Bryan Fischer
Obama wants to lose at Supreme Court: his only chance to win in 2012
By Bryan Fischer
September 30, 2011

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

Pundits have been puzzled that President Obama wants the constitutionality of ObamaCare to be settled immediately by the Supreme Court. Because his administration has refused to ask for an en banc hearing from the 11th Circuit, the next stop for the legal challenge to his monstrosity of a health care bill is the top court in the land. A ruling is likely by next summer.

Why would the president do this? The thinking all along has been that he would try to string out the legal process as long as possible since he's afraid of losing at the Supreme Court level, and would want to postpone the day of judgment as long as possible.

Now the chances are very good that the Supremes will issue their ruling next June, right before the Republican and Democratic national conventions meet and a scant four months or so before the nation goes to the polls in November to select its next president.

I think the truth of the matter is that he wants to lose at the Supreme Court level because it represents his only chance to win in November.

Everything is political with this president, everything a matter of political calculation. He has obviously concluded that it is in his personal political interest to get a ruling from SCOTUS before he has to face voters at the polls.

If he loses, which he anticipates he will, then his campaign theme is simple: evil Republicans and their evil minions at the Supreme Court are denying you access to health care, access that I, Barack the Benevolent, tried to give you. You must re-elect me to stop these evil rich fat cats so that I can appoint more empathetic judges to the Supreme Court so you can get the health care that the dastardly and stingy and greedy Republicans don't want you to have.

It's a desperation move, for sure, but it is the only play he has. He has no record to run on. His own people admit that the economy will still be in the tank this time next year. He can read the polls like everyone else, and he knows his support is plummeting even in his own base. Blacks are growing increasingly disaffected and critical, and young people are leaving him in droves because he has so trashed economy that they can't find jobs and are stuck living with their parents in the basement.

A defeat of ObamaCare at the Supreme Court level is his only prayer of victory. This is his Hail Mary pass.

Now Obama is smart enough to figure out that he can use this even if he wins at the Supreme Court. If he wins, his campaign plan is simple: look what I gave you. The evil Republicans tried to deny you your God-given right to have other people pay for your health care, but I, Barack the Magnificent, saved you from their clutches.

This, however, is the less attractive of the two options, for the simple reason that Obama knows the majority of the American people and the majority of doctors hate ObamaCare and by significant margins want it repealed. So a win for him at the Supreme Court makes the mountain he must climb even higher and that's the last thing he needs.

He wants to lose so he can play the grievance card and the race card. He will hint that it's not just evil Republicans who want you to die but evil white Republicans, because they don't like the color of your skin, and because they don't like the color of mine. The campaign slogans and advertisements practically write themselves.

On a side note, this whole farce of ObamaCare illustrates just how far we have strayed from our constitutional moorings. Article I Section 8 of the Constitution provides no authorization whatsoever for the federal government to manage the nation's health care system. None. But we are now at the sad and pathetic place that one man — Anthony Kennedy — will be deciding health care policy for all 310 million Americans. That, my friends, is the very definition of tyranny.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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