Bryan Fischer
Latest from the "No More Mosques, Period" campaign
By Bryan Fischer
November 30, 2010

You are aware by now of the effort by Mohamed Osman Mohamud (partial clue: two of his three names are in honor of the architect of jihad, and his middle name is a variant of its leading contemporary practitioner) to blow up little children attend the lighting of Portland's Christmas Tree at the city's Pioneer Courthouse Square.

Mr. Mohamud, peace be upon him, was hoping to send 25,000 men, women and children to their eternal reward.

Despite being repeatedly warned that children would be destroyed by the blast, he soldiered on as any devout Muslim would. In Islam there is no such thing as an innocent, no such thing as a civilian. We all are guilty of belonging to the Great Satan and can be blown to bits, dismembered limb from limb, with nary a tweak to the conscience of the sincere follower of Allah.

Mohamud, a naturalized U.S. citizen (immigration reform, anyone?) had been dreaming of and praying for this carnage since he was 15, even before he graduated from high school in Beaverton and enrolled at Oregon State.

Think about that: our latest terrorist threat came from Beaverton, Oregon. If you were to pick the top 100 cities which the average American would think would offer the smallest threat to our security, Beaverton would be near the top of the list.

Officials, apparently in a hopelessly misguided attempt to reassure us, said, according to the AP, that he "had no formal ties to foreign terror groups." How is this supposed to be comforting? If a 19-year-old acting virtually on his own got this far with a plan, how is that supposed to make us feel better about danger from the pros? We're supposed to dismiss this, apparently, as another one of Janet Napolitano's "one-off" terrorist plots.

It became clear that once again Homeland Security was lucky rather than good. He was not fingered because of outstanding intelligence work, but rather through a "tip from an unidentified person." In other words, if this anonymous individual had not stepped forward, we could still be sweeping up body parts today.

This little nugget will likewise hardly be reassuring: "Authorities have not explained how a young Muslim man described by friends as an average university student who drank an occasional beer and hung out with fraternity friends became so radicalized."

In other words, the people that are supposed to protect us are totally clueless. How could this possibly happen, they wonder? That should make us all sleep better at night, with authorities admitting they have absolutely no idea when the next apparently harmless Muslim will try to take out tens of thousands of our fellow citizens.

We're told by the imam at the Islamic Center in Corvallis that Mohamud "was a normal student who went to athletic events, drank the occasional beer and was into rap music and culture." He "was religious but didn't come to the mosque consistently."

(Note to authorities: almost every student Muslim association on American campuses is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is dedicated to "exterminating and destroying the Western civilization from within." This imam may not be as innocent as he wants us to think he is. You want to look for where Mahamud got radicalized, you might want to start right there.)

Think about that. There was no way for anybody — including his own imam apparently — to tell that this guy was a potential danger to the safety of the American people, other than the obvious fact that he was a Muslim. This gives the lie to the whole theory that we have nothing to fear from "moderate" Muslims. This guy was the poster child for "moderate" Islam. Why he drank beer and was into rap music, and wasn't even religious about mosque attendance! Nothing to worry about here, see, right here, this is the kind of Muslim we don't have to worry about!

Meanwhile, he was out there making his martyrdom video condemning his own parents because they "held me back from Jihad in the cause of Allah" and warning them of what Allah would do to them on "the day of judgment" for "mak(ing) allies with the enemy."

Until so-called "moderate" Muslims step forward and give us some way to identify the problem Muslims like Mahamud we have reason to wonder about them all. If "moderate" Muslims won't step up, affirm Israel's right to exist, condemn Palestinian attacks on innocent Israelis, and dedicate themselves publicly to outing potential jihadists in our midst, every Muslim who immigrates to the U.S. and every mosque that is built in the United States makes us less safe.

Until that day comes — don't hold your breath — no more mosques, period. Let's not burn down the ones that exist, but let's stop issuing permits for the building of any more. "Moderate" Muslims, the next step is up to you. Either publicly renounce, one by one, the Qur'an's 109 verses that call for violence against the infidel Jewish pigs and Christian dogs, or we've got to stop you in your tracks for our own survival. Renounce the teaching of Allah and his messenger or quit building your mosques. "Moderate" Muslims, what are you going to do?

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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