Bryan Fischer
Christian-owned "Hot Air" all cobbed up over Perkins, homosexuality
By Bryan Fischer
February 28, 2010

The "Hot Air" blog was recently purchased by the Christian media conglomerate Salem Communications. Almost immediately and surprisingly, Hot Air became an aggressive advocate for the homosexual agenda. The blog harshly criticized Ryan Sorba's comments at CPAC, in which he took organizers to task for allowing a homosexual rights group, GOProud, to serve as a co-sponsor of the event.

Even though the speaker before Sorba was the one who went off-topic and brought GOProud into the discussion by thanking CPAC for its decision, Hot Air insisted on blaming Sorba for being booed off the stage, and hammered him for his insensitivity and intolerance. The position of Hot Air is that it's just time for Republicans to "get over" the whole issue of homosexual conduct.

Hot Air then responded to criticism from me and others by turning their blog, just for a moment and just for fun, into an entirely gay-themed blog, replete with gay color schemes, etc.

I have no idea if the top dogs at Salem are aware of what's happening with the good money they shelled out for this blog, but they might want to think about paying attention.

Now Allahpundit is nervously trying to finesse what happened to Tony Perkins, who was blacklisted from a prayer luncheon at Andrews Air Force base because he opposes the normalization of homosexual conduct in the military.

In other words, Perkins got booed off the stage before he even got the chance to speak, something which Allahpundit should celebrate.

But he apparently is belatedly recognizing the complete intolerance of the special-rights-based-on-sexual-deviancy crowd, and is hoping against hope that Perkins somewhere in the distant past said "something more incendiary" about homosexuals that would justify the censoring of his message before he had a chance to deliver it.

Allahpundit says it would be a "disgrace" if he was disinvited for "doing nothing more than opposing 'don't ask, don't tell.'" But how is that any different than Sorba being censored for opposing GOProud sponsorship of CPAC? Allahpundit doesn't say.

Now he apparently wants the military to find a way to allow "religious servicemen to disapprove vehemently" of official military endorsement of homosexual behavior. But he apparently did not want Ryan Sorba to "disapprove vehemently" of CPAC's decision. What gives?

He then lamely suggests that Perkins should have been allowed to speak, as long as the military tried to "balance him with a gay speaker at some later date." Okay, then, how about insisting that the pro-homosexual speaker at CPAC be balanced by the next speaker at the podium, say, for instance, Ryan Sorba?

Ryan Sorba represented equal time in response to the pro-homosexual speaker immediately before him, but Allahpundit doesn't seem to think that was the solution for CPAC. To quote Allahpundit's own words: "I don't get it."

Allahpundit says, about the Perkins incident, "Long story short, this is a test case on how the military's going to balance creating a comfortable environment for gays in the ranks with the rights of religious servicemen to disapprove vehemently."

This is an absurd position to spectacular degree. The way Ryan Sorba and Tony Perkins have been treated makes it clear that, as far as homosexuals are concerned, there is no "comfortable environment" for them that does not involve the intimidation, harassment, punishment and silencing of pro-family voices. The sooner Allahpundit, Ed Morrissey, Hot Air and Salem Communications get that message, the better.

© Bryan Fischer


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