Bryan Fischer
Muslims want to make White House a mosque, demolish Statue of Liberty
By Bryan Fischer
March 15, 2011

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

Last week, Rep. Peter King held hearings on the dangers of Islamic radicalization in the United States. He was widely criticized by strident voices on the left for doing so.

But he had every reason to hold these hearings. Even Janet Napolitano, head of Homeland Security, has admitted that our greatest terror threats now do not come from overseas groups like Al Qaeda but from terrorists recruited and radicalized on our own soil. She has stated publicly that the terror threat from Muslims is now at its most "heightened state" since 9/11.

Over 80% of the mosques in America support the doctrines of jihad and promote the ultimate goal of Islamic rule over the United States.

In addition, according to the fusion center for the State of New York, 50 of the 88 people involved in Islamic terror plots against the U.S. since 9/11 have been U.S. citizens, with a majority of them having been born in the U.S.

If you doubt this, you need only visit the website Sharia4America to see an image of the White House converted into a mosque, and an image of the Statue of Liberty enshrouded in a burkha.

With regard to the White House, the website calls for it to be "converted into a flourishing mosque."

The website calls on "sincere Muslims" to work for "the demolition of the Statue of Liberty," and for it to be covered with "a large burkha" until it can be destroyed, to "shield...this horrendous eye sore from public view."

Bottom line: no more mosques in America, period.

Here's your "Religion of Peace" update: Muslims knifed a Jewish family of five -including a baby — to death in their own home over the weekend, on Jewish soil. This is bad enough all by itself, but Muslims in Gaza handed out candy and sweets to celebrate the slit throats of these pigs and apes. This is just what Palestinians did on 9/11. Islam has been the same for 1400 years; there is no chance it will change in our lifetime or the lifetime of those who come after us. It must be rejected and defeated and not allowed to take root on American soil. Bottom line: there may be moderate Muslims somewhere out there, but there is no such thing as moderate Islam.

Here's another "Religion of Peace" update: Five Christians are in prison in Iran for "Crimes against the Islamic Order," whatever that means. Bottom line: there is no religious freedom in Islam, and for that reason alone it must not be allowed to take root on American soil.

German authorities are now saying that the Muslim who killed two American GIs in cold blood in Frankfurt, was inspired by scenes from Brian De Palma's anti-American film, "Redacted." Will he be blamed for creating a toxic atmosphere that led to shooting deaths, like conservatives were in the Arizona shooting? Don't hold your breath.

Here's the one reason we are going to win the battle on social issues, fiscal issues, and national defense: we're right, and they're wrong.

The new temporary Continuing Resolution, which will be voted on in the House tomorrow, is perfectly terrible. It does not defund Planned Parenthood, abortions in D.C., ObamaCare, NPR or the EPA. The GOP leadership right now is only agreeing to stuff that Obama said he didn't want anyway. This is an inkling that there may an alarming lack of spine in House GOP leadership. This is the optimum time to strike down funding for Planned Parenthood, after Lila Rose's undercover investigation exposed its willingness to aid and abet those who traffic in child prostitution by arranging for underage girls to get flatly illegal abortions. The question on defunding is simple: if not now, when?

Speaking of abortion, the casualty count at abortion clinics, when a pregnant woman walks in, is still one dead and one wounded. Amazingly, even liberated French women agree. An astonishing 92% of them say that abortion is a "traumatic" event.

Michael Moore says we ought to grab the wealth of the richest 100 men in the United States, on the grounds that it's really our money and is a "national resource." But if he grabbed it all, he'd only get $1.3 trillion, which is only about $400 billion less than this year's debt alone. So he couldn't even solve this year's debt problem, and would kill millions of jobs in the process. This is stupidity on steroids.

Nick Gillespie tells the truth about public unions: we're broke, they're overpaid, and we can't tax our way out of this problem.

A huge win for natural marriage in liberal Maryland. Same-sex went down in flames at the end of last week, as a number of lawmakers changed their minds after hearing from so many of their constituents. It's clear that, for mainstream Americans, marriage is still a one-man, one-woman institution. The Associated Press did its best to soften the blow by saying twice in the same article that same-sex marriage lost in MD because it's "deeply Catholic." This is factually incorrect, as Maryland actually has a lower percentage of Catholics (less than 22%) than the nation as a whole (just under 25%).

Here's a "Deviancy Cabal" update: a man lost his effort to force British taxpayers to pay for his sexual mutilation fetish, as he got turned down in his appeal for breast enlargement surgery.

The meme out there by wingers on the left is that cops and firemen support Gov. Walker, which is why he exempted their unions from the collective bargaining bill. It never was true, and the proof now is even more glaring, as the major police and firefighters unions are directly threatening businesses with boycotts if they support the governor's commitment to fiscal sanity.

Here's a lesson: never trust word of Democrat politician. California governor Jerry Brown is reneging on $2.33 billion of signed lease contracts. If a private businessman were to do that, he'd wind up where Bernie Madoff is. And the lesson regarding Barack Obama: You do business with him, you better get your money up front. He still owes Springfield, IL $55,457 from a 2008 campaign event.

Here's some bad news for amnesty buffs: 63% of Americans want the border secured rather than citizenship for illegals. In other words, they do not want to reward lawbreakers and trespassers. Of mainstream US voters, 71% of them want border security as the first priority. But, in stark contrast, 52% of the ruling class want amnesty as the highest priority. The ruling class, which includes a lot of Republicans, is clearly out of touch with mainstream America.

President Obama is guilty of racism straight up. His Department of Justice is now forcing the Dayton police department to lower standards for recruits since, in their judgment, not enough blacks passed. This is an insult to blacks, because the president is saying that his own people are too dumb to hack it without help. What an outrageous insult, especially to blacks who excelled on the test. Now their placement will be forever suspect, which is a gross disservice to them. This is worse than anything the Tea Party has even been accused of.

Michele Bachmann is catching grief for saying over the weekend that Lexington and Concord, where were fired the shots heard round the world, are in New Hampshire. Why, that's almost as bad as believing there are 57 states in the Union, which quite obviously disqualified the current occupant of the Oval Office from seeking the presidency.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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