Michael Gaynor
Glenn Beck boldly battles Team Obama-inspired sponsor boycott with facts and questions
By Michael Gaynor
August 25, 2009

Presenting information about Obama's "czars" will be a valuable public service, but more is needed to thwart the Obama administration's plan to transform center-right America to suit the Far Left by ruinous borrowing to achieve wealth redistribution and the imposition of federal government control over America's health care.

After what was supposed to have been a vacation week, Glenn Beck resumed hosting his television and radio shows on Monday, August 24.

The television show, the five of five consecutive daily specials, was a tour de force.

That was foreshadowed the day before by this Beck update on Twitter: "just finished getting a briefing on something that my personal research team has been working on for 4 weeks. WOW. Sent them back 4 more."

"WOW" is right!

Beck put aside his penchant for buffoonery in favor of boldly presenting alarming facts and brilliantly asking "reasonable questions in unreasonable times."

Bravo, Beck!

Beck's at war with Team Obama.

Team Obama is trying to discredit Beck and to gag him or get him off the air by pressuring his sponsors to stop sponsoring him.

That's not a joke.

GEICO is one of several sponsors that dropped Beck for been "controversial" (that is, questioning and/or criticizing President Obama and his plan to "transform America."

A GEICO policyholder recently sent GEICO this email expressing her dissatisfaction with GEICO's decision to stop advertising on the Glenn Beck program:

"I am requesting that you please resume you sponsorship of the Glenn Beck Show.

"Glenn is intelligent, entertaining, charismatic, very popular. You are undermining your own company's popularity and reputation if you pull your sponsorship of Beck's program in order to appease the Obama administration. The Chicago machine politics that are employed by Obama will ultimately result in his defeat and your support of his tactics will not be forgotten by the rest of us.

"You must reject Obama's thuggish politicking and his determination to suppress the free expression of his opposition in the mainstream media. Any craven support of Obama's tactics by America's big (and small) private enterprises will ultimately be a self-inflicted wound because Marxist Obama is no friend of capitalism, as you and the American consumer will find out the hard way, I'm afraid.

"I strongly urge you to do the right thing and resume your sponsorship of Glenn Beck's show."

GEICO replied:

"If you are a policyholder we thank you for being with GEICO and we want to tell you more about this matter. If you are not, we also want you to learn more.

"Last week we took action to move our marketing messages from the Glenn Beck show and you are wondering why.

"Well, you deserve an answer.

"If the inflammatory nature of the comments on a program overshadows our message and causes GEICO to be drawn into a national debate, we are likely to reconsider where we place our marketing messages, which is what we did.

"GEICO delivers very important messages through its major marketing campaigns: we're saving customers' dollars ... we're easy to do business with ... we're looking out for our policyholders. That's what we hope the public hears and sees and focuses on.

"As a company, we do not take positions on controversial issues.

"As an advertiser, while a national debate on issues can be healthy and appropriate, we don't see ourselves in the role of taking part in those debates.

"Our business is auto insurance. We want to bring people value and we attempt to reach large audiences with that message.

"It is of little benefit to us if a controversy on the program gets so much attention that our message is drowned out.

"GEICO Corporate Communications"

Beck did NOT lose sponsors because his ratings are poor.

He lost them because he dared to question and criticize the Obama administration.

Today Beck focused on Obama "czar" Van Jones.

Beck asked the Obama administration of it was aware of Jones' radical history and the Obama administration issued a response that did not include an answer.

Fitting, the first Obama "czar" on whom Beck focused was Jones: Jones was instrumental in inspiring the sponsor boycott of Beck.

On August 12, 2009, in "Communist Green Jobs Czar's Group Takes Aim at TV's Glenn Beck," Matthew Vadum explained:

"The particularly unsavory left-wing pressure group Color of Change has an axe to grind with Glenn Beck — and it's personal.

"The extremist racial grievance group isn't happy that Beck did several news packages on Van Jones, President Obama's controversial green jobs czar who describes himself as a communist. (Green really is the new red.)

"Jones is a founding board member of Color of Change, but Color of Change doesn't want you to know that. Maybe having an avowed America-hating radical on the group's board is bad public relations.

