Bryan Fischer
Sounds of silence: GOP 2012 hopefuls on Obama and DOMA
By Bryan Fischer
February 25, 2011

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

That nothingness you hear is the silence from GOP 2012 hopefuls on Obama's dereliction of duty with regard to DOMA. Nothing from Palin, Romney, Daniels, little and late from Pawlenty, Newt, Barbour. Huckabee's come the closest, saying only that Obama's actions are "utterly inexplicable." Where is the leadership on this issue?

Remember: presidents take an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" the Constitution, not Supreme Court rulings.

Sen. Sherrod Brown says collective bargaining is a "moral issue." Wait — aren't these the people who are always telling us you can't legislate morality? Didn't Eric Holder just say on Wednesday that you can't establish public policy based on "moral disapproval?"

More great news: The Wisconsin Assembly passed a bill stripping public sector unions of the ability to gouge taxpayers through negotiating excessive benefit plans with the people they bankrolled into office. All this after 60 hours of debate. That's how the process is supposed to work. Meanwhile, Democratic senators are still AWOL.

Union thug calls one Tea Partier a "little s***" and then assaults another — on tape. And we're the violent ones?

Not only is President Obama refusing to enforce laws other people pass, he's not even going to enforce his own law if he decides he doesn't like it. Obama is now giving Medicare Advantage a pass, boosting projected payments in 2012 after pledging over and over again to gut it.

Here's a beauty. According to the CBO — remember, the Dems always tell us CBO numbers are the gold standard — it only cost taxpayers $228,055 for every single job "created or saved" under Obama's stimulus bill. If you base calculations on a more realistic basis, each job cost you and me a cool $586,428 a piece. Hey, give us the money, let us create our own jobs.

Republicans have offered a Continuing Resolution that will keep government going right through September and will reduce spending. If the Democrats want to grind government to a halt, let 'em.

If the federal government shuts down, surely we can do better than we did in 1995. "Essential" workers are those needed to protect human life, property and national security. But in 1995, according to the GAO, Commerce kept 64% of its staff, and Interior 53%. HHS kept over 40% of staff in place. At HUD and at regulatory agencies, 78% kept right on working. That's ridiculous. Not a single worker in any of these agencies is "essential" for the preservation of either life, property or national defense.

Not to worry. Even If the federal government shuts down, Social Security checks will still go out just like they did in 1995. Uniformed military will stay on duty, and law enforcement and border patrol will continue. The essential government functions that protect "safety" and "property" will continue. Since that's all we want government to do anyway, let 'em shut it down and keep it shut down.

First, the Democrats forced banks to make bad mortgage loans, loans they never would have made were it not for government pressure. Now the Democrats want them to cough up another $20 billion to cover the bad loans the government forced them to make in the first place. It's time to put some adults in charge of D.C.

Things are getting worse for ObamaCare. According to the latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, by a 27 point margin (59-32) seniors don't like it. This is the biggest margin ever. A plurality of Americans believe MussoliniCare will be bad not only for seniors but also for Medicare, the middle class, the economy and the entire country. Lesson: throw that puppy out, lock, stock and barrel and start over.

If Obama would allow it, Alaska could be eighth largest oil resource province in the world all by itself, producing more oil than Libya, Russia, Norway and Nigeria. But Comrade Obama says no. So gas is headed to $5 a gallon. Opening up the Outer Continental Shelf off Alaska would mean 55,000 jobs, $145 billion in new payroll, and would generate $193 billion for the federal government by 2057. But no.

The federal government owns 25% of all the land in U.S. Here's an idea to reduce debt: sell some of it. The U.S. is sitting on $767 billion worth of land and $421 billion in mineral rights.

Planned Parenthood in 2008 took in $349.6 million from taxpayers and performed 324,008 abortions. It's way past time to defund this organization.

Planned Parenthood's genocidal attack on African-Americans continues. According to the CDC, African-American women continue to have the highest abortion rates in the country. Though they comprise just 12% of population, 34% of all abortions are performed on African-American women. Abortion rates among blacks are 3 to 4 times what they are for whites. Planned Parenthood is doing Hitler's job for him in the U.S.

A US soldier is on trial for shooting a suspicious Afghani who went for his (the soldier's) gun. Again I ask you, when's the last time you heard a US soldier praised for killing bad guys? The feminization of the US military continues.

Afghan women's shelters will soon be run by govt committed to Sharia law. What could go wrong with that? Bye-by protection for women from forced marriages and honor killings.

Utter folly: The U.S. ICE agent cut down in cold blood in Mexico by a drug cartel was unarmed! At U.S. insistence!

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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