Bryan Fischer
No-fly zone aiding and abetting Al Qaeda
By Bryan Fischer
March 23, 2011

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

Al Qaeda is behind the rebellion in Libya. So this no-fly zone is in fact helping the Muslims who killed 3000 Americans on 9/11. But helping our sworn enemies, especially if they are Muslims, does not seem to be a bother to Obama.

Here's your "Religion of Peace" update for the day: Here are two Tweets from a Muslim who sent them as he was viewing what he considered to be a pro-Israel documentary — "Indoctrinate_U" — on the campus of McGill University in Canada: "I should have brought an M16." "My blood is boiling. I want to shoot everyone in this room." Naturally, he says his Tweets were "taken out of context." Nothing to see here, move along. Islam is no threat to the West.

Quote of the day from the guy I think is the smartest man in the world, Thomas Sowell: "Intolerance may not promote progress but it can promote survival. An intolerant Islamic world may outlast the Western world that seems ready to tolerate anything, including the undermining of its own fundamental values and threats to its continued existence."

Here is Obama back in 2007: "The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack." Well, I guess that was then. It is just bizarre that Democrats like Dennis Kucinich are the ones making the most noise about how unconstitutional this whole attack on Libya is. Where are the Republican voices?

Even Salon, a winger-left publication, admits that Democrats don't follow the Constitution on getting authorization for war while Republicans do. Truman didn't seek congressional authorization for Korea, and Clinton didn't for Kosovo and Haiti. But Reagan did for Lebanon, Bush I did it for the Gulf War, and Bush II did it for Afghanistan and Iraq. Only LBJ, with regard to Vietnam, was a Demorat who sought and received congressional authorization. This is just further evidence that Democrats seem to hate the Constitution and ignore it whenever it is inconvenient for them.

Whatever you think about Michael Savage, according to this profile in American Thinker, he pounds the Bible like a prophet of old and calls America back to its Judeo-Christian roots day after day.

More scare headlines and stories from Japan. Here's a story that bleats that radiation levels in Tokyo are "higher than normal." But then if you read further into the story you read that the levels of radiation in Tokyo are "only a third of the global average for naturally occurring background radiation." A third of normal ambient radiation! Let's all panic!

More fear and hype from Japan. Here's a story that talks about how vegetables and milk have been radiated in the vicinity around the Fukushima reactors. This is in the part of the story where the AP is hyping "[f]ears about radiation." But then you read three paragraphs down and you find this pull quote: "[H]ealth experts say the doses are low and not a threat to human health unless the tainted products are consumed in abnormally excessive quantities."

Harry Reid has pledged that he will shut down government if the next Continuing Resolution defunds Planned Parenthood. Memo to GOP: let him do it.

The Federal Reserve doesn't include food or energy when calculating inflation. Observes Sowell, "The cost of living is no sweat if you can do without electricity and food."

Unions are hitching themselves to Martin Luther King, Jr., saying that collective bargaining is a "right." Nope. Nothing that makes a claim on someone else's wallet is a "right." Those who collectively bargain as part of a public sector union are making a claim on the wallets of every taxpayer. That means it cannot be a fundamental right. It's a privilege that can be granted (foolish) or withheld (wise) but it is not a right of any kind.

This understanding, that anything that can only happen if somebody's pocket is picked by the government cannot possibly be a fundamental right, helps us analyze both health care and public education. Since ObamaCare and public ed both force taxpayers to cough up money for total strangers, neither can possibly be a fundamental right.

Here's the simple and yet complete solution to the education problem: get government out of education altogether, give all monies dedicated to public education back to the taxpayers, and let parents purchase the kind of education they want for their children. Even now the best way to bring about reform is gloriously simple: education dollars should follow the student to the school of the parents' choice, whether that school is a home school, a public school, a charter school, a private school or a parochial school. Let's let parents instead of unions decide what kind of education is best for our children.

CNS News: has computed the cost of Obama's permatorium in the Gulf: 19,000 jobs are gone, gone, gone, wage losses total $1.1 billion, and lost revenue to the precious federal government amounts to $350 million. They say you always hurt the one you love. Well, Obama is doing it to his second love (after himself, of course), the central government.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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