"The group deleted references to Jones on its 'about' page. That page used to say, 'James Rucker and Van Jones came together in the wake of [Hurricane] Katrina to use the organizing power of the Internet to give Black Americans and our allies a renewed and strengthened political voice.'

"But now it doesn't."

No surprise! Much of Obama's own background was scrubbed in the interest of helping him win the Presidency.

Vadum added: "Jones was also on the board of the Apollo Alliance, a hard-left environmentalist group that is now running large chunks of the Obama administration. Beck pounded away at the Apollo Alliance and Jones on a recent show."

Beck scrutinized the Apollo Alliance as well as Jones today.

Beck plans to continue his attack on the Obama administration by focusing on Obama's "czars" during the rest of the week.

Michelle Malkin made that easy for him, by doing the same in her number 1 best seller, Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies," and on her blog, www.michellemalkin.com.

Last Friday, the last day of what was supposed to be a Beck vacation week, Beck appeared on his tv show to urge viewers to tune in this week and rebroadcast his interview with Ms. Malkin on July 28, 2009, the day after Culture of Corruption's release date.

Presenting information about Obama's "czars" will be a valuable public service, but more is needed to thwart the Obama administration's plan to transform center-right America to suit the Far Left by ruinous borrowing to achieve wealth redistribution and the imposition of federal government control over America's health care.

Beck presented Jones' radical history, including his incarcerations and embrace of communism.

If Beck similarly scutinizes Obama (that is, does what the liberal main stream media did not do last year), most Americans will realize that most voters were conned by a clever con artist tied to ACORN, the SEIU and the rest of the Far Left and the Obama agenda will not be imposable.

The key is to expose the true nature of Obama's election last year.

Ms. Malkin did that in chapter 8 of her book in telling the story of ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief.

That's the same Ms. MonCrief who became a source of mine as well as The New York Times last year.

On October 7, 2009, Ms. MonCrief emailed me: "I worked at Project Vote and ACORN for years and can provide inside information on the connections with Obama and FEC violations, IRS 501 (c)3 violations and the threats and intimidation that ACORN has used to keep me quiet. I am willing to submit to a polygraph and turn over Obama's 2nd quarter donor list with was obtained by Project Vote Development Director Karyn Gillette directly from the Obama Campaign. I also have a DNC list that was forwarded to Project Vote along with donor lists for Kerry and Clinton."

Neither The New York Times nor ABC chose to expose THAT!

It would have been better if the truth had prevailed BEFORE Election Day 2008, but...BETTER LATE THAN NEVER!

Fittingly, Ms. Malkin gave "special thanks" to Ms. MonCrief for "her enormous courage and vigilance on ACORN corruption" in her book as well as cited Ms. MonCrief during her interview with Beck as a whistleblower being sued by ACORN affiliate Project Vote and deserving of support.

The ACORN 8, whose interests have been promoted by Beck on his shows, are Obama supporters who want to run ACORN themselves.

But Beck seems to be educable and to now realize that the astonishing claim of ACORN 8 leader Marcel Reid that ACORN is a wonderful organization that was "hijacked" masked ACORN's fundamentally subversive nature since it was created in 1970.

Ms. MonCrief is a self-described "ex-liberal" whose evidence could have stopped Obama from being elected president last October if The New York Times or ABC had been up for an Obama/ACORN expose.

Beck's plan to expose some Obama "czars" is fine for openers, but he will need to expose Obama to prevail. That means he will need to expose the Obama and Obama presidential campaign unsavory connections to ACORN and SEIU and the way they were covered up by blatant lies and complicit media. Beck and his researchers should read chapter 8 of Culture of Corruption and the ACORN Watch archives at www.michellemalkin.com.

Beck needs to show how President Obama fits into the ACORN/SEIU scheme to "transform" America.

Beck has the public platforms.

Ms. MonCrief has the evidence.

The Obama-supporting ACORN 8 don't go there.

Ms. MonCrief finally did.

Beck should finally make the story general knowledge.

© Michael Gaynor


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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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