Michael Gaynor
Sean Hannity's Tamara Holder problem
By Michael Gaynor
July 9, 2013

On her website Tamara proclaims "what I say on TV doesn't portray my entire personality. I'm not just a crazy liberal lawyer...I'm crazy for many other reasons too" (www.theholderposition.com). America doesn't need to know them. Tamara won't boost ratings. That requires guests who will expose the truth "liberals" like Tamara deny or ignore.

Should Sean Hannity subject his viewers and listeners to Tamara Holder?


A Katie Pavlich tweet on May 1, 2013 sums up Tamara: "@tamaraholder arguments: attack Lila Rose 4 exposing late term abortion, call Republicans fat asses, tell @michellemalkin to get laid etc." Michelle Malkin's Twitchy elaborated: "Holder appeared last night on 'Hannity' to face off against Live Action's Lila Rose, who recently released damning undercover video of a New York abortion worker advocating infanticide. Unfortunately – though not surprisingly – rather than condemning the worker's casual attitude toward a culture of death, Holder instead attacked Rose and insisted that what the abortion worker described does not constitute infanticide" (http://twitchy.com/2013/05/01/some-nerve-tamara-holder-attacks-lila-rose-gets-schooled-by-katie-pavlich/).

When it comes to United States Attorney General Eric Holder, neither Fox News conservative host Sean Hannity nor former Ohio Attorney General Bill Cunningham is fooled. They see through him.

When it comes to attorney and television commentator Tamara Holder, it is obvious that Cunningham isn't fooled.

During a joint appearance on Hannity's television show last month, Cunningham bluntly told Tamara that she is "judicially challenged," "one of the stooges of the left that will always be there to excuse away criminal behavior," "a liberal stooge" and "an excuse monger for the Obama administration." He added that Tamara "suffer[s] from Bob Beckel-itis," which he defined as "an incurable fatal condition of liberalism that caused people like Eric Holder to be the consulary of Barack Hussein Obama."

At the end of the segment (available at www.mediaite.com/tv/hannity-guest-bill-cunningham-erupts-at-democrat-tamara-holder-know-your-place-and-shut-your-mouth/), Hannity tried to get Bill and Tamara to shake hands to no avail. Tamara announced that she doesn't "shake hands with trolls." (But, her Twitter account professes her love for Hannity and later she tweeted, "My debate with Bill Cunningham on 'Hannity': nothing more than a passionate exchange between good friends. Stop attacking my buddy Bill" and "Controversy aside, I'm a proud member of the Fox News family & its shows, including 'Hannity.'"

Friends like Tamara provide neither fairness nor balance. much less the truths Americans need to know.

Tamara is a "liberal" who cleverly praises Hannity as a great guy.

How far will she go?

During Fox News online coverage of the George Zimmerman trial, Tamara said that Hannity, who is not a lawyer or a law school dropout, is a better questioner than lawyers.

Hannity's interview of Zimmerman, with Zimmerman's lawyer present, was a great get last year, and Hannity was bold and helpful in exposing what really was going on in the prosecution of the Duke Three, but we are living in the second Obama presidential campaign, despite Hannity's best efforts to keep Obama from being elected and reelected and questioning witnesses is not exactly the same as interviewing guests.

Wikipedia describes Tamara as "a Contributor and guest host on Fox News Channel" and "a frequent radio guest on WABC's 'Hannity'" [who] guest co-hosted the show on December 26, 2012" and "appeared in the 2012 movie, Atlas Shrugged: Part II, where she played herself alongside...Hannity, Juan Williams and Bob Beckel."

Tamara's photo appears on the Hannity radio website, but every comment regarding her is unfavorable. Cindy Carlton urged, "Fire her Sean, she offers nothing but stupidity to your show, she is un american, ranting disruptive, you have choices Sean, Tamara should not be one of them, she makes your show look bad." Jim Donofrio declared Tamara "a disgrace to her gender" and asked "why does Hannity have her on his show?"

It is a fair question.

Hopefully, Hannity's giving her time as a "progressive" hired as a Fox contributor in Fox News' claimed search for fairness and balance (like the former director of ACORN family member Project Vote, Jehmu Greene).

Hannity should be focused on telling the truth about the Obama Administration, including a plethora of scandals, and Tamara won't help with that.

Wikipedia notes that "[o]n February 16, 2007, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee recognized [Tamara] during a hearing of the Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure Protection, for her work with fired railroad workers."

Excerpt from www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-110hhrg35268/html/CHRG-110hhrg35268.htm:

"Prepared Statement of the Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee, a Representative in Congress From the State of Texas

"Before we begin this morning's hearing, I would like to recognize a few special guests that are with us today. I would like the following guests to stand and be acknowledged: Reverend Jesse Jackson and Attorney Tamara Holder.

