Linda Goudsmit
The Democratic Party of Jihad
By Linda Goudsmit
June 26, 2017

The Democratic Party has gone on the offensive and adopted the strategies of Jihad to overthrow the government of President Donald Trump.

Former radical Muslima Isik Abla lists and describes the 8 types of jihad currently being waged against Western countries in their campaign to rule the world under Islam.

1. Population jihad

According to Abla "population jihad or cultural jihad" is the concept of populating the world with more Muslims than Christians, Jews or people of other religions or no religions. Abla said that this not only refers to the migration of Muslims and their invasion of foreign cultures, but it also is a call for Muslims already embedded in Western countries to have more children than non-Muslims.

The Democratic Party and its new religion of Liberalism supports mass migration of Muslims with hostile cultural norms and illegal immigration to swell the numbers of their intersectional resistance movement against President Trump. The new Democratic Party of jihad is a supremacist culture that tolerates only those who adhere to their left-wing liberal narrative of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism. They suppress freedom of speech through censorship, physical intimidation, and by interrupting and obstructing the expression of opposing points of view particularly on college campuses.

2. Media jihad

One of the most influential forms of jihad is "media jihad" which Abla said allows Muslims to influence the way Westerners think or feel about Islam and particular political candidates. Abla asserted that Muslims spend billions of dollars building partnerships with major television networks and other major media outlets.

"In the United States many media channels' partnerships are bought by Muslims. There are so many Muslims behind the scenes in power because they invest money. They invest billions into the Western world's media. You can take anything and make any person a monster or hero in the eyes of people through media. It is easy to manipulate and brainwash people through media. It is the easiest way and most powerful channel as a weapon. We saw it in the previous elections. We see it in the world. They can get you to believe anything about any candidate that they want you to believe."

She also said that one of the biggest media jihad initiatives is to promote the idea that "Islam is the religion of peace. Whoever says this is part of media jihad."

The globalists who own the mainstream media giants are all colluding in a very unAmerican attempt to overthrow the government of America-first President Trump and end American democracy. Their motive is the creation of an internationalized world which provides an unimpeded internationalized market for their products. Obama, the globalist elite's puppet, was groomed to be the globalist prince and Hillary was his designated legacy. Obama and Clinton were Saul Alinsky's most famous students. Their mission was to bring social chaos to America and transform our democracy into socialism. Socialism with its cradle-to-grave government control is the necessary condition before society can become part of an internationalized world and transformed into the globalist elite's plan for one-world government. President Trump is the single greatest threat to globalism and one-world government.

Globalism is the big lie of the 21st century. There is no social justice or income equality in one-world government only masters and slaves. The American people rejected Liberalism's narrative and surprised the globalists by voting for American democracy, American sovereignty, and America-first domestic and foreign policies. So what do the swamp creature do? They double-down on reporting of false accusations, frivolous lawsuits, and fake news in an attempt to topple our constitutionally elected President and destroy American democracy.

Media jihadis took a play from Obama's mentor socialist Saul Alinsky's 1971 manual Rules for Radicals. "Mock your opponent; there is little defense for mockery" – "Accuse them of doing what you do and of being who you are" – Rub raw the sores of discontent – "don't worry about how big and outrageous your lies sound; just keep repeating it often enough and long enough and it will come to be believed."

The Democratic Party relied on their unaware, compliant, disinformed supporters to rally around them and join their growing "resistance" movement. Facts were never checked, it was a repeat of Ben Rhodes' infamous Obama White House echo chamber that duped the public about the Iran deal. In a stunning admission of guilt Ben Rhodes admitted that the White House created an echo chamber of false information that was repeated incessantly by the mainstream media to elicit public support for the Iran deal.

President Trump has exposed the anti-American Iran deal for what it is – an illegal transfer of 1.7 billion dollars of US taxpayer money to the biggest state sponsor of terrorism on the planet. In that single deceitful move Obama resuscitated his beloved Iran's failing economy.

3. Education jihad

Another way in which Islam is trying to gain influence in the cultures of the Western world, Abla said, is by devout Muslims paying tuition for other Muslims to attend prestigious Western universities like Harvard, Yale, Oxford or Cambridge. "These are going to be the people of the future to be in high positions," she explained. "They pay their Harvard education, they pay Princeton, they pay Yale. We were shoveling money to this kind of educational Jihad so those people could be in high places in power to dictate what needs to happen in the Western world [and] to Islamize the Western world. This is an ideology type of Islam and I was part of that.

Education jihad has two parts. One is very powerful countries like Saudi Arabia, they invest into these colleges. They give millions of dollars a year. ... So they have a lot of saying into these colleges' curriculums. The other way is by sending these Muslim youths into these colleges. What happens is when they graduate, they don't have green cards but they have the highest chance of being hired by a company to get a green card."

