Bryan Fischer
It's Hillary in 2012, if Obama even makes it that far
By Bryan Fischer
January 23, 2010

There is virtually unanimous agreement that President Obama is toast. Mort Zuckerman says the air is out of the balloon, and even Der Spiegel is saying that, for German commentators, the hope is gone. In my judgment, Obama is now a lame duck president with 75% of his first (and only) term remaining.

ObamaCare, his signature issue, is dead in the water and Democrats are floating belly up right next to it. Think Corzine, Deeds, Coakley, Dodd, Dorgan, Snyder, Nelson, Lincoln, etc. etc.

If the Democrats do not insist that Obama resign from office — politically unlikely to be sure — they are liable to be dessicated, withered and powerless by 2012. His coattails are just long enough to drag them all under unless they detach themselves immediately if not sooner.

The natives are restless. If I've observed any one thing over time in politics, it's that the only thing that matters to 95% of politicians is getting re-elected. They will sell their soul to anyone who will ensure re-election and abandon any principle and any friend who serves as a drag on their electoral hopes.

The president is now dead weight, an albatross around the neck of every Democrat member of the House and the Senate. They simply cannot afford to be linked to him anymore. He is blindly pursuing policies that the great majority of Americans flatly reject, and yet he soldiers on, oblivious, perhaps through sheer hubris, to the fact that voters aren't buying the swill he is trying to sell as champagne. Congressional Democrats have got to get as far away from him as they can, and they will. Sheer self-interest will dictate separation.

Obama is a disastrous 0-5 on the campaign trail, in his first year after an inauguration attended by unmatched euphoria and expectation. Few in political history, apart from appalling scandal, have fallen so far so fast. He is the Tiger Woods of the political world. He got hosed in Copenhagen, trying the bag the Olympics for Chicago. He got hosed again in Copenhagen, trying to impose economy-destroying carbon caps on the entire world.

And he got hosed in New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts when he tried to lend his now vanished charisma to troubled candidates. He's now preparing to make it 0-6 by going to Nevada to prop up the dismal fortunes of the thoroughly unappealing Harry Reid.

Congressional Democrats now can safely ignore their own president, and in fact must do so to preserve any chance of survival. Dick Morris is surely correct when he says that the president will never be able to pass a significant piece of legislation ever again. The American people are watching, they know he cannot be trusted, and they will beat the daylights out of any politician who supports his disastrous agenda.

He has grossly misread the American public, perhaps again because in his insular and self-adulating world he believes he is the smartest person in the room and is sure that his brilliance will inevitably be recognized by the great unwashed. Ain't gonna happen. The American people are a lot smarter than he thinks, maybe even smarter than he is, and surely wiser when it comes to politics. They will never trust him again about anything.

The president is catastrophically weak and naive when it comes to our war against Islamofascism. He is indifferent, desultory, casual, and lacking in seriousness regarding the threat. The American people know this. He waited three days to say anything at all about the Tighty-Whitey Bomber of Christmas Day, his Pentagon whitewashed completely the jihadist attack on Ft. Hood by refusing to use either the word "Islam" or "Muslim" anywhere in its 86-page report, and he nominated a manifestly unqualified man (Erroll Southers) to head the TSA.

If there is another successful Islamic attack on the United States, and a planeload of innocent Americans gets blown up, I believe that will be the last straw for this vain and incompetent president. The American people will hound him out of office. He won't be able to show his face in public because the reaction will be so visceral and angry. He will become as isolated as Dick Nixon became in his last days in office.

He'll crank up the Oval Office thermostat to 72 degrees and hunker down in an effort to ride out the storm.

Hillary Clinton is of course watching, and I have been predicting for months now that she will launch a primary challenge to Obama in 2012. Rush Limbaugh said much the same thing this past week. The campaign of 2012 is her last realistic shot, and she is shrewd enough to see that he is finished as a politician and she'll just be too old in 2016.

Surely the Democrats in the party will see the same thing, and know that if they back Obama in 2012 they will be backing a loser. Believe me, there will be an underground movement among Democrats to plead with Hillary (or somebody) to save what shreds will remain of their party from The One in the next presidential election.

President Obama has no chance at a second term. And eroding chances of completing his first one.

© Bryan Fischer


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