"I want to first thank Reverend Jackson for his leadership on ameliorating the challenges faced by America's working class and these rail workers in particular. I also thank Attorney Tamara Holder for her dedication to the plight of these workers."

Such special praise from Congresswoman Jackson Lee should be a tipoff to look further. What Wikipedia chooses to note is less significant that what it did not.

The two members of Congress in the forefront of the effort to stop True the Vote from promoting election integrity and the House Oversight Committee investigation into the IRS tax scandal involving harassment of, among others, Catherine Engelbrecht and the two organizations she founded, King Street Patriots and True the Vote, are Congresswoman Jackson Lee of Texas and Congressman Elijah Cummings of Maryland.

The transcript of the hearing Wikipedia mentioned (www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-110hhrg36689/html/CHRG-110hhrg36689.htm) shows that Congressman Cummings chaired the hearing and Congresswoman Jackson Lee praised Tamara for representing Jesse Jackson's Rainbow/Push Organization and ex-convicts concerned that precautions to be taken as a result of the terrorist threat would prejudice them.

"Mr. Cummings. ... Ms. Tamara Holder represents Rainbow/PUSH Coalition. She and Reverend Jesse Jackson were some of the folks who brought this issue to my attention after becoming Chairman almost immediately after I got the position. So thank you very much for being with us, Ms. Holder.

"Ms. Holder. Thank you. Good afternoon, Chairman Cummings and Members of Congress. Thank you for the opportunity to speak on behalf of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Senior, and, most importantly, I am speaking on behalf of over 100 men who I represent as an attorney who are employed in Chicago as America's railway workers.


"The railroads took recommended action items from the Hazmat program, applied similar standards to the employees of the railroads' contractors, and they did not give much thought to the consequences. I represent men and women who have worked on the yards for as many as 13 years. They were forced to submit to background checks in the name of homeland security, they were denied access, they were not given a reason why they were denied access, and they were left with no answers, very little appeals process, and basically no job and no money to provide for their families. Furthermore, the vendors were threatened that if they did not comply they would face fines, they would lose their contracts, so their backs were against the wall as well."

Tamara explained "problems" that her ex-convict clients would face if the TWIC program were implemented immediately and argued for delay, lest DUI felons lose their railroad jobs for the sake of national security during the War on Terror.

Tamara: "None of my clients have similar stories. There are some who have one felony conviction, others have a felony and multiple arrests, other have misdemeanors that may fall under crimes of concern. I would like you to go back to the history books. History notes that African-American inmates worked on the railroads in the chain gangs, and the movies depict mafia ex-cons working on the ports of the East Coast. Although these are people who have felony convictions, they are not terrorists in the traditional sense of the word. Also, these men who are convicted felons, they know that they can get jobs on the railroad. They go to actual reentry employment programs and get placement on the railroads. I asked each of my clients what would happen i[f] a terrorist walked onto the yard, a traditional terrorist, and they said they would immediately report it and they would never allow somebody onto the property. So they are a second layer of security.

"None of my clients represent the traditional permanently disqualifying offenses of terrorism, espionage, or treason. These are people who have committed crimes of drug and gun offenses, also there are murder[er]s on the yard. Most of these men lack formal education or GED. Many of them do not have options before they become convicted felons because of the environment they grew up in. They become convicted felons and they have even less options. We understand the need for a screening process but it needs to be more defined. It cannot be so vague.

"These interim disqualifying offenses do not make sense. I have a client who has a misdemeanor gun possession that is sealable in the State of Illinois. Would that disqualify him? This five to seven year period needs to be more clearly defined. I have a client who actually won an appeal, however, he is on parole, and this was for a murder case. So he is back on the yard even though murder under TWIC is a permanent disqualifying offense. Also, I would like you to consider that many people in America have substance abuse issues and that does not relate to terrorism. We have people who had DUI felony convictions and they do not have a license, and therefore they were barred."

Commenter Cindy Carlton is right: "you have choices Sean, Tamara should not be one of them, she makes your show look bad."

During the recent Playboyinterview of Sean Hannity (www.playboy.com/playground/view/playboy-interview-sean-hannity), the interviewer stated that "Fox News's ratings are down, and [Hannity's] show in particular has taken a hit this year." Hannity responded, "No, actually our ratings are back up" and then noted that last year was an election year when told that his rating for February was down 35%. The interviewer claimed that Rachel Maddow had beat him in his time slot. That elicited a "Never! Not once!" denial, but when the interviewer insisted that she had "in the key 25- to 54- demographic," Hannity did not deny it and countered with "But overall, we're at double her ratings."

On her website Tamara proclaims "what I say on TV doesn't portray my entire personality. I'm not just a crazy liberal lawyer...I'm crazy for many other reasons too" (www.theholderposition.com). America doesn't need to know them. Tamara won't boost ratings. That requires guests who will expose the truth "liberals" like Tamara deny or ignore.

© Michael Gaynor


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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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