Michael Gaynor
ACORN whistleblower Anita Moncrief: straight shooter, not razzle dazzler
By Michael Gaynor
July 26, 2010

If the whole truth had become known to the American people right after Obama lied to them about his relationship with ACORN in the last presidential debate, the Obama Express would have been derailed.

Americans really need to heed straight shooters, like ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief, not razzle dazzlers promoting (or even protesting ) Team Obama's sinister campaign to "fundamentally transform" America into the "socialist paradise' for which ACORN yearns (and toward which it has worked assiduously for decades).

Conservative radio and television star Laura Ingraham, in her latest number 1 best seller, The Obama Diaries, at p. 70: "The day before the Obama coronation, I needed a song to capture the spectacle that was about to unfold. My pal Raymond Arroyo suggested 'Razzle Dazzle' from the Broadway show Chicago. It was perfect. The lyrics — 'Give 'em the old razzle dazzle...razzle dazzle 'em' — described precisely what Team Obama had planned for us. In Chicago, the defense attorney Billy Flynn, in song, counsels a client charged with murder on the way to get around the jury. His advice is to 'razzle dazzle' the crowd, daze and confuse them with so much glitz and hokum that they allow the murderer to walk. So too for Barack Obama, whose PR team believed that an over-the-top political spectacular would overwhelm the national audience to such an extent that they would ignore the tell-tale signs of his radical policies to come."

People like Ms. MonCrief and Culture of Corruption author Michelle Malkin have been straightforwardly, energetically and ethically exposing the ugly truth about Obama and his cohorts. (Ms. MonCrief first public media appearance was on Ms. Ingraham's radio show in October 2008, and she appeared again in 2009.)

Other Obama opponents opted for razzle dazzle of their own. Thus, the "Pimp and Pro" ACORN sting, although never tying Obama to ACORN and actually allowing him to distance himself publicly from ACORN , showed a willingness of some persons working in ACORN offices to facilitate various crimes, by surreptitiously video recording (sometimes legally, sometimes apparently not), hyped with skillful editing and dazzling B roll of the scantily clad "pro" and the garishly garbed "pimp" last year and this year, in an attempt to demonstrate the obvious — that the NAACP is hypocritical — Andrew Breitbart's BigGovernment.com demonstrated, by posting video of a speech of out of context,.that the Obama Administration had become so unpopular that it actually forced a black federal employee to resign before investigating, lest it seem that the Obama Administration would tolerate "reverse racism" for an instant (or to succumb to pressure from Fox News, talk radio and the conservative blogosphere.

Yes, Glenn Beck has been doing plenty of exposing too, but he is ever so much the showman and apparently he was misled by Obama supporter Marcel Reid and missed the biggest story — the inside story of former ACORN/Project Vote insider Ms. MonCrief.

As Election Day 2010 approaches, the question of how best to combat Team Obama becomes increasingly important.

At the Rightonline conference last week, Ms. MonCrief, still a young black mother but no longer radical, infatuated with Obama or hopeful that he will bring "good" hope and change, presented the simple truth hidden by Team Obama and its media allies, supported by UNedited evidence of wrongdoing.

From BigGovernment.com (http://biggovernment.com/jhoft/2010/07/24/breaking-anita-moncrief-to-file-fec-charges-against-obama-administration/):

"Breaking: Anita MonCrief to File FEC Charges Against Obama Administration by Jim Hoft

"ACORN whistle-blower Anita Moncrief held a press conference Friday at the Right Online Convention in Las Vegas. She announced today that she will press FEC charges against the Obama Administration for the campaign's illegal coordination with ACORN during the 2008 election."

Ms. MonCrief coordinated the debut of her new website, www.emergingcorruption.com, with the 2010 Rightonline conference and posted an article with a link to the second quarter 2007 Obama presidential campaign donor list (with which she had worked in 2007) and announced that she soon would file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission about illicit coordination between the Obama presidential campaign and ACORN/Project Vote.

Fortunately, Ms. MonCrief presented her evidence in the courtroom of public opinion where everyone is entitled to examine it and no one can keep others from doing so.

