Bryan Fischer
Americans know Islam is bad for America
By Bryan Fischer
March 8, 2011

As Rep. Peter King plans his hearings on the radicalization of Muslims within the United States on Thursday, it's worth remember that according to an ABC News/ Washington Post poll, just 37% of Americans have a favorable view of Islam. Ordinary people know that Islam is bad for America and fundamentally incompatible with American values and ideals. Plus, worldwide there have been 17,000 terror attacks by Muslims since 9/11. How many terror attacks have we had from radical Baptists in that time? Zero. There is a profound difference between Islam and Christianity; there is absolutely no moral equivalency between these two religions, and those who think there is haven't been paying attention or don't want to.

After the Christmas Day bomber near disaster, DHS arrested 369 Nigerians on suspicion of terrorism and on immigration violations over the next nine months. DHS released them, even though they were ordered deported, and now have no idea where 15 of these Nigerian Muslims are. They are fugitives, and DHS is clueless about what they might be up to. This administration makes us less safe by the day.

This undercover video tells you all you need to know about taxpayer funding for NPR. The NPR senior executive, who thinks he's talking to some representatives from the Muslim Brotherhood, reveals himself to be snobbish, snarky and biased. He thinks that you and I and the Tea Party folks are a bunch of anti-intellectual Neanderthal yahoos. Then he adds that NPR will be perfectly fine without taxpayer funding. I say we take him at his word.

These charts from Paul Ryan tell you everything you need to know about our fiscal crisis as a nation. It's a wake-up call for anyone still asleep. At current trends, public debt will be almost 800% (!!) of the economy by 2081, and entitlement spending (Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security) will consume 100% of tax revenue by the year 2052. Unfunded liabilities will hit $88.6 trillion by 2011, and foreign entities already own 47% of our national debt. Sobering stuff.

Our national deficit last month alone was a staggering $223 billion, bigger by $62 billion than the entire annual deficit of the last GOP budget in 2007. The GOP only wants to cut $61 billion from the budget, and the Dems are screaming about that. Republicans need to hold absolutely firm — no give, no compromise, period — and the $61 billion must be just a starter set. It will take 249 cuts of $61 billion to eliminate this year's Obama deficit of $1.65 trillion.

Walter Williams points out that two-thirds of the federal budget is consumed with entitlement spending. But entitlements are nothing more than the involuntary transfer of wealth, meaning they represent legalized theft. Prior to 1920, the federal budget consumed just three percent of GDP, compared to 25% under Obama. We will not be able to balance the budget until we stop this immoral plunder. As a Democrat senator recently said, our federal budget is a moral issue.

The left is outraged at a proposed 15% cut to the $9.2 billion Head Start program. But a study by the HHS determined that any benefits to academic, social, or emotional growth disappear by the end of the first grade. And the study included 114 different measures! We've spent $166 billion on this debacle since 1965, and it is a total waste. Its budget should not be reduced, it should be zeroed out.

It's a really, really bad idea to tap the strategic oil reserve to deal with rising gas prices.The reserve holds 727 million barrels, which is only good for about two months. It should be kept in reserve for crises like Katrina. The solution to rising oil prices is simple: "Drill, baby, drill."

An independent report prepared for Congress says there are just too many officers in the military who are white males (77%), and not enough blacks (8%), Hispanics (5%), or women (16%). How long will it be before we get enormous pressure from the deviancy cabal to establish quotas for homosexual officers? How long before these homosexual officers gather around them birds of a feather, who in turn will create a hostile working environment for straights?

John Ensign, who has decided not to run for re-election because of an affair he had while in office, provides what could be the template for Newt Gingrich. Ensign acknowledged that "there are consequences to sin," especially "when a person is in a leadership role," and that one of those consequences is its effect on fitness for electoral office. Perhaps Newt can benefit from Ensign's example.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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