Bryan Fischer
Surprise, surprise: Wingers on the left distort my views
By Bryan Fischer
June 9, 2011

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

In a lame effort to discredit Gov. Rick Perry's call for a national day of prayer and fasting (called "The Response") on August 6, the leftwing blogosphere has gone after the American Family Association in general and after me in particular.

The winger-left political website Mother Jones strung together a litany of lies and distortions, which have been repeated without fact-checking by other winger-left blogs and political rags.

Here is the paragraph from Mother Jones' initial salvo:

"The AFA's issues director, Bryan Fischer, has alleged that gays caused the Holocaust — and are planning on doing it again; that gays should be banned from holding public office; that homosexuality should be criminalized; that foreign Muslims should either be exterminated or forced to convert to Christianity; that American Muslims should be deported; that there should be a permanent ban on mosque construction in the United States; and that Muslims should be prohibited from serving in the armed forces."

Let's take these one by one:

1. "gays caused the Holocaust." False. What I spoke is the simple truth: the Nazi Party was responsible for the Holocaust. If the question is then further asked, who was responsible for the Nazi Party, the answer, as a matter of simple historical truth: homosexual thugs. The Nazi Party was actually formed in a gay bar in Munich, and virtually all of Hitler's early enforcers in his rise to power were homosexuals.

Here is what I wrote in my column on what Nazi Germany teaches us about the wisdom of allowing open homosexuals in the military:

"Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews. Gays in the military is an experiment that has been tried and found disastrously and tragically wanting. Maybe it's time for Congress to learn a lesson from history."

So I clearly lay the blame for the Holocaust on the Nazi Party, but attribute the rise of the Nazi Party to homosexual brutes. That's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of historical fact, as inconvenient as that fact may be to the mavens of political correctness on the left.

(For more substantiation, read my column "Homosexuality, Hitler and 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.'" Excerpts can be found at the end of this column.)

2. "gays...are planning on doing it (the Holocaust) again." False.

Here is the transcript of my remarks:

"Homosexual activists, when it comes to freedom of speech, are Nazis. When it comes to freedom of religion, they are Nazis. There is no room in their world for dissent, there is no room in their world for disagreement, there is no room in their world for criticism. You criticize homosexual behavior, they tag you as a bigot and a homophobe and then they go to work to silence you just like the Roman Catholic Church did in the days of Galileo — it's no different; it's the Spanish Inquisition all over again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, they are Nazis. Do not be under any illusions about what homosexual activists will do with your freedoms and your religion if they have the opportunity. They'll do the same thing to you that the Nazis did to their opponents in Nazi Germany."

Clearly the parallel I was drawing here is that homosexuals are out to suppress freedom of speech, religion, and dissent just as the Nazis did. This is indisputable.

3. "gays should be banned from holding public office" — This is accurate. I do believe this, for the same reason that I believe Anthony Weiner should resign, as did Larry Craig, John Ensign and Mark Foley and numerous other Republicans caught in sexual misconduct. Aberrant sexuality morally disqualifies a practitioner from public office, and whatever else homosexual behavior is, it is aberrant sexual behavior.

4. "homosexuality should be criminalized" — Not accurate. What I have written and said (you can ask Alan Colmes about this) is that our public policies on homosexual behavior should be the same as our public policies toward intravenous drug abuse, since both behaviors represent a severe threat to health. (The three groups who are prohibited by the FDA from donating blood are homosexuals, drug abusers, and prostitutes, because their conduct is so risky to their own health and to the nation's health.) So I have said that I will happily follow the lead of liberals on this. Whatever polices they want to adopt to deal with intravenous drug abusers should be adopted to deal with homosexual behavior.

5. "foreign Muslims should either be exterminated or forced to convert to Christianity" — Horrendous distortion. What I said was that, if we are attacked from or by a Muslim nation, we should go in with military force and neutralize the threat. Then I suggest we bring missionaries in, since it is Christianity that has made the United States the freest, strongest, and most prosperous nation on earth. If they don't want to listen to our missionaries, fine. We'll bring them and our soldiers home. But we let them know that if you attack us again and we have to come back, this time we'll come back not with missionaries but with overwhelming lethal force.

