Michael Gaynor
Bill O'Reilly is President Obama's "'Red' Klotz," not his formidable foe
By Michael Gaynor
March 18, 2010

O'Reilly's looking out for O'Reilly, not "the folks."

As president, Obama is pursuing "fundamental change" and scary while Bill O'Reilly is wary. Yes, Bill O'Reilly opposes Obamacare. But O'Reilly's unwillingness to question Obama's integrity calls to mind "Red" Klotz futilely opposing the Harlem Globetrotters.


"Louis Herman 'Red' Klotz was an American NBA point guard... who is best known for forming the teams that play against and tour with the Harlem Globetrotters: the Washington Generals and the New York Nationals."

"Klotz had played for the Philadelphia Sphas of the ABL. In an exhibition game, the Sphas defeated the Harlem Globetrotters, Klotz's first game against them. Klotz later bought the Sphas, and changed the name to the Washington Generals. In 1953 Abe Saperstein, owner of the Globetrotters, approached Klotz about having his team tour with the Globetrotters and play them on a regular basis. From 1953 until 1995, the Generals played exhibitions against the Globetrotters, winning only six games, the last in 1971, and losing more than 13,000. Klotz played with the team as a point guard until the age of 62, and at 50 years old hit the game winning shot for the New Jersey Reds with 3 seconds left in their final win. 'The crowd wanted to kill me,' he said...."

When it comes to exposing Obama as a radical in order to block Obama's radical agenda, O'Reilly comes up shorter than Klotz. O'Reilly claims to trust Obama. At least O'Reilly's regular guest, Dennis Miller, knows better, mans up AND PUBLICLY SAYS SO.

In a 2003 interview on National Public Radio, O'Reilly said: "I'm not a political guy in the sense that I embrace an ideology. To this day I'm an independent thinker, an independent voter, I'm a registered independent... there are certain fundamental things that this country was founded upon that I respect and don't want changed. That separates me from the secularists who want a complete overhaul of how the country is run."

But O'Reilly won't do what is necessary to stop "a complete overhaul of how the country is run" now that Obama is President.

Apparently O'Reilly thought that Obama would not resort to the unconstitutional "deem and pass" procedure by which House Democrat leaders plan to enact Obamacare.

At O'Reilly's age, that kind of naivety is inexcusable.

O'Reilly even described radical Congressman Dennis Kucinich as someone he liked after Kucinich dutifully fell in line behind Obamacare after promising not to vote for it.

Bulletin for O'Reilly: Obama and Kucinich are both radicals.

Accuracy in Media Editor Cliff Kincaid, "Communist Party Backs Obama" (July 3, 2008)(www.aim.org/aim-column/communist-party-backs-obama/):

"Barack Obama's patriotic tour has run into a snag. More evidence of communist backing for the candidate has surfaced. The latest to emerge publicly in Obama's camp is Joelle Fishman, the chairman of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) Political Action Commission. In a column titled, 'Big political shifts are underway,' Fishman says that Obama could lead 'a landslide defeat of the Republican ultra-right' this November and that he is 'ready to listen' to the 'left and progressive voters' backing him. Fishman makes it clear that the CPUSA is part of this coalition.

"Meanwhile, admitted CPUSA member Alan Maki, writing on the official Barack Obama website, in the 'community blogs' section under an 'Obama 08' banner, has mentioned the unmentionable. That is the role of CPUSA member Frank Marshall Davis in mentoring Obama during his formative high school years in Hawaii.

"Although fine print at the bottom of the page says that 'Content on blogs in My.BarackObama represents the opinions of community members and in no way should be interpreted as endorsed or approved by the campaign,' the information provided by Maki is deadly confirmation that a hard-core CPUSA member played a key role in helping raise Obama. It is a story that most media, including some 'conservative' news outlets, have shied away from.

"Davis, who died in 1987, was a Stalinist who stayed with the CPUSA when others were abandoning it, and he refused, as late as 1956, to deny his membership in the party. He was selected by Obama's white grandfather to be the future candidate's role model and father figure.

"Obama showed his gratitude by going to socialist conferences and selecting Marxist professors as his friends in college. Later, of course, he would arrive in Chicago and launch his political career in the arms of communist terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who, according to declassified intelligence information (PDF), were members of a group with connections to the CPUSA, foreign communist regimes, and even the Soviet KGB. The information shows that their close terrorist associate, Kathy Boudin, attended Moscow University and was subsidized by the Soviet government. Her father was a CPUSA member and a registered Cuban agent, documents show.

"Praise for the CPUSA Figure

"Announcing the 'Frank Marshall Davis roundtable for change' on the Obama website, Maki, a Democratic Party activist and casino worker organizer, explained, 'Reading Barack Obama's book I learned about his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.' He went on, 'Of course, as we all know, Frank Marshall Davis was a Communist and he had a very good understanding of the underlying source of problems which all too often goes unstated and unchallenged and remains hidden because of the high fear-factor level in this country; I am referring to capitalism¯a thoroughly rotten system. Frank Marshall Davis also understood through his thorough studies of the situation that socialism provided the only workable alternative to capitalism.'"

In 2004 and 2008, Kucinich unsuccessfully sought the Democrat presidential nomination. In his 2004 run, he won the endorsement of the Communist party USA.

On health care, Kucinich is eager for a single payer plan. In September 2003 ,Kucinich said: "The pharmaceutical companies and the insurance companies control our health care system. I've introduced legislation that provides for a totally new change; that has health care for people, not for profit. It's called Medicare For All. It's a single-payer program. And it's financed by a 7.7% tax paid by employers."

Obama realizes that can't be accomplished in one step, but it's his goal too, as videotape confirms.

Kucinich backing Obama at a key time is not new.

Kucinich's flip flop on Obamacare is reminiscent of (1) his politically motivated help to Obama in the 2008 Iowa caucuses and (2) his flip flop on abortion.

Excerpt from http://paeditorsblog.blogspot.com/2008/01/dennis-kucinich-endorses-obama.html:

"Polling about 1% in Iowa just a day before the Iowa Caucuses, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) urged his supporters to back him, but in places where they do not have enough votes to make an impact, to throw their support behind Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL).

"Kucinich was quoted in the Baltimore Sun as saying: 'I strongly encourage all of my supporters to make Barack Obama their second choice. Sen. Obama and I have one thing in common: Change.'

"To which Obama replied: 'I have a lot of respect for Congressman Kucinich, and I'm honored that he has done this because we both believe deeply in the need for fundamental change. He and I have been fighting for a number of the same priorities — including an end to the war in Iraq that we both opposed from the start.'"

Excerpt from www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=630: "Abortion and the Rights of the Unborn: As a Roman Catholic, Kucinich was a longtime abortion foe — a stance that distinguished him from his fellow Progressive Caucus members and most Democrats. During his first six years in Congress, he consistently voted for anti-abortion legislation sponsored by conservative Republicans. In February 2003, however, he announced that he was changing his position to pro-choice. When some analysts speculated that this shift was motivated by political expediency — a desire to make himself more electable in the eyes of Democrats — Kucinich explained his new position as a mere 'expansion' of his earlier one. He attributed the shift to his fear that the Bush administration and the Republican Congress were moving toward overturning the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling."

O'Reilly's looking out for O'Reilly, not "the folks" or "certain fundamental things that this country was founded upon."

© Michael Gaynor


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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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