Bryan Fischer
Palin: stance on GOProud, CPAC raises pro-family questions
By Bryan Fischer
February 8, 2011

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer

Sarah Palin will not attend this year's CPAC, but it will not be because CPAC now supports the radical homosexual agenda.

In fact, quite the reverse. A number of pro-family groups, the American Family Association among them, are staying home this year because of CPAC's inclusion of GOProud, a pseudo-conservative group that lobbies for special rights on the basis of deviant sexual behavior.

With regard to CPAC, Ms. Palin told David Brody of CBN that having representatives of the deviancy cabal sitting at the table and helping to choose speakers is just fine. She said it's an example of "conservatives...reach(ing) out to others" and that GOProud's participation is needed to "provide good information and balance, and...allow for healthy debate."

But unfortunately, GOProud isn't being invited to participate in a panel discussion over whether homosexual behavior is benign or a menace to human and social health. That would be one thing. They (GOProuders) instead are official participants, and thus granted license by organizers to use CPAC as a venue to promote their dangerous sexual agenda.

Ms. Palin's statement on the subject was a bit meandering but left no doubt that she has no reservations about advocates of sexual abnormality being given a prominent place at a so-called conservative event.

Perhaps Ms. Palin doesn't understand GOProud's role at CPAC. If so, she can walk these comments back when she finds out. Of greater concern is that she may well understand GOProud's agenda, and its mission of destroying the institution of marriage through redefinition, and may still think it's a wonderful idea to give them an honored place.

That would be alarming, because it would mean she simply does not understand the danger that homosexual activism represents to the family, the institution of marriage, the education of our children, and constitutional freedoms of religion, speech, press and association.

That creates serious questions in the minds of this social conservative about whether she can be trusted with the power of the Oval Office on the moral issues that are the bedrock of the American political experiment.

Republicans are making weak-kneed concessions to homosexual organizations they would never make to organizations trying the saw off the other two legs off the conservative stool.

For instance, one of Barack Obama's mentors — his own father, I believe — thought that a tax rate of 95%-100% would not be too high. Do you think somebody with a philosophy like that is going to get a seat at the CPAC table? Not a chance. Why? Because tax-and-spend socialism is not a conservative value, and organizers would have no hesitation saying so. We wouldn't be having any of this "healthy debate" nonsense.

Would the obnoxiously anti-war outfit Code Pink be given an honored place at CPAC? Would Ms. Palin be saying she thought that was a terrific idea, that we need to hear from all sides, that Code Pink can "provide good information and balance" and "healthy debate?" Nope. A strong national defense is the third leg of the conservative stool, and no group with an agenda to weaken America's military might is going to be highlighted at a conservative event without strident complaints from genuine conservatives.

Here's hoping all the possible 2012 GOP hopefuls at CPAC are asked whether they think radical homosexual activists have a place in the conservative movement. Let's hope at least one of them says something like this:

"The normalization of homosexuality is not something genuine conservatives can support. The homosexual lifestyle itself is extremely dangerous to human health, and simple compassion dictates that we should discourage people from that kind of behavior, just like we frown on smoking. It's bad public policy to grant special rights based on sexually abnormal behavior. After all, all sexual behavior is a choice.

"Plus, everywhere the homosexual agenda advances, it does so at the expense of religious liberty, speech, and freedom of association. The constitutional rights enshrined in the First Amendment are too valuable to be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. CPAC would be wise next year to disinvite homosexual activist groups and make a concerted effort to reach out to pro-family, pro-natural-marriage organizations. Conservatism is a three-legged stool of social conservatism as well as fiscal conservatism and strong national defense. We don't strengthen America by cutting off one leg of that stool."

Sarah Palin has been the conservative wingers on the left fear the most, which is why they have been relentlessly and mindlessly trying to destroy her. If she continues to send such uncertain signals on moral issues, they just might start leaving her alone.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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