Ms. MonCrief's July 23, 2010 article, titled "Revealed: The Obama Donor List" (http://emergingcorruption.com/?p=100), noted the scandalous revelations from Tucker Carlson's The Daily Caller about the Journolisters' attempt to (1) kill and bury stories about Obama's relationship with Reverend" Jeremiah A. ("God damn America") Wright, (2) smear innocent conservative journalists and politicos as "racists" and "bigots," (3) demonize Rush Limbaugh, (4) have the government censor and shut down Fox News and (5) coordinate liberal talking points that would discredit McCain/Palin and thereby help to elect Obama president and then wondered "if the biggest story covered up in 2008 was the illegal coordination between ACORN and the Obama campaign."

Since The New York Times killed the story, fearing that it would be "a game changer," I'd say yes.

If the whole truth had become known to the American people right after Obama lied to them about his relationship with ACORN in the last presidential debate, the Obama Express would have been derailed.

Ms. MonCrief did not sensationalize her story or distort evidence.

Instead, she provided the entire second quarter 2007 Obama presidential campaign donor list and screen shots of her email with New York Times national correspondent Stephanie Strom.

In view of the Journolist scandal, Ms. Strom's comments are all the more sinister.

One Strom email suggests that Ms. Strom was afraid to pursue the story.

Ms. Strom: "I'm calling a halt to my efforts. I just had two unpleasant calls with the Obama campaign, wherein the spokesman was screaming and yelling and cursing me, calling me a rightwing nut and a conspiracy theorist and everything else..."

Poor Ms. Strom, too sensitive for her reporter job.

Tellingly, Ms. Strom explained how Team Obama intimidated her and escaped exposure.

Ms. Strom: "What's happened is that the campaign has answered some of my questions on the record — but when I sought on-the-record answers to my questions about the meeting and about the list, the campaign insisted on speaking only on background. When I asked why, I got the barrage I described earlier. Clearly, I've hit a nerve with what you've told me. The campaign knows that having the allegations of meeting attributed to 'former employees' — and there are more than one of you talking — and having an anonymous denial of the meeting makes it harder for me to get it into the paper."

Yes indeed!

Ms. MonCrief:

"In 2008 the liberal media provided the cover needed for Obama to get elected, but two years later, questions remain about his relationship with ACORN and it has been clear that Obama has lied repeatedly to the American people. Its time to get Obama and ACORN on the record about what really happened with the donor lists in 2007 and 2008."

NOW the American people are largely disillusioned and disappointed...and ready for the truth.

At BigGovernment, commenter Sachablue1 said it all succinctly:


"Anita- YOU are an articulate, courageous, exemplary human being! Thank you for your word & work.

"Shine your light, brightly on all the cockroaches and vermin and expose them for what they are... Liars & Users!

"The TRUTH is on your side and you have our undying RESPECT.

"Bless your good & loving heart!"


The simple truth is what is needed, without "embellishment" or "editing."

Commenter imsailing2:


"I'm going to her website & bookmarking it. We should all promote this website not only for getting out the truth, but also to support this woman. She deserves our support.

"The Regressive/lib/Dems are going to tear this woman to shreds.

"Gee, I wonder how many of her comments the Regressive media will take out of context?? I wonder how many of them will smear her reputation?

"My prediction is they will do exactly to this woman what they are whining about and accusing us of doing to Sherrod.

"Of course, before any of that...they will attempt the 'ignore' rule 1st."

We know that The New York Times, ABC and CNN ignored Ms. MonCrief's story before Obama to be elected and more Obama protecting is to be expected.

But that's no excuse for people who claim to be looking out for the folks.

Ms. MonCrief's article elicited a plethora of favorable comments at www.hotair.com (http://hotair.com/archives/2010/07/24/revealed-the-obama-donor-list/) too.

Commenter Pablo:

"Oh, you just hate black people, right?

"Sarcasm aside, this is outstanding work, Anita. Thank you. America needs you."

America needs the truth and Ms. MonCrief brings it! There's no excuse for pretending otherwise and swallowing lies.

Commenter IowaWoman: "Anita, God bless you and protect you. You speak truth to power, very dangerous. You are a brave patriot. Like the founders, risking your life, fortune and honor. May God send angels to protect you!'

As many as possible, as soon as possible!

Commenter LASue:

"Wow. This substantiates what many of us already believed had happened, but it's still pretty scary to see how a journalist who actually is trying to do her job can be intimidated by the left to the point of abandoning a real story.

"I assume the same thing went on at the LA Times over the videotape of Obama at the Khalidi banquet and over the Ayers/Obama long-term relationship."

We need to know the truth in order to combat the lies.

We don't need razzle dazzle or competing lies!

© Michael Gaynor


The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
(See RenewAmerica's publishing standards.)

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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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