Michael Gaynor
Why is Fox News still promoting Marcel Reid and her ACORN 8?
By Michael Gaynor
October 9, 2009

Doesn't Fox News know that the leaders of the ACORN 8 (Ms. Reid and Karen Inman) were complicit in the decision not to pursue legal action against ACORN founder and Chief Organizer from the creation of ACORN in 1970 until mid 2008), IF at all, until AFTER Election Day 2008?

It IS useful to check the ACORN 8 website (www.acorn-8.net).

These days the significance of the sensational sting that exquisitely exposed ACORN corruption and criminality courageously conducted by James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles and effectively reported by Andrew Breitbart, BigGovernment.com and Fox News is denied only by fanatics and fools.

The ACORN 8 post on the sting that minimizes and casts doubt is telling:

"Pimps, Prostitutes and ACORN

"Two employees at the Baltimore, Maryland, branch of the liberal community organizing group ACORN were caught on tape allegedly offering advice to a pair posing as a pimp and prostitute on setting up a prostitution ring and evading the IRS.

"The video footage — which has been edited and goes to black in some areas — was recorded and posted online Thursday by James O'Keefe, a conservative activist. He was joined on the video by another conservative, Hannah Giles, who posed as the prostitute in the filmmakers' undercover sting.

"The video shows the pair approaching two women working at the ACORN Baltimore office and asking them for advice on how to set up a prostitution ring involving more than a dozen underage girls from El Salvador."

Calling ACORN "liberal" is an insult to true liberals!

Suggesting that the video may have been exhibited to mislead viewers became absurd long ago.

Yes, the ACORN 8 ARE aware that ACORN ties to the census have been cut and the House has voted to de-fund ACORN. ACORN 8 posts proof that.

But the ACORN 8 are NOT applauding the intrepid young investigators championed by Fox News (and many others).

Instead, the ACORN 8 post on investigating ACORN seems to equate corrupt, criminal ACORN with courageous James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles: "President Barack Obama says there should be an investigation into the hidden-camera video involving employees at the activist group ACORN and a couple posing as a prostitute and her pimp."

Investigate THE VIDEO?


So why has Fox News been promoting the ACORN 8 and its leader, Marcel Reid?

Is it because ACORN 8 national spokesman Scott Levenson told Glenn Beck that he was afraid of black people and Beck decided to rebut that charge?

Beck having Thomas Spwell and Deroy Murdock was delightful, but he has not been "fair and balanced" when it comes to the ACORN 8.

Why has Beck used his show to try to raise funds and to obtain free legal services for the ACORN 8 and called Ms. Reid his "Rosa Parks"?

Why did Fox News's "The Truth About ACORN" give Ms. Reid so much promotion?

Doesn't Fox News know that Ms. Reid dropped Illinois ACORNians Madeleine Talbott (Obama mentor) and Keith Kelleher (Illinois SEIU boss and husband of Ms. Talbott) from the complaint that the ACORN 8 filed with the United States Justice Department last January?

How about exposing ALL the wrongdoing at ACORN, cover ups or cover ups included?

Doesn't Fox News know that the leaders of the ACORN 8 (Ms. Reid and Karen Inman) were complicit in the decision not to pursue legal action against ACORN founder and Chief Organizer from the creation of ACORN in 1970 until mid 2008), IF at all, until AFTER Election Day 2008?

Isn't that very revealing?

On "Beck," Ms. Reid tried to seem moderately liberal, volunteering that she and her ACORN chapter (DC) had supported Obama for the Democrat presidential and McCain for the Republican nomination.

Sure, so did The New York Times!

Truth: The ACORN 8 are radical Obama supporters and the ACORN 8 motto set forth on the ACORN 8 website is very revealing : "Members Fighting for Truth, Transparency and Accountability within ACORN."

NOT necessarily for the whole truth to be made public, accounting to the public and reporting felonies to the appropriate governmental agencies to uphold the rule of law.

Hasn't Fox News demanded that Ms. Reid let page 14 of the Kingsley Report be made public?

If not, why not?

Hasn't Fox News demanded a copy of the ACORN joint defense agreement from Ms. Reid?

If not, why not?

ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief tweets:

"Marcel Reid saw this as an internal ACORN scandal. I see it as a scandal that goes all the way to the WH and Democrat controlled Congress 6:10 AM Oct 8th from web"

"I plan to continue exposing the ties btwn Dems and ACORN. I never claimed to be perfect but will not let anyone ruin America 4 our children 6:12 AM Oct 8th from web"

Bravo, Ms. MonCrief!

Is Fox News as courageous as Ms. MonCrief?

If not, why not?

America's Declaration of Independence ends: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."

Doesn't Fox News think that America is still worthy of that kind of dedication?

© Michael Gaynor


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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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