Michael Gaynor
Just say no to demagogic D's and pusilanimous R's
By Michael Gaynor
April 20, 2011

R's who are afraid to tell the truth about Team Obama and the liberal media establishment may as well be D's.

Demagogic — "of, relating to, or characteristic of a demagogue; employing demagoguery."

D's — Democrats

Pusilanimous — "destitute of a manly or courageous strength and firmness of mind; of weak spirit; mean- spirited; spiritless; cowardly."

R's — Republicans

Dick Morris and Eileen McCann were blunt, in an Apil 15, 2011 email titled "House Freshmen Flunk the First Test."

Morris and McCann:

"Three-quarters of the freshman class of Republican Congressmen — the group that was going to change America — succumbed to party pressure and voted to accept the Boehner sellout deal he struck with President Obama. How disappointing for those of us who worked hard to elect them and vested such hopes for change in their candidacies."

"We cannot read the names of those who folded without a sense of exquisite pain. These were the people who were going to change Washington. Now it is evident that Washington is changing them."

"It is not only the paltry nature of the...cuts they accepted or even that they broke the basic campaign promise — and premise — on which they were elected, but that they were too frightened to use the lever available to them — shutting down the government. The Republicans would have won that fight. We had hoped that those freshmen who battled the odds so bravely to secure their seats would continue to fight just as vigorously to save America from fiscal ruin, but it was not to be."

It is evident that Morris and McCann feel betrayed, and rightly so. They know what is at stake, and how defeat can be snatched from the jaws of victory.

Morris and McCann:"Theodore Roosevelt said of William Howard Taft that he had the 'backbone of a chocolate éclair.' The same could be said for three-quarters of our freshmen.

"Let's salute the Congressmen who showed that they would keep their word to their voters. Freshmen Scott Rigells (Va), Steve Chabot (Ohio), Cory Gardener (Col), Morgan Griffith (Va), Andy Harris (Md), Robert Hurt (Va), Raul Labrador, Steve Pearce (NM), Scott Tipton (Col), Alan West (Fla) and Ben Quayle (Ariz).

"Engraved beside each name, in our minds, is the time we spent campaigning for them and we cannot but feel a warm glow that we helped to put them in office. Those of you who donated to their campaigns should feel especial pride.

"For the others, we apologize. If they continue to act as pawns for the Speaker, we need to admit that we should not have asked you to donate funds to them or to help them get elected. And we won't again."

Pusilanimous Rs playing into the hands of demagogic D's were duly warned:

"Of course, there is still room for redemption. There will soon be bitter fights over the 2012 budget and legislation to raise the debt limit. Our straying freshmen may yet discover their courage. Your calls and letters to them will help. Please, if you recognize the name of your Congressmen on the list of compliant freshmen or the name of someone to whom you have donated, please call them and express your shock and chagrin. Maybe, maybe they will get the message."

If they don't get the message, they are part of the problem, not the solution.

R's who are afraid to tell the truth about Team Obama and the liberal media establishment may as well be D's.

A lie must be called a lie, not a mistake.

A demagogic D must be called a demagogue, not a well-meaning, but mistaken friend.

A pusilanimous R must be called pusilanimous, not protected.

The truth about Obama needs to be told, not ignored.

It was lack of scrutiny that put Obama in the White House.

Scrutiny remains the solution.

Freshman House Republicans should be looked to Michele Bachmann and Steve King for leadership, not John Boehner and Eric Cantor.

Conservatives commentators Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham are standing up for conservativers values, not pusilanimous Rs.

© Michael Gaynor


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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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