Bryan Fischer
USA Today: Yes, we will fight to the last ditch
By Bryan Fischer
February 22, 2011

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer

USA Today wants to know if pro-family groups will fight to defend natural marriage "to the last ditch," and if they believe this is a " die on."

The answer to both questions is the same: unambiguously, unequivocally, unwaveringly, yes.

The USA Today op-ed argues that this particular battle has been lost for good, and that pro-marriage groups ought to just wake up and smell the napalm.

That's something we cannot do. And I would suggest that the demise of natural marriage has been greatly exaggerated. The Indiana House voted just last week 70-26 to amend its state constitution not only to protect natural marriage as the union of one man and one woman, but to prohibit the recognition of marriage counterfeits.

This battle is not over, not by a long shot, and will not ever be as long as we defenders of natural marriage have breath left in our bodies.

We will fight to the last ditch, to the last barricade, on the last hill, to defend the institution that is the cornerstone of a healthy society. We will resist to the last ditch, the last barricade, the last hill, the effort to normalize sexual deviancy in our culture.

To borrow a phrase from John Paul Jones, "We have yet begun to fight."

Get used to it. We're not going anywhere.

Said Musa is a former Muslim who converted to Christ about eight years ago. He has been sentenced to die by the Afghan government for the Islamic crime of apostasy.

A spokesman for the so-called Ministry of Justice said, "The sentence for a convert is death and there is no exception."

This is one of the truly terrible things about Islam: it has no respect for freedom of religion and conscience, precious values for us in the West.

As Congressman Trent Franks and Doug Lamborn wrote last fall, this is a "government that allows the same restrictions on basic human rights that existed under the Taliban."

The United States, a Christian nation, has spent enormous treasure and spilled much American blood to provide stability for the people of Afghanistan. It is not too much to expect our government to insist that the Afghan government spare this man's life and grant him and his family asylum in the United States.

Musa is the father of six children, one of whom is disabled, and is himself an amputee, having lost a leg to a landmine while serving in the Afghan army. He had been working for the Red Cross/Red Crescent as an adviser to other amputees.

While in prison, he has been subjected to mocking, beatings, and sexual abuse because of his faith.

In a letter he smuggled to the West, he pleads, "Please, please, for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ help me."

AFA sent an Action Alert out today, urging all 2.3 million members of our online network to appeal to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to grant religious and political asylum to Mr. Musa and his family in the United States.

We are spending American treasure to rebuild mosques in which Taliban leaders call for death to America and call Jews apes and pigs. I think it's about time we called this effort at nation-building a dismal failure. Let's use Delta Force types to take out the bad guys, and let the Afghanis build whatever benighted, Stone-Age, Islamic-dominated nation they want.

By the way, in a burst of sanity, Bill Maher said, about Muslims vs. Americans on the treatment of women, "they're worse."

And lest you think our early American political leaders were duped into thinking that Islam is a religion of peace, catch this from John Quincy Adams:

"The natural hatred of the Mussulmen towards the infidels is in just accordance with the precepts of the Koran...In the seventh century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab...spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth...He declared undistinguishing and exterminating war as a part of his religion...The essence of his doctrine was violence and lust, to exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature."

It's looking like an epic fail in Wisconsin on the part of the teachers' union. Their own president is telling them to get back to work, and 64% of the public thinks public sector unions are a perfectly terrible idea. DC strategists are now worried that the debacle in Wisconsin will trigger a nationwide tsunami that will sweep away teachers' unions all across the fruited plain. We can only hope.

Teachers have not helped themselves by lying on national TV, calling in sick and then appearing on every major network in the pink of health. The medical doctors who gave them bogus medical passes ought to be prosecuted for fraud, as Michelle Malkin has calculated that the total cost to taxpayers for this teacher strike is around $6 million. And where do Madison's students to go to recover this lost week of their education?

By the way, there's a school district in Anaheim, CA, which is planning to track truant students with GPS devices. Ms. Malkin has another great idea: how about GPS devices to track truant Wisconsin teachers?

Ironically, Gov. Scott Walker is the teacher's best friend. If his bill passes, every teacher in Wisconsin keeps his job. If his bill fails, 12,000 of them are going to get the ax.

Yeah, 68,000 showed up in Madison on Saturday to protest Gov. Walker's attempt to deal with a $3.6 billion hole in the stage budget. But on Nov. 2, 1,128,887 voters in Wisconsin sent him to Madison to do exactly what he's doing. Where I come from, 1,128,887 trumps 68,000 in a democracy every time.

Chris Christie, if Mark Levin is right, is not the man for the GOP for 2012 or 2016 or any election cycle thereafter. According to Levin, Christie supports gun control, amnesty for illegals, and much of the environmental agenda. Plus, he refused to challenge ObamaCare in court, even though it would not have cost him a dime, and has appointed a radical Islamist as state judge. Nope, not the guy for the future.

Republicans won a glorious and overwhelming victory last week, cutting $61 billion from the federal budget, and defunding Planned Parenthood completely along the way,along with removing funding for the implementation of ObamaCare, and the EPA's crackdown on carbon emissions. YetPaul Ryan appears ready to give it all away, saying that the Republicans might be willing to settle for a short-term Continuing Resolution with no cuts. No, no, a thousand times no!

Fiscal conservatives have all the leverage; if Barack Obama and the Democrats in the Senate want to shut down the government, let 'em. Ryan wants to let them up off the mat; there's no killer instinct there. But as Lincoln observed, politics ain't bean bag. You cannot give your opponent second life when you've got him on the ropes, but that is what Ryan apparently is willing to do. And the Republicans cannot figure out why they can't hang on to power! Here is Exhibit A.

By the way, have you heard any Democrats in Wisconsin complaining about what a terrible, irresponsible thing it is to shut down government?

Posh Spice and her soccer-playing husband David Beckham have been invited to the royal wedding, President Obama has not. Payback is a killer. Maybe next time he ought to giver the Queen some DVDs that she can actually play.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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