Michael Gaynor
Paging ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief to explain the threats of election rigging and voter fraud
By Michael Gaynor
October 20, 2016

Unless Americans for Prosperity is giving up on prosperity and the Constitution, MonCrief should be front and center explaining (1) how the mainstream media rigs presidential elections for Democrat candidates, (2) how absentee ballots are used to commit voter fraud and (3) that election integrity is promoted by photo identification and is not racist or sexist, for starters.

On November 3, 2008, David Keene, then chairman of the American Conservative Union, in an article titled "Legitimate Concern," warned: "As you read this, those voters living and dead, real and fictional who have not already voted are streaming to the polls to vote. In some states they will be required to show the folks manning the polls some form of identification to prove they are who they claim to be, but in others no questions will be asked lest someone be in some way discomforted" (http://thehill.com/opinion/columnists/david-keene/5291-legitimate-concern).

Now President Barack Obama, a former lawyer for Project Vote and ACORN favorite, is whining that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trumpshould not whine that the election is rigged.

That's rich, especially considering the illicit relationship between the Obama presidential campaign and Project Vote exposed by Anita MonCrief, the young lady I nicknamed "the ACORN Whistleblower."

Keene astutely wrote:

"It remains to be seen what will transpire today, but Republicans are not comforted by the fact that Federal Election Commission records reveal that the Department of Justice official charged with protecting the sanctity of the process 'maxed out' to the Democratic candidate and has suggested that the activities of ACORN and other groups don't much concern him and shouldn't concern the rest of us.

"In traditional fashion, Democrats have tried to turn the tables on those concerned about voter fraud by arguing that any effort to ensure the sanctity of the electoral process should be dismissed as a shabby attempt to 'suppress' their vote. To an extent this is, of course, true. If Mickey Mouse can't squeakily prove that he is who he claims to be, he should be turned away or scared off even if doing so deprives the candidate a vote. In any rational system the electorate is asked to trust; real voters need to know that the dead, fictional or fraudulently registered won't be able to cancel out their votes.

"The stability of a democratic society depends on the faith voters have in the honesty of the electoral process, because in such a system, losers are expected to accept the decisions of the electorate regardless of the stakes. This becomes increasingly difficult if significant numbers of voters believe the system has been rigged."

In addition, Keene quoted ACORN Whistleblower MonCrief's dismissal of the idea that voter fraud should not concern voters.

Keene: "Democrats argue that registration fraud doesn't necessarily lead to voter fraud. Sounds good, I guess, but even some of those involved in the scheme have had second thoughts. The Wall Street Journal's John Fund, for example, recently talked to Anita MonCrief, who worked for ACORN and its voter registration offshoot from 2005 until early this year. She told him, 'It's ludicrous to say that fake registrations can't become fraudulent votes ... if you can get them on the rolls you can get them to vote, especially using absentee ballots.'"

It is a simple truth that MonCrief cited that the so-called mainstream media prefers to ignore.

Why fake registrations if not to facilitate vote fraud?

Trump has charged that the so-called mainstream media is involved in "rigging" the upcoming presidential media.

He's right!

Media bias rigs elections.

To rig an election is "to control the results of the election dishonestly" (www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rig%20the%20ballot).

MonCrief's learned up vlose and personal in 2008 how the media rigs a presidential election.

The New York Timesspiked an expose of the illcit relationship between the Obama campaign and Project and MonCrief has the voicemail from Stephanie Strom of The New York Times whining that she had been told by "higher up" to stand down.

MonCrief also was interviewed by CNN and ABC, but they spiked her story too.

Keene concluded:

"Now, supporters of the Democratic candidate who hopes to and may well succeed Bush are acting in a way that is almost guaranteed to delegitimize their candidate's election in the minds of many voters.

"Even if today's election is only close in a few states, many Republicans could walk away thinking, rightly or wrongly, that ACORN's outrageous, Obama – sanctioned, fraudulent attempts to register Mickey Mouse and his buddies made the difference. If that happens, it could well doom the country to at least four more years of division and turmoil."

