Bryan Fischer
U.N.: Islam is bad news for women
By Bryan Fischer
October 23, 2010

I've often told my daughter that she should be grateful every day that she grew up in a country whose view of women has been shaped by Christianity.

Christianity teaches that women have been made in the image of God, and are full co-heirs along with men of the gracious gift of eternal life. Spiritually, they stand as full equals before the throne of God.

Islam, on the other hand, teaches that women may be beaten into submission by their husbands. The supreme court of the United Arab Emirates has confirmed that, by just recently issuing a ruling affirms that, yes, indeedy, it is a fundamental right of an Islamic male to administer beatings to his wife.

The most prominent Muslim cleric in the world, the head of Al-Azhar University in Cairo, said in 2007 that husbands may beat their wives, and such beatings may include "punching" and "shoving." Yep, it's a-ok under Islam for a man to go Mike Tyson on his wife and push her down the stairs.

Islam not only teaches hatred of Jews and Christians as a matter of divine principle, it hates women too. Americans should oppose the mainstreaming of this demonic counterfeit with every fiber of their being. It is systematically anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-Semitic, and anti-female.

(Allowing Muslim Student Association organizations to form on college campuses is a particular form of treasonous folly. According to the Weekly Standard, "Over the last decade, more than a dozen students from British universities have either carried out or been convicted of terrorist offenses." Included among them is the Christmas Day bomber, who was president of the student Islamic society at University College London.)

Women are little more than chattel in Islam and which has a perfectly miserable record when it comes to rights and liberties for the fairer sex. Interestingly, the U.N. agrees, perhaps without even realizing it.

At the same time Islamic countries are trying to convince the U.N. to make criminals out of anyone in the world who would utter a critical word about the religion of Muhammad, two reports — one from the U.N. itself — have emerged that are devastating for defenders of Islam. We'd better digest the content of these studies before it becomes illegal to do so.

As CNSNews reports, on Wednesday of this week the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) released its 2010 report on the status of women around the world. The report measures the school enrollment rate of girls of primary school age, the literacy rate of adult women, and female representation in parliamentary bodies.

The seven countries in the world with the biggest gap of female enrollment in primary school compared to male enrollment are — no surprise — all Islamic countries.

Of the seven countries with the worst literacy rates of women compared to men, five are Islamic. And of the 28 countries at the bottom of the heap in overall female literacy, 20 are Islamic countries.

And the only countries in the world with no female representatives whatsoever in their governing bodies are all Arab Gulf states, Islamic one and all.

To make things even worse, the World Economic Forum produced its annual Global Gender Gap report this week, which measures gaps between men and women in economic participation, educational achievement, political empowerment, and health and survival.

Once again, in every category the worst-performing nations in the world are almost without exception Islamic. Of the 20 nation states at the bottom of this barrel, 17 of them are under Sharia law.

Jesus taught us that every tree is known by its fruit. The fruit of the Islamic tree is bitter indeed, especially if you are a woman. Even the U.N. says so.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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