The Democrat's educational jihad in America begins in elementary school where students are indoctrinated into Liberalism's tenets of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism. Instead of patriotism, honor, achievement, and self-determination their teachers inculcate them with the Leftist propaganda featuring American self-loathing and socialist ideology. Students are pressured toward conformity rather than creativity. They are taught that trying is the same as achieving and that all of them are butterflies. Group projects, group think, group assignments all in preparation of socialism.

The three pillars of American society God, government, and family are under attack by Liberalism's campaign of destruction. The hippies, socialists, and anarchists on campus in the 60s did not go quietly into the night. They graduated and reconstituted themselves as the parents, teachers, professors, administrators, politicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, script writers, media writers, computer data miners, and the heads of industries that are in positions of influence to implement their mission to destroy American democracy and replace it with socialism.

Liberalism's anti-American curriculum is provided courtesy of Tavistock Institute's network of foundations. Tavistock Institute for those who may not know began in England and was exported to the United States after WWII to destroy America from within. Tavistock turned the principles of Freudian psychology and the unconscious into instruments of mass psychology for mind control and propaganda. Tavistock is now a six billion dollar network of foundations whose goal is one-world government. The Tavistock formula includes deception, brainwashing, conditioning, peer pressure, revisionism, moral relativity, and echo chambers all designed for social engineering toward one-world government. The entire educational curriculum in the United States has been infected with Tavistock Institute indoctrination. The first priority for Education Secretary DeVos must be curriculum overhaul.

4. Economic jihad

Abla also discussed economic jihad or financial jihad. Much like media jihad, wealthy and influential radical Muslims are investing in various businesses, banks, stocks and properties in the Western world. The goal behind this kind of investing is to obtain power within the culture.

"Anywhere that you invest money, you have cultural power. Anywhere you are a shareholder, you have cultural power. You have a voice when you invest your money. That voice is the voice of Islam. When you invest your money in any field, you are basically buying people, you are basically buying companies. They are going to sooner or later going to mold into your ideology."

Jihad has been an intrinsic part of Islam since the 7th century. Islam has waxed and waned in socio-political influence over the centuries but the discovery of oil in the Middle East reversed Islam's decline and launched the modern extremely well funded campaign of jihad against the West. Jihadis went on a shopping spree buying Western politicians, university chairs (to establish Islamic studies departments), land for mosques (cultural centers), businesses, airlines, sophisticated weapons and expertise.

Economic jihadis also took a play from Obama's mentor socialist Saul Alinsky's 1971 manual Rules for Radicals. Alinsky instructed his revolutionaries to, "Stop throwing bombs and demonstrating, clean yourself up, cut your hair and put on a suit and get into the system and change it from within." The economic jihadis have cloaked themselves in Western garb and insinuated the Muslim Brotherhood operatives into every sphere of American life particularly where they have the most power and influence to do the greatest damage.

Barack Obama, the most lawless anti-American president ever to hold office was an Alinsky follower. When he campaigned on "hope and change" most Americans had no idea his goal was to destroy American democracy and replace it with socialism. Saul Alinsky wrote, "Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future." Alinsky described what America has become after eight years of Obama's anti-American, pro-Muslim, radical socialist policies. Obama supported all eight Islamic jihads as well as all eight Democratic Party jihads during his two terms and continues to publicly support them.

5. Physical jihad

Physical jihad, the war against infidels, is probably the most recognizable form of jihad because terrorist groups like the Islamic State, Boko Haram and others are constantly in the news as they continue to kill nonbelievers and dissenting Muslims in places like the Middle East and Africa and carry out attacks on soft targets in the West. Some Muslims are brainwashed into believing that Muslims are called to carry out wars against Christians, Jews and others until everyone dies or they become Muslims. Specifically, Abla pointed to Quran 2:171-173. They believe in ethnic cleansing. So when you ask about physical jihad, it is not only war and defense, it includes ethnic cleansing – genocide. Muslims are called to carry out jihad until everybody is either killed or recites the Muslim declaration of faith.

