Michael Gaynor
Donald Trump needs Wendy Long to replace Chuck Schumer
By Michael Gaynor
July 26, 2016

Now it is time for Trump, Pence and Long to campaign together and turn New York red.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump doesn't think big, he thinks HUGE.

Trump is not satisfied to be the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, even though his nomination is an incredible achievement.

Trump will not be satisfied to win the 2016 presidential election, even though that would be an even more incredible achievement.

Trump's goal is to make America great again and that requires Congressional support as well as his election.

It is essential that Republicans maintain control of the House of Representatives. If Nancy Pelosi, Queen of sanctuary city San Francisco, becomes Speaker of the House again, don't expect much in the way of legislation to make America great again.

In the Senate, Rerpublicans need operating control, not a mere majority. Since Rerpublicansd retook control of the Senate, Democrat Minority Leader Harry Reid has proven himself to be an effective obstructionist.

The good news is that Reid is retiring.

The bad news is that Reid is likely to be replaced by New York's senior senator, Chuck Schumer, UNLESS Wendy Long, the statewide running mate of the Trump/Pence team, beats Schumer.

In California, the state with the most electoral votes, the Senate race is hopeless. Retiring liberal Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer is certain to be replaced by another liberal Democrat. The last two candidates contesting to replace Boxer are both liberal Democrats.

Fortunately, the situation in New York is NOT hopeless.

Trump is a native New Yorker who will head the ticket. He is determined to win his home state, He will not be contributing to Schumer again, because he's determined to make America great again, Schumer is part of the problem and Long is part of the solution.

Long rejects "the Schumer-Obama-Clinton policy of viewing radical Islam through the lens of political correctness" as well as "their open borders policies, multiculturalism [and] military weakness [that] have brought us to the brink of a new front in this war opening on our own shores" and demands that we "stop blaming America and defend America and civilization itself."

A mother of two young childrern, Long enthusiastically endorsed Trump's call for vetting of immigrants from Muslim territories and Newt Gingrich's call for surveillance of mosques.

Like President Obama and presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Schumer will not even identify the enemy.

Like Trump, Long does: Islamist Jihadi terrorists.

Long: "More attacks by Islamist Jihadi terrorists will happen here if we don't change our leadership and stop the jihadists in Syria and Iraq, at our borders, and in our communities. We must identify and fight the real enemy before it's too late."

And: "[N]o one who supports Sharia law above the Constitution and laws of the United States should be allowed in this country. We need to kill the jihadists where they live and breed and train."

Long is 100% pro-Trump and has backed his incredible campaign from the start. She was a Trump precinct captain during there New York Republican presidential primary and a Trump delegate at the Republican Convention.

Long has the Senate nominations of the Republican, Conservative and Reform Parties.

Long also has the endorsements of two of Trump's most prominent supporters, television and radio stars Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham.

Most importantly, the New York Senate race is key this year and a Long victory will send a message across the nation that the American people will not tolerate Democrat obstructionism.

If Trump wins in New York but Long does not, then the public's verdict will be mixed. Trump will claim a mandate, but so will Schumer, and Schumer and New York's junior senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, will work diligently to thwart Trump's efforts to make America great again.

Ecclesiastes 3 states, "There is a time for everything."

Now it is time for Trump, Pence and Long to campaign together and turn New York red.

To achiever Trump's goal to make America great again, they must do that.

It will not be enough if on Election Day 2016 New York only turns purple, and it will be worse if New York remains blue.

© Michael Gaynor


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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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