Bryan Fischer
Carl Paladino is the man
By Bryan Fischer
October 12, 2010

Carl Paladino, running for governor of the state of New York against Andrew Cuomo, trod yesterday where angels fear to tread: he told the truth about homosexuality, right out in front of God, the public, and vicious, mean-spirited homosexuals.

Paladino brought it yesterday, throwing a live grenade into what had already been a contentious campaign, the kind that makes politics the spectator sport it is in the Empire State.

Everything — every single thing — that Paladino said about the homosexual lifestyle yesterday was dead on the money. What he said is so true and so evident and so obvious that the real controversy here is that there is any controversy at all.

The fact that homosexual activists will now bare their fangs, veritably dripping saliva as they go for Paladino's carotid artery, and will do so with the full-throated blessing of the out-of-the-mainstream media, only illustrates the enormously dangerous clout these purveyors of perversity have been given in our culture.

Paladino properly shamed Cuomo for marching in New York's gay pride parade with his two daughters, saying, "that's not the kind of example we should be showing our children."

Referring to the unconscionable way impressionable young children are being indoctrinated (rather than educated) in our public schools, he said, "I don't want them to be brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option — it isn't."

He affirmed unapologetically that "marriage is between a man and a woman. Period," and vowed to veto any same-sex marriage bill that reaches his desk on the grounds that it would be "immoral legislation." He spoke the simple truth when he said that our children "would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family." Good for him.

In the written remarks he prepared for delivery to Hasidic Jewish leaders, he added that there is "nothing to be proud of in being a dysfunctional homosexual."

There frankly is no other kind of homosexual than the dysfunctional kind. Homosexuals are dysfunctional by the very nature of the aberrant sexual conduct in which they engage. As the Roman Catholic Church correctly says, homosexual behavior is "intrinsically disordered."

It is so contrary to nature, so self-destructive, that it is no surprise that homosexuals have much higher rates of suicide (tragically illustrated a number of times in recent weeks), suicidal thoughts, drug abuse, mental illness, and sexually-transmitted diseases than the population as a whole. The rates of domestic abuse in same-sex relationships is two to four times that found in the straight population.

There is a notorious obsession with sex in the homosexual community, where monogamy is virtually non-existent and many homosexuals report hundreds and even thousands of sexual partners over the course of a lifetime. Anonymous sex with total strangers is a routine part of the homosexual lifestyle, sex in bathhouses, public bathrooms, and the bushes in public parks.

Our government itself tells us plainly how damaging this lifestyle is. The FDA won't let a man donate blood if he's had sex with another male even one time since 1977 due to the risk of contaminating the nation's blood supply with HIV. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) tell us that of all the men who have ever been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in the history of the epidemic, 91% got it either through having sex with other men or through injection drug abuse, proof that homosexual conduct is just as contrary to common sense and human health as shooting up.

If anything, Paladino understated the case against making endorsement of homosexual conduct a part of public policy and a part of public school curricula.

Paladino made it clear that he was not in any way calling for or justifying violence against homosexuals. "[D]on't misquote me as wanting to hurt homosexual people in any way. That would be a dastardly lie." No one in the pro-family community wants them beat up; the rates of domestic abuse in homosexual relationships indicate that they're doing a pretty good job of that all by themselves.

We don't want them beating up on each other, and we don't want anybody else beating up on them either .We want them to get help, and we want society to stop this cruel promotion of a lifestyle that kills.

As far as the high profile cases of homosexual beatings we've read about, the perpetrators should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, just like they should be if they'd beaten up straight people. All victims of physical assault deserve the equal protection of our laws.

Paladino has already, of course, been accused of fomenting violence against homosexuals, now that truth has become the new hate speech.

The director of something called the Anti-Violence Project, Sharon Stapel, said, "These words create a hostile environment and this type of vitriol demeans [lesbian gay bisexual transgender] people and encourages physical attacks." Well, if angry, intemperate and wildly untrue language is hate speech and creates a dangerous climate for physical assault, Ms. Stapel is the guilty one here and Mr. Paladino had better watch his back.

I frankly hope the Ministers of Propaganda at places like the networks, the Associated Press, the New York Times, and the Washington Post start pinning down other pro-family candidates on what they think of Mr. Paladino's remarks. It's time for pro-family candidates to put up or shut up. You're either with Carl Paladino or you're with them. We need to know where you stand. Do you have the backbone of Mr. Paladino, or are you a nancy-boy who will try to finesse this issue or dodge it altogether? Inquiring minds want to know.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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