Bryan Fischer
Homosexual bigots' new target for hate: Michele Bachmann
By Bryan Fischer
July 16, 2011

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

The Scriptures make it unambiguously clear that change in sexual orientation is possible.

"...[M]en who practice homosexuality...will not inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." (emphasis mine) ~ 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Michele Bachmann and her counselor husband, Dr. Marcus Bachmann, believe this. This conviction, that the power of God in Christ is sufficient even for the challenges of resisting homosexual urges, is the basis for his willingness to help those who want to leave the homosexual lifestyle.

The Bachmanns have come under withering assault from wingers on the left for this common sense belief. But since this conviction on their part is rooted in Scripture, this opposition from secular fundamentalists is nothing less than shameful religious bigotry.

For people who claim to be all about diversity and multiculturalism, they sure seem to be awful narrow-minded folks. You can have as much diversity as you want, apparently, as long as it's their kind of monolithic diversity.

There is no indication that Dr. Bachmann has ever tried to force anyone to leave the homosexual lifestyle against his own will. The undercover video that is supposed to be so shocking is of a man who went to Dr. Bachmann's clinic asking for help to pursue normative sexuality. What, counselors are now supposed to refuse help to people who just want to live normal lives? What kind of insanity is that?

In fact, homosexual bigots are the ones harming folks in their own communities, by trying to pressure counselors into abdicating one of the principle values of the counseling profession, which, according to the American Psychological Association, is the client's "right to self-determination."

What homosexual activists are in effect saying to counselors is this: "Don't you dare try to help someone who wants to leave this disease-ridden, emotionally-impaired lifestyle! You try to help anyone to adopt a healthy, normal, sexually-adjusted lifestyle, and we will land on you like a falling safe, squash you like a little tiny bug and demonize you before the watching world."

The Bachmanns have been wise to refuse media requests for comment on his counseling practice. The old media on this issue are nothing more than slavering carnivores, looking for someone to devour. No point in offering themselves up as flayed meat for the sacrifice.

But others can certainly come to the Bachmanns' defense, and I willingly do so.

Study after study has indicated that people who want to change their sexual orientation can do so if they are sufficiently motivated and if they get the right kind of help.

According to Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council, the three most extensive studies on this subject reveal that anywhere from 33% to 38% of folks pursuing reparative therapy have experienced success.

Even Columbia's Robert Spitzer, the man who engineered the politically-driven removal of homosexuality from the profession's list of mental disorders in 1973, has been forced to admit by the sheer weight of evidence that change at a deep level is possible:

    "The changes following reparative therapy were not limited to sexual behavior and sexual orientation self-identity. The changes encompassed sexual attraction, arousal, fantasy, yearning, and being bothered by homosexual feelings. The changes encompassed the core aspects of sexual orientation." (emphasis mine)

The Old Media is also castigating Dr. Bachmann for using reparative therapy at all, recycling the old canard that somehow even the attempt to help distressed people is harmful.

But as Spring points out, the most rigorous study of persons pursing reorientation therapy concluded, "We found no empirical evidence in this study to support the claim that the attempt to change sexual orientation is harmful."

Even worse for critics of Bachmann, the aforementioned Spitzer, a pro-homosexual psychiatrist if there ever was one, found that change therapies can be effective, and flatly stated, "For the participants in our study, there was no evidence of harm."

In fact, Spitzer said, "Even participants who only made a limited change nevertheless regarded the therapy as extremely beneficial."

All of this should actually be a source of encouragement to Michele Bachmann. Not only are she and her husband on the side of the angels by seeking to help people leave a doomed lifestyle, the mindless attacks of the media on her only confirm one thing: right now, she is the left's worst nightmare. They must kneecap her because they are as petrified of her as they are of Sarah Palin. No more genuine encomium could be offered to her and her candidacy for the presidential nomination.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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