down Goliath is the exposure of Barack Obama's criminal participation in the coup to overthrow a sitting president of the United States. It is treason.
At the end of the biblical story David hurls the final lethal stone from his sling hitting Goliath in the center of his forehead:
"After David strikes Goliath with the stone he runs to Goliath before he dies and Goliath says "Hurry and kill me and rejoice." and David replies "Before you die, open your eyes and see your slayer." Goliath sees an angel and tells David that it is not he who has killed him but the angel."
In our contemporary story the angel is our beloved Constitution – no one is above the law including puppet-in-chief Barack Hussein Obama or the deep state who pulls his strings.
© Linda Goudsmit
August 26, 2018
The Goliath narrative in 1 Samuel 17 opens with the Philistine army gathered for war against Israel.
"Saul and the Israelites are facing the Philistines in the Valley of Elah. Twice a day for 40 days, morning and evening, Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, comes out between the lines and challenges the Israelites to send out a champion of their own to decide the outcome in single combat, but Saul is afraid. David, bringing food for his elder brothers, hears that Goliath has defied the armies of God and of the reward from Saul to the one who defeats him, and accepts the challenge. Saul reluctantly agrees and offers his armor, which David declines, taking only his staff, sling and five stones from a brook."
David and Goliath, perhaps the greatest underdog story ever told, is the biblical saga of the young Israelite shepherd David challenging the giant Philistine Goliath. Tales of this long shot contest have thrilled audiences since biblical times because it features the arrogance of the unbeatable, armored "sure thing" against the boldness of the challenger armed only with a sling shot.
David is not intimidated when the towering, smug giant criticizes, taunts, insults, threatens, and laughs at him. So it is in politics!
Today the deep state giant Goliath has waged war against America and the only American with the courage to stand against this behemoth to preserve and protect the nation is unlikely combatant President Donald J. Trump.
Since announcing himself as a presidential candidate on June 15, 2016, President Trump has been the target of the well-defended, smug, seemingly indestructible deep state Goliath. The deep state and the colluding mainstream media have maligned him, criticized him, insulted him, threatened him, laughed at him, lied about him, lied to him, and now are desperately relying on philistine swamp-denizen Robert Mueller to provide a damning report – just before the midterm elections – that will finally succeed in destroying him.
Mueller's "investigation" has lasted 18 months, cost taxpayers $20 million dollars, and has not yielded a solitary shred of evidence that President Trump colluded with Russians or obstructed justice. In fact, Mueller's investigation has boomeranged and is now exposing the staggering illegal soft coup waged against POTUS by deep state ex-president Obama and his politicized administration to first delegitimize candidate Trump and then to overthrow him as a president.
Why would the Deep State risk prolonging the Mueller investigation? Why does the "investigation" still exist?
Its entire reason for being is to empower the court of public opinion and swing the midterm elections in favor of Democrats. If the Republicans lose the House in November they will also lose the chairmanships of key committees – impeachment proceedings against POTUS will commence and Mueller's investigation will cease. Mueller arrogantly believes he can run out the clock by slow-walking Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests that expose Obama and the deep state involvement in the coup against President Trump.
Mueller is not overseeing a proper nonpartisan investigation – he is trying a case in the court of public opinion with the enthusiastic cooperation of the colluding mainstream media and Internet media giants with a stake in the outcome. Just before the midterms Mueller will predictably present a scathing report about the President to the public. Mueller will indict without an indictment and suggest that voters express their outrage at the polls.
A midterm victory for Democrats will freeze efforts at transparency in Congress lead by Devin Nunes (R-CA) chair of the House Intelligence Committee, and Jim Jordan (R-OH) Committee on Government Oversight and Reform. Together Nunes and Jordan have been exposing the stunning improprieties of Mueller and his investigators including irregularities, improprieties, illegalities, and outright crimes committed by members of the Obama regime.
Mueller's staff of liars, leakers, and liberals are acting in collusion with current swampster-in-chief Rod Rosenstein to topple the President of the United States! They are described by Judge Jeanine Pirro in her newly released book Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy which details the unprecedented levels of their malfeasance and how they are all trying desperately to stay out of prison themselves!
The principals in this drama knew from the very beginning that there was no "there there" – no collusion and no obstruction but that was never Mueller's mission. Mueller is the finisher charged with poisoning public opinion with innuendo, rumor, speculation, and deliberate misrepresentation to swing the midterm elections against President Trump. The leakers are colluding with the mainstream media to paint a portrait of corruption where they know that none exists. It is character assassination – political murder without bullets.
So, why is President Donald J. Trump such a threat to the status quo? Why is Goliath even challenging David?
Because President Trump is committed to the Constitution and the rule of law which makes him the archenemy of the deep state. President Trump is an America-first patriot who believes in American strength, sovereignty, and defensible borders. He has said many times that we have no country without borders. Christopher Harris, executive director of Unhyphenated America, lists three things that define a nation:
- borders
- language
- culture and laws
The leftist/Islamist alliance in contemporary American politics represented by the leftist Democrat party threatens all three foundational elements that define our nation.
The left is financed and fomented by the globalist elite deep state who publicly reject borders, language, culture, and laws. They fully intend to impose an internationalized, universal one world government with one world marketplace after a socialized America provides them with total government control. The left's romanticized oneness includes one world without borders, one language, one culture, one set of laws, and one universal educational curriculum that prepares its students to be global citizens.
The Islamists are financed and fomented by the oil rich sharia loving Muslim countries who fully intend to re-establish the Islamic caliphate and impose sharia law worldwide. Together they represent the monolithic giant Goliath in our metaphor.
They are the twin enemies waging war against the nation and President Donald Trump is the unlikely David that is standing against this monolithic giant armed with only five stones and a slingshot. Let's examine them.
The first stone – the economy. President Trump's bold economic policy has produced a booming 4% GDP in only 18 months in office.
The second stone – foreign policy. President Trump's fearless unapologetic America-first foreign policy embraces our allies and penalizes our enemies. He has:
- Withdrawn the US from the catastrophic Iranian deal.
- Reimposed sanctions on Iran.
- Challenged China on tariffs.
- Stopped funding to Pakistan.
- Reduced funding to the United Nations.
- Challenged Turkey with tariffs.
- Held unprecedented talks with Kim Jong-un of North Korea who has agreed to denuclearize his country.
- Imposed tariffs on North Korea until they meet their obligation to denuclearize.
- Imposed sanctions on Russia.
- Moved the United States embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem – making him the only US president with the courage and integrity to keep that familiar campaign promise.
The fourth stone – bravely renegotiating international agreements so that they are favorable to the USA. This includes renegotiating NAFTA with Mexico and Canada to follow, walking away from TPP and the Paris Accord, and insisting that all NATO countries pay the obligatory 3% GDP for their national defense.
The fifth stone – transparency is the most powerful of all. The fatal strike that will bring down Goliath is the exposure of Barack Obama's criminal participation in the coup to overthrow a sitting president of the United States. It is treason.
At the end of the biblical story David hurls the final lethal stone from his sling hitting Goliath in the center of his forehead:
"After David strikes Goliath with the stone he runs to Goliath before he dies and Goliath says "Hurry and kill me and rejoice." and David replies "Before you die, open your eyes and see your slayer." Goliath sees an angel and tells David that it is not he who has killed him but the angel."
In our contemporary story the angel is our beloved Constitution – no one is above the law including puppet-in-chief Barack Hussein Obama or the deep state who pulls his strings.
© Linda Goudsmit
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