6. "American Muslims should be deported" — Wrong again. What I have written is that American Muslims who have been naturalized of course should remain, as well as American citizens who convert to Islam. But I do believe we should not extend citizenship any longer to immigrant Muslims, even the ones who are here legally. When their legal immigration provisions expire, we should happily bear the cost of repatriating them to their homelands. Immigration is a privilege, not a right, and the god of Islam teaches his followers to kill Americans. It's simply bad policy to extend citizenship to people who have a solemn, sacred, religious obligation to exterminate us.

7. "there should be a permanent ban on mosque construction in the United States" — Partly true. What I have recommended is that local planning and zoning boards no longer issue permits — what about the word "permit" do people not understand? — for the building of mosques. This is because 81% of the mosques in America distribute literature that supports violent jihad and the imposition of sharia law by force, and 95% of Muslims who attend prayers regularly attend one of these mosques. I have suggested our policies toward Islam should be the same as our policies toward the KKK and white supremacist groups, since they are equally and violently antisemitic. Whatever the NAACP thinks ought to be done to halt the spread of the KKK and white supremacists I'll be happy to adopt as our policy against the spread of Islam.

8. "Muslims should be prohibited from serving in the armed forces" — True. Serving in the United States military is a privilege not a right, and we should have no room in our military for those whose religion teaches them to "slay the idolaters wherever you find them" (Surah 9:5). If you don't think this policy suggestion makes sense, ask the families of Major Nidal Malik Hasan's homicidal rampage at Ft. Hood, done in the name of Allah.

I understand that wingers on the left have no regard for the truth and reason; otherwise they would agree with me. But for inquiring minds who want to know the truth about what I believe, this column can serve to correct the gross distortions of my views by the attack dogs on the left.

More on the connection between homosexuality and the Nazi Party:

The Nazi Party actually began in a gay bar in Munich, and historian William Shirer ("The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich") says quite matter-of-factly of Ernst Roehm that "like so many of the early Nazis, (he was) a homosexual."

Noted German historian Lothar Mochtan published a book in 2001 ("Hitler's Secret: The Double Life of a Dictator") which establishes beyond any question the fact that Hitler himself was a practicing homosexual, and that he killed Roehm on the infamous "Night of the Long Knives" because he was afraid Roehm would reveal his sexual proclivities to the German public.

My column on the subject, "Homosexuality, Hitler and 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'," includes quotes from numerous historians, as referenced in Scott Lively's book, "The Pink Swastika."

Here are some of those quotes:

The Brown Shirts were Hitler's enforcers. According to Nazi historian Louis Snyder, Roehm recruited homosexuals into the SA because Roehm felt Germany needed "a proud and arrogant lot who could brawl, carouse, smash windows, kill and slaughter for the hell of it. Straights, in (Roehm's) eyes, were not as adept in such behavior as practicing homosexuals."

Of the Brown Shirts, historian Thomas Fuchs says, "The principle function of this army-like organization was beating up on anyone who opposed the Nazis, and Hitler believed this was a job best undertaken by homosexuals."

Historian H.R. Knickerbocker writes, "Roehm, as the head of 2,500,000 Storm Troops, had surrounded himself with a staff of perverts. His chiefs were almost without exception homosexuals. Indeed, unless a Storm Troop officer were homosexual, he had no chance of advancement."

If someone has a complaint with my contention that "homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts," and that the Brown Shirts in turn "gave us...the Nazi war machine," then their argument is not with me but with distinguished historians.

Here is my conclusion, as expressed in the column: "Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews. Gays in the military is an experiment that has been tried and found disastrously and tragically wanting. Maybe it's time for Congress to learn a lesson from history."

So I clearly lay the blame for the Holocaust on the Nazi Party, but attribute the rise of the Nazi Party to homosexual thugs. That's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of historical fact, as inconvenient as that fact may be to the mavens of political correctness on the left.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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