Bryan Fischer
Who's to blame? According to the left, Giffords is and they are
By Bryan Fischer
January 9, 2011

The wingers on the left have fallen all over themselves blaming the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords on overheated rhetoric from the right. Sarah Palin has been fingered as the main culprit because of a map she posted that had a bulls-eye painted over Giffords' district as a target for the 2012 elections. Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and conservatives in general have been, well, targeted, for blame.

Keith Olbermann just wants conservatives to shut up if we won't keep our opinions to ourselves. He wants us shunned, ignored, shut out of political discourse if we won't give up our convictions and meekly agree with him and all his socialist buddies.

And we are hearing incessant bleatings once again for strict gun control laws. Too many guns, that's the problem, we're told. Of course, reality is just the other way round, as it often is for regressives on the left. If somebody around Giffords besides this left-wing, Marxist-loving, Hitler-loving, Bible-hating, dope-smoking atheist nut case had had a gun, maybe everybody would still be alive today. The problem is not that there were too many guns in that Safeway parking lot; the problem is that there weren't enough.

But let's take the left's template here, that the Second Amendment and maps with bulls-eyes on them are to blame for Saturday's carnage.

Well, using their own template, the blame for the shooting is easy to fix: Rep. Giffords and the Democrats are to blame.

Giffords must be blamed for her own shooting, and for all six deaths, because she has been an ardent supporter of the Second Amendment and its guarantee of the right to keep and bear arms. She celebrated recent Supreme Court victories for the Second Amendment. Who is at fault here? Well, according to the wingers on the left, we need look no further than Rep. Giffords. Based on their own template, she has no one to blame but herself.

Okay, that was easy. The Democrats, without apparently realizing it, have fixed the blame for the shooting deaths on Rep. Giffords herself. So we have at least one person on whom we may clearly and unambiguously, using the left's template, fix the blame for this massacre.

But the left is also blindly and unwittingly blaming itself. Sarah Palin posted one map with a bulls-eye on Giffords' district, as a district to target in the 2010 elections. The bulls-eye, you will be careful to note, was placed over her district, not over her face. So Ms. Palin is to blame, for viciously stirring up hatred, vitriol, and violence against innocent human beings by using maps with targets on them.

But there at least three maps Democrats have produced which have bulls-eyes on them. You can see Palin's map and two of the Democrats' maps here, one produced by the Democratic Leadership Committee and the second by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. These maps, as Palin's did, identify electoral targets. Okay, that was easy. The blame, then, for Saturday's shooting rests with the leadership of the Democrat Party.

A third bulls-eye list was posted on Markos Moulitsas' own website, the Daily Kos. And it targeted Rep. Giffords herself back in 2008, for her apostasy, along with others, from the cause of rabid leftwing extremism. The actual language: "...this vote puts a BULLS EYE on their district" (emphasis in original).

Okay, that was easy too. Not only is Rep. Giffords to blame, and the leadership of the Democrat Party to blame, but the George Soros-funded lackey Mr. Moulitsas is to blame. So now we are up to at least three people or cliques who must, according to the left, be indicted for this bloodshed.

But we're not done. If overheated rhetoric is to blame, then once again Mr. Moulitsas and the Daily Kos website are in the dock. Before Moulitsas scrubbed it, a website posting appeared just three days ago in which a constituent of Ms. Giffords screams, "My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!" (Emphasis, by the way, in the original, which you can see here.)

In fact, this loyal winger repeats the statement later in the post. Again he says that Giffords "is dead to me now." Three days before the shooting!

Well, there you have it. According to the left's own diktats, here are the people we need to lock up for this terrible tragedy, or at a minimum, prevent frome engaging in public discourse, until the end of time: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the Democratic Leadership Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Markos Moulitsas, and the Daily Kos website. Thank you, leftwingers, for making this so easy.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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