On September 29, 2014, Zachary Roth, in "Koch group investigated for faulty mailers" (www.msnbc.com/msnbc/koch-group-behind-faulty-mailers-isnt-first-time), reported:

"Joshua Lawson, a spokesman for the state board of elections, said his office opened the probe Monday after receiving a formal sworn complaint from the state Democratic Party about the mailers, which were sent recently by Americans for Prosperity (AFP). Lawson said state law requires the board to open an investigation if it receives a sworn complaint.

"In the complaint, Casey Mann, the state Democratic Party's executive director, accused AFP of an "attempt to utilize misleading, incorrect, and confusing voter registration mailers as a means of discouraging or intimidating voters in the 2014 general election."

"Deliberately misleading people about how to vote is a felony.

"Lawson said that as part of its investigation, the board had already been in contact with lawyers for AFP, and has urged the group to disseminate correct registration information in order to undo the damage.

"AFP has said the mailers were an honest mistake, not an effort to mislead voters. But this isn't the first time that the group, which came to prominence as part of the tea party movement, has sent out inaccurate voting information. And it's also been involved in organized efforts to make voting harder."

Roth described the "honest mistake: as follows: "The 'official application form' sent by AFP tells people to return their application to the secretary of state's office, but the envelope is addressed to the state board of elections. In fact, applications shouldn't go to either place – they should be sent to a voter's local election board. The form also tells applicants that it's due 30 days before an election, when it's actually due 25 days before. And it includes the wrong zip code for the board of elections."

AFP downplayed the mistakes as "a few minor administrative errors."

Roth further reported:

"Deliberately misleading or not, it's happened before. In 2011, AFP sent out absentee ballot applications for eight Wisconsin state Senate recall elections, telling recipients to return them by August 11. Problem was, six of the elections were scheduled for August 9. AFP blamed that episode on the printing company it worked with.

"AFP is also alleged to have played an active role in helping Republicans suppress the vote. According to a report by One Wisconsin Now, a liberal group, in 2010, AFP discussed a 'voter caging' scheme with the Wisconsin GOP and tea party activists, in which a mailer was to be sent to minority and student voters, telling them they had to confirm their voter registration. Any mailers returned as undeliverable were then to be used by tea party volunteers to challenge the eligibility of voters at the polls.

"AFP's Wisconsin director said at the time the effort aimed to combat voter fraud. It's not clear how much of it was put into practice."

This year the Koch brothers seem resolved to be NeverTrumpers to the end, the Supreme Court and the rest of the federal judiciary notwithstanding.

That may spare them such complaints this year.

But it won't help solve the voter fraud problem.

In a country where Democrats control "sanctuary cities," how many non-citizens will vote this year?

Each of their votes will be a fraudulent vote.

How many dead people will vote?

It's tradition!

Roth also noted: "AFP also has hosted events featuring speakers from True the Vote, a tea party-linked group which aims to stoke concern over voter fraud in an effort to build support for voting restrictions. It also has promoted Anita MonCrief, a former Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) employee who now warns about the threat of fraud. AFP bills MonCrief as 'the ACORN Whistleblower.'"

MonCrief IS "the ACORN Whistleblower." See "ACORN WHISTLEBLOWER: OBAMA'S THIRD STRIKE?" (October 22, 2008) (www.webcommentary.com/php/ShowArticle.php?id=gaynorm&date=081022) and "Why Obama and ACORN Fear Anita MonCrief" (October 29, 2008) (www.webcommentary.com/php/ShowArticle.php?id=gaynorm&date=081029).

Unless Americans for Prosperity is giving up on prosperity and the Constitution, MonCrief should be front and center explaining (1) how the mainstream media rigs presidential elections for Democrat candidates, (2) how absentee ballots are used to commit voter fraud and (3) that election integrity is promoted by photo identification and is not racist or sexist, for starters.

© Michael Gaynor


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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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