Bryan Fischer
Times Square another argument for restricting Muslim immigration
By Bryan Fischer
May 4, 2010

(Note: the American Family Association has taken no position on Muslim immigration and naturalization.)

It turns out that the main suspect in the Times Square bombing attempt is a naturalized American citizen of Muslim conviction. Faisal Shahzad, caught trying to flee the country to Dubai for safety, is a one-man argument for radically and rapidly restricting the flow of Muslim immigrants into the U.S.

The Dubai-bound plane from which he was taken into custody had already left the gate at Kennedy airport, showing how close he came to escaping our clutches.

Let's not forget that the bomb Shahzad apparently was responsible for was intended to detonate in front of the headquarters of Viacom, the company that produces the crude and crudely animated Comedy Central staple, "South Park." Death threats were issued against South Park's creators after they showed Muhammad getting out of the back of U-Haul trailer in a bear costume. Perhaps the lesson here is that when Muslims make death threats they are to be taken seriously. Theo van Gogh has something to teach us here.

Let's also not forget that the SUV containing the bomb was parked right outside a movie theater showing a family movie, "The Lion King," guaranteeing the deaths of innocent children had the explosion been successful. When Muslims set out to kill, there are no conscience restraints of any kind in place. In Muslim thinking, there are no innocent civilians. We all, right down to the tiniest baby, are the enemy and part of the Great Satan that must be wiped from the face of the earth.

Shahzad's case also demonstrates what a joke the "No-Fly" list is. He had just returned from a five month trip — plenty long enough to get the training needed to murder innocent American children — to Pakistan and the city of Peshawar, which are known jumping off points for al Qaeda and Taliban homicide bombers.

There are more than 550,000 names on the government's terrorist watch list. In order to get on this list, you have to do something that creates the reasonable suspicion that you are connected in some way to terrorist activity. Everyone of those 550,000 people should never under any circumstances be allowed on a flight either into or within the United States.

But the No-Fly list contains a pitifully small portion of the list of suspected terrorists, and currently has only about 6,000 names on it. Even the list that requires elevated scrutiny at airports has just 18,000 of the half-million names it ought to have on it.

So the bottom line here is that because the United States granted this Muslim citizenship, he was able to come and go to centers of terrorist training with no restriction. Muslims must find it difficult to believe we can be as naive and blindly self-destructive as we are.

Right out of the chute, Janet Napolitano told us this was nothing more than a "one-off" and nobody needed to worry about anything. Now government officials are out there telling us that this attempt is connected to Muslim groups overseas and that he likely had other accomplices in America. Can the American people believe anything that comes out of this woman's mouth? You talk about somebody that's in water way over her head, Big Sis is it.

Authorities are looking for three other individuals who are suspected of helping Shahzad, and they seem to have little doubt now that this event is part of a larger overseas plot.

The hero of the piece is street vendor Duane Jackson who alerted police when he saw smoke coming out of the SUV. Says Jackson, "Vigilance is the key. Keep your wits about you [and] don't take anything for granted." Maybe we should give Janet Napolitano his pushcart and put him in charge of Homeland Security. At least his mind, unlike those actually in charge of our national security, is right on the dangers we face.

Former counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke told ABC News, "Someone was able to drive into New York with what looks like bomb parts, drive right into the heart of Times Square, pull up on the sidewalk, jump up and run away and not get caught."

No, Mr. Clarke, not just "someone." No, it was a Muslim man whom we foolishly allowed to immigrate into the U.S.., foolishly naturalized, then with blissful unconcern allowed to travel freely to radicalized parts of the Muslim world. What kind of suicidal insanity is this?

(As a side note, this ought to put to rest for all time any notion of trying the Gitmo terrorists in the city of New York. The security needed would paralyze the city and probably, in the end, wouldn't even work.)

al Qaeda has a number of videos posted on the internet that teach would-be homicide bombers how to make car bombs. We're not going to be able to count on their bumbling forever, and the Times Square incident makes it clear that we are all vulnerable all the time. It's simply not possible to watch every Muslim with an SUV or a van 24/7. This same incident can be repeated anywhere at anytime in any American city, and we won't be able to do anything but scoop up body parts.

The objective observer who is not blinded by decaying concepts of multiculturalism can surely see it is wrongheaded for any nation to grant citizenship to people whose religion teaches them that they have a sacred obligation to kill their hosts.

So far, we have been saved only by the incompetence of the Christmas Day underwear bomber and by the incompetence of Shahzad, who mis-wired his bomb and used the wrong kind of fertilizer. In other words, we have been lucky rather than smart. It's time to get smart and close our borders to followers of a prophet who teaches them that their god wants them to kill Americans.

If they are willing to renounce their allegiance to the prophet and the religion of Muhammad, and disown the Koran and everything it teaches about killing infidels, wife-beating, and second-class citizenship for Christians, then they can become good Americans. Until then, it's impossible. Their religion teaches them a value system that is wholly at odds with American ideals. They will simply represent an element that will tear asunder what remains of our cultural unity and pose an increasing danger to innocent American lives.

Because we love people, we want Muslims to leave the deception, darkness and viciousness of Islam to find light and truth in the message of the Prince of Peace. In order to be for Muslims, we must be against Islam. We are pro-Muslim but anti-Islam.

If someone has a better idea, I'm all ears. Until then, I remain convinced that if we truly care about the safety and security of the American people, Muslim immigration must come to a halt. That's not Islamophobia, it's Islamo-realism.

Such a move, of course, will do nothing to protect us from the millions of Muslims who are already here, many of them clearly Amerophobes and already radicalized. But at least we'll have fewer of them to watch.

But it is the height of folly to continue to import individuals whose religious convictions make them a threat to Americans everywhere. We are embracing our own destroyers, and certainly the verdict of history will not be kind to a nation foolish enough to make such a tragic mistake.

© Bryan Fischer


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