Bryan Fischer
Homosexuals commit hate crimes, Part 3: U.S. military
By Bryan Fischer
June 2, 2011

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

"A hate crime is usually defined by state law as one that involves threats, harassment, or physical harm and is motivated by prejudice against someone's race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation or physical or mental disability." —

Get ready for an entire spate of hate crimes in the U.S. military, perpetrated by homosexual activists against servicemembers, especially officers, who have deeply held religious convictions about the acceptability of homosexual behavior.

With the repeal of the ban on homosexuality in the military, things are about to get ugly for people of faith.

I received a communique from a career United States Air Force officer, a man who has been an officer for 19 years. He understandably wants his identity to be protected so that he can finish his military career without himself becoming the victim of a hate crime perpetrated by homosexuals.

His sobering account of the training sessions that have been conducted for officers in the wake of the repeal make it clear that principle-driven officers are about to become the victims of systematic hate crimes unless they just shut up and go away.

Says this experienced officer, based on the training he was just recently subjected to:

"Homosexuals are now a protected class of people in the Air Force. Any form of discrimination against them — even an objection to the sexual lifestyle or behavior — is now taboo and will be severely punished."

Severe punishment for merely expressing reservations about the normalcy of homosexual behavior? Can you say "hate crime?" I certainly can.

The chilling affect of this threat — and remember, a threat constitutes a hate crime if it's motivated by prejudice against one's religion — on speech has already become evident. Says this officer:

"Dialog (sic) of any dissenters during the training was noticeably absent because they feared how their objections might be view by the senior leaders in the room...who control future jobs and promotions. The direction from the lawyers and senior officers in the room was clearly vocalized: adhere to the new policy or you will be punished." That's the very definition of a hate crime.

The fact that this hate-crime threat intimidated these officers into silence became clear based on what happened after the officers — who uttered not a peep of protest in the training sessions — were free from the constraints of the training room. They "spent considerable time discussing the indoctrination, the double standards, and the problems we'll face in the future." In other words, when they could speak freely without worrying about becoming the victim of a hate crime, they expressed all kinds of problems with the change in policy. But the senior officers who did the training will be able to say, hey, nobody registered a single complaint during training, everything's terrific.

The officer who wrote to me went on to explain that there was "absolutely no discussion about the right of personnel to be free from unwanted sexual attraction...the guy who asks me out on a date Monday afternoon will be granted the right to shower with me on Tuesday morning...While there is currently some leeway for heterosexuals to object to intimate quarters with homosexuals...senior leaders in the room made it clear that such objections will not be tolerated for long." In other words, they will experience both threats and harassment for any complaints, meaning, in other words, that they will become the victims of a hate crime.

And the campaign of intimidation is working. "I don't know of a single officer who is willing to buck the system and oppose the policy...The senior officers shrug their shoulders and say, 'I'm not about to let this destroy my career and result in the loss of my well-being and pension.' Frankly, rightly or wrongly, that's how I feel. I have no hope that anything I say publicly will change the direction of this train. I am therefore unwilling to sacrifice my entire career on the altar of homosexuality. That might be cowardly, but it is realty."

Hmmm. "Destroy career...loss of pension...sacrifice my career." All because of prejudice against one's religion. Hate Crimes R-Us.

He adds, "Those who object to homosexual conduct in the military have effectively been silenced. They will serve out their remaining days and then depart the military." In other words, we are about to experience the wholesale but silent departure of virtually every character- and principle- driven officer in the United States military. Speaking for myself, that doesn't make me feel any safer. How about you? Hate crimes are about to decimate the greatest military in the history of the world.

This officer does not think that things will stop here. He predicts, as I have from the beginning, that we will soon see a "barrage of lawsuits arguing in favor of homosexual military spouses." We've already seen the first glimmer of this when Navy chaplains were briefly permitted to use base chapels to perform homosexual wedding ceremonies. Trust me, it won't be long before evangelical chaplains will be ordered to perform same-sex nuptials or find a different career.

Bottom line: when it comes to hate crimes, you ain't seen nothing yet. Homosexual activists have a cudgel in hand, and they're coming after you.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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