Michael Gaynor
Why Wendy Long should keynote the Republican convention
By Michael Gaynor
July 30, 2012

For Romney to receive the opportunity to effect that restoration, he needs to demonstrate that the Republican War on Women is a lie and having man after man say so won't suffice.

If only men had voted, John McCain would be President.

Barack Obama won because he carried the vote of women even bigger than McCain carried the vote of men.

Of course Team Obama is hoping to win again by charging that there's a Republican War on Women.

That's a false charge, but denying it is not enough.

Showing that it is false is needed.

It's not likely that Mitt Romney will pick a female running mate, so he better pick a female to keynote the Republican Convention and give the lie to that charge.

In 2004 John Kerry picked then Illinois state senator and United States Senate hopeful Obama to keynote the Democrat National Convention and Obama made the most of his opportunity.

Kerry lost in 2004, but he won the black vote overwhelmingly and Obama won four years later.

Romney needs an articulate Reagan Republican lady to keynote, g preferably a mother and wife running for the United States Senate for her children's sake.

Wendy Long, the Republican-Conservative United States Senate candidate in New York this year, would be an ideal choice.

Chris Christie would give a fine speech, but he's not a woman.

At her campaign website (www.wendylongfornewyork.com), Long explained why she's now running for the United States Senate.

Long began:

"Kirsten Gillibrand has said she wants to see more women in politics.

"I say, 'Let's give her what she is asking for.'

"New York and America face a momentous election in 2012.

"It is time for choosing between two radically different paths and there is nothing routine in the decisions that we are called to make. If we can be sure of anything, it's that the immense challenges facing our state and our country will not be overcome by the same people in the same offices casting the same votes for the same failed policies.

"Men and women of good faith in every party want to see a new way of doing business in Washington. That is what I intend to offer in this campaign and that is what I will deliver as the next United States Senator from the State of New York."

Long continued:

"What really propelled me into this race is love: love for my children, our state, our country, and our written Constitution, which I believe is our greatest export to the rest of the world.

"There is nothing wrong with America, or New York, or the rich, or the poor, or our children, or our senior citizens. Something is very wrong with the elected officials like Barack Obama and Kirsten Gillibrand who wield power over them."

Long concluded:

"The main purpose and idea of my campaign is not original. I can't claim authorship. An inspired group of New Yorkers and other Americans came up with the idea, about 225 years ago.

"It's called limited self-government, of the people, by the people, and for the people.

"No one in this country is above the law, and no one is beneath it. The law is what protects the weak from the strong, affirms the dignity of every person, and overlooks no one in its demand of equal justice.

"The principles and ideals of the American Constitution and Declaration of Independence are what give us hope for a future that is bright for businesses large and small, for jobs and free enterprise and private property in New York, for safety for our families, and for individual freedom.

"More than anything else, our Constitution and its principles are what unite us, and always have.

"I won't go to Washington looking for enemies, but I won't go there fearing anyone either. With all the troubles our country faces, we can no longer take time for granted. I know I am not the only one who sees this nation at a turning point-where things could get much worse or much better-depending on the choices we make in this election.

"President Ronald Reagan, who carried New York two times, reminded us that 'government cannot be clergyman, teacher and parent. It is our servant, beholden to us.' This is the spirit of my campaign — and I will ask the support of every man and woman in our state who believes in the limits of government and the possibilities of freedom.

"This is the right path. And it is the only path can lead us to victory on the sixth of November.

In 2008 Obama called for fundamental transformation.

He was wrong.

He described himself as audacious and hopeful.

He was arrogant, inexperienced and unappreciative.

The greatest country in the history of the world did not need fundamental transformation.

Due to Obama, America now needs restoration.

For Romney to receive the opportunity to effect that restoration, he needs to demonstrate that the Republican War on Women is a lie and having man after man say so won't suffice.

Wendy Long as keynoter would be smart politics, not just nice.

© Michael Gaynor


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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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