The Democratic Party was guilty of fomenting violence against Trump supporters at campaign rallies and now that he is President Trump they foment violence over social media, in print media, in classrooms, and on mainstream news programming. In a shocking display of hypocrisy politicians and pundits expressed support for a play that dramatizes the stabbing murder of President Trump nightly. Some Democrats even expressed support of the shooting of Congressman Scalise at the Republican baseball team practice. It is monstrous! These sniveling hypocrites would need play-doh, safe spaces, and counseling if the Republicans had staged the nightly murder of Barack Obama on Broadway or if some comedian held up his severed head. It is unseemly and entirely unAmerican. In America we VOTE! We do not promote violence and incite anarchy – we field a better candidate for the next election – but the Democratic Party no longer plays by the rules of the Constitution – they play by the rules of Jihad and Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

Democrats seem comfortable and even entertained by incitement to violence against Republicans:

1. Tim Kaine specifically asked for blood in the streets.

2. Loretta Lynch did the same.

3. Obama asked for his supporters to rise up. "If Republicans bring a baseball bat, you bring a gun."

4. CNN announced who would take over the government if all elected Republicans were killed during Trump's inauguration.

5. A New York Shakespeare play dramatizes the killing of President Trump nightly.

6. Snoop Dog kills President Trump in a video.

7. Kathy Griffin decapitates President Trump in a photoshoot.

8. Madonna: "I've thought a lot about blowing up the White House."

9. Marilyn Manson kills President Trump in a music video.

10. Larry Miller jokes about suffocating Trump with the pillow they used to kill Scalia.

6. Legal jihad

Abla warned against efforts to bring sharia courts or sharia councils to the United States like they have done in places in the United Kingdom. Abla accused those trying to set up "sharia courts" in the United States of using democracy to stop freedom. "They take an action [under the guise] of human rights and religious freedom. It is unbelievable. They use your law against you."

Sharia courts in the United States establish a two-tier system of justice – one for Muslims and one for non-Muslims. This is entirely unAmerican but the Democratic Party and its pro-Muslim narrative support sharia courts because ultimately they will create social chaos. It is counter-intuitive and difficult to embrace the fact that the Democratic Party seeks to destroy American democracy. Only if you are mindful of this goal can you understand the sinister destructive social policies they supoport.

Legal jihad is another weapon being used against President Donald Trump. The defeated Democrats are colluding with the mainstream media to create an echo chamber of false accusations, fake news, and demands for groundless investigations and frivolous lawsuits to impede President Trump and sabotage his administration by preoccupying them in court. The theory of lawfare against President Trump is that if the President and his administration are spending their time and resources defending themselves in court he will not be able to govern effectively, keep his promises to strengthen and make America great again, or more importantly investigate the criminal activities of Obama and his gang. The unprecedented executive overreach and lawlessness of the Obama administration must be investigated. The Democrats hope that disappointment in President Trump will reward the Democrats with a gain of enough seats in the midterm election to impeach him.

7. Humanitarian jihad

Muslim humanitarian groups are using people's desperation to get them to convert to Islam and say the Shahada, according to Abla. She warned that displaced non-Muslims in high-need countries in Africa and other places throughout the world are being denied food unless they convert to Islam.

"If you want to get help, you register as a Muslim. Even nominal Christians, they may be in so much need and register as Muslims to receive aid. Then they say that if you want to continue to get this aid, you need to come to Quran course once a week, you need to come to Friday prayer meetings. They start luring you little by little. First, you just fill out a piece of paper to get food. After three months, they say 'We change our rules, you need to come to prayer meeting.' After that, you need to put your kids into Muslim school."

The deceitful "humanitarian" organizations of the Democratic Party financed by globalist elite war profiteer George Soros under the banner of his Open Society Foundations are particularly sinister. Under the guise of being a "humanitarian" grantmaking network, Soros funds and foments anarchy and the destabilization of economies all over the world. He is the puppet master pulling the strings of the useful idiots who have no idea that he is not a philanthropist – he is a carpetbagger who destroys economies through currency collapse and then buys the country's assets on the cheap. He is a despicable plunderer who is using his enormous wealth and influence to advance his agenda of one-world government.

George Soros is a currency speculator who redistributes wealth under the guise of "humanitarian" services. The 7 steps of his regime/currency collapse listed by keywiki are:
  • Step One: Form a shadow government using humanitarian aid as cover.

  • Step Two: Control the airwaves. Fund existing radio and TV outlets and take control over them or start your own outlets.

  • Step Three: Destabilize the state, weaken the government and build an anti-government kind of feeling in the country. You exploit an economic crisis or take advantage of an existing crisis – pressure from the top and the bottom. This will allow you to weaken the government and build anti-government public sentiment.

  • Step Four: Sow unrest.

  • Step Five: Provoke an election crisis. You wait for an election and during the election, you cry voter fraud.

  • Step Six: Take power. You stage massive demonstrations, civil disobedience, sit-ins, general strikes and you encourage activism. You promote voter fraud and tell followers what to do through your radio and television stations. Incitement and violence are conducted at this stage.

