Michael Gaynor
Astute Gotham Tea Party enthusiastically endorses Wendy Long in NY US Senate primary
By Michael Gaynor
June 20, 2012

Long isn't in the race because she was displeased with Congressional redistricting or because she fancies herself as the personification of the American dream.

The Gotham Tea Party just joined a long list of persons who have endorsed Wendy Long for United States Senate, including Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Ambassador John Bolton and Steve Forbes.

There's an obvious practical reason overlooked or ignored by personal friends of Long's Republican rivals why Republicans should choose Long, the true Reagan Republican, in the June 26, 2012 Republican United States Senate primary to beat incumbent Democrat/Independence/Working Families Party candidate Kirsten Gillibrand — Long already is the Conservative Party nominee and the opposition to Gillibrand should not be split in a three-way race.

In addition to that critically important practical political reality, Long deserves the nomination not only because she is best qualified by intellect, character, experience and education, but because her nomination will take the gender issue off the table in the general election. The nomination of either man will be citable as evidence of a Republican bias against women, if not a war on them. (New York Republicans never have nominated a woman to run either for Governor or United States senator, while New York Conservatives previously nominated a woman to run for United States Senate more than a quarter of a century before New York Democrats broke that glass ceiling by nominating Hillary Clinton).

The ambitious male senior citizens still contesting Long despite the outcomes of the conventions last March — Congressman Bob Turner, 72, and Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos, 62 — are persons who devoted their lives to business until they retired and now are serving their first terms in elective office and lack the many years of experience with all three branches of the federal government of the more than a decade younger Long.

Long worked in the 1980's for two United States Senators, while Turner and Maragos focused on their business careers.

Long then studied law at Northwestern and Harvard and clerked for Judge Ralph Winter of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and Supreme court Justice Clarence.Thomas after graduating.

After a few years as an associate and partner at a major law firm, Long turned away from a lucrative law practice to help to create the Judicial Confirmation Network, a grassroots advocacy that fought for the Senate confirmations of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito.

A constitutional scholar, Long served as general counsel to the Judicial Confirmation Network and appeared often on television on radio and at conferences to discuss legal issues.

A wife and mother of two, a catechism teacher, a college trustee and a member of the New York City Parks Mounted Auxiliary Unit, Long's lifelong priorities have been family and service.

Long isn't in the race because she was displeased with Congressional redistricting or because she fancies herself as the personification of the American dream.

At the Republican state convention last March, where Long received nearly half of the vote while Turner and Maragos divided the rest nearly equally, Long frankly explained:

"What really propelled me into this race is love: love for my children, our state, our country, and our written Constitution, which I believe is our greatest export to the rest of the world.

"There is nothing wrong with America, or New York, or the rich, or the poor, or our children, or our senior citizens. Something is very wrong with the elected officials like Barack Obama and Kirsten Gillibrand who wield power over them."

The following Gothan Tea Party June 20, 2012 press release explains why Long is the best choice.


New York, NY — The Gotham Tea Party, Inc., New York's campaign-oriented independent tea party, has decided to make a rare endorsement in a contested intraparty primary election. It is endorsing Wendy Long in the Republican primary on Tuesday, June 26, 2012 for the nomination to face incumbent Democrat Senator Kirstin Gillibrand.

Gotham was impressed by Wendy's grasp of our core ideals of fiscal conservatism, constitutional government and the preservation of free markets. In several meetings we saw that Wendy is far from a one-dimensional conservative. She has proven to be a quick learner and is now fluent on a variety of fiscal issues. Gotham was also particularly impressed with Long's efforts to recognize the Tea Party as an important constituency among the electorate.

While Gotham previously supported candidate Bob Turner for his 2011 special election bid for the congressional seat since vacated by disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner, we were disappointed that he announced his bid for the Senate nomination only after his congressional seat was eliminated in redistricting.

We believe Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos would not be a compelling challenger to Gillibrand.

We believe Wendy Long, who is committed and articulate, is uniquely capable of challenging and defeating liberal Senator Gillibrand in the general election.

Gotham Tea Party, Inc. was launched in 2011 by people from around the tri-state area involved in other tea party organizations. Gotham was formed to meet the movement demand for an organization active in and working to find, train and support winning candidates who support the Tea Party agenda of limited, Constitutional government, fiscal responsibility and free markets. Gotham proclaims itself to be in the business of winning elections.

For further information contact Eric Dixon, Esq. at ericdixonlaw@gmail.com.

© Michael Gaynor


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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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