  • Step Seven: Outlast your opponent.[15]
Currency/Financial Collapses

Today Soros is setting the stage to benefit monetarily as well as politically through the death throes of the European Union and the euro. A European regulatory regime takes the world one step closer to Soros' dreamed of open society with no borders. Once Europe is controlled totally by regulation, he simply waits for the United States to finish its regulatory capitulation and then combines the two. A New World Order will be all but complete at this point.

8. Political jihad

Muslims who hold power or public office in the West try to downplay the role of Islam when it comes to violence and terror, thus carrying out the "political jihad," Abla said. As an example, she pointed to London Mayor Sadiq Khan's response to three bombings that injured over 30 people in New York City and New Jersey last September that was carried out by a man believed to be influenced by extremist ideology. Khan said that terrorist attacks like that are "part and parcel of living in a big city." In March, an attack in London claimed by Islamic State killed three pedestrians and a police officer and injured over 50 people. "[He] said that this kind of attack should be expected," Abla said of the mayor, who is Muslim. "So this is a good example of being Muslim and having political power and making it seem like it is normal and desensitizing people to terrorism to stop giving reactions to Muslim terrorists. They say, 'We live in a big city and attacks like this are normal.' I lived like terrorism is normal in the Middle East and a Muslim country. Politically bringing this to the Western world, with these people who are in power saying 'Islam is a religion of peace and terrorism is going to happen.' It becomes part of your life. When I was in the Muslim world, it was part of my life. I used to hear gunshots and machine guns. I grew up with PTSD. It became normal and it was part of my life but it was not part of my life when I came to America. Now, they are trying to make it part of your life."

The Leftist media fosters ignorance and complacency about the magnitude of the jihad threat because war makes strange bedfellows. The Leftists and the Islamists have common cause today to bring down America. Both parties seeking power and control of the societies they attack. The irony is that the globalist elites are using them both as useful idiots to create the social chaos the globalist elite require to impose their own dream of one-world government that they themselves will rule.

Globalism is an old story described unapologetically in chilling detail 65 years ago by Lord Bertrand Russell in 1952 in his book The Impact of Science on Society. The anti-Trump movement thinks it is so original in its "resistance" but in fact its members were encouraged and manipulated to become exactly who they are by the pervasive Tavistock Institute indoctrination that disguised itself as education in America. Two generations of children are now Stepford adults – their "revolution" entirely scripted in 1952 when Bertrand Russell described the globalist elites one-world government as the self-serving answer to the Malthusian problem of the Earth's resources being unable to sustain the population growth.

The United States of America is the greatest experiment in individual freedom, upward mobility, and the rule of law that the world has ever known. It is what explains America, what made America great, and what defines the American dream. "Only in America" was not a slogan it was a reality for millions of people who came to America legally to make a better life for themselves and their families. The American dream is what incentivized innovation and small businesses that made America the powerhouse that it was after WWII – it is also what provoked the wrath of our enemies intent on destroying our democracy and American way of life.

The sadness for America is that the Democratic Party no longer reflects the values of American democracy – they have been overtaken by radical socialists who have embraced intersectionality and the politics of victimhood. It will be the death of American democracy if the Democrats are successful in overthrowing the government of President Trump. Like witless adolescents the Democrats are intoxicated with the thrill of rebellion and the community of "resistance." They are too arrogant to realize that they are useful idiots being manipulated by the globalist elites to create social chaos and replace President Trump's America-first agenda with socialism. Socialism will then be replaced with one-world government where there is no place for anarchists, cry-bullies, or useless degrees in social justice. The globalist elites will exterminate the useful idiots as easily as Hitler exterminated 6 million Jews in Germany. Game over.

© Linda Goudsmit


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Linda Goudsmit

Linda Goudsmit is the devoted wife of Rob and they are the parents of four children and the grandparents of four. She and Rob owned and operated a girls’ clothing store in Michigan for forty years before retiring to the sunny beaches of Florida. A graduate of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Linda has a lifelong commitment to learning and is an avid reader and observer of life. She is the author of the philosophy book Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? and its political sequel, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, along with numerous current affairs articles featured on her websites and The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage and her new release, Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is, complete Linda’s quadrangle of insightful books that connect the philosophical, ideological, political, and psychological dots of globalism's War on America and individual sovereignty.

Linda believes the future of our nation requires reviving individualism, restoring meritocracy, and teaching critical-thinking skills to children again. Her illustrated children’s book series, Mimi’s Strategy, offers youngsters new and exciting ways of solving their problems and having their needs met. Mrs. Goudsmit believes that learning to think strategically rather than reacting emotionally is a valuable skill that will empower any child throughout his or her life. Plus, in Linda’s words, “I have yet to meet the child who would prefer a reprimand to a kiss.”

Contact Linda at


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