Bryan Fischer
Gay activists target black homosexuals with racist taunts
By Bryan Fischer
November 11, 2008

There is an angry, venomous and even dangerous hatred that fuels many in the activist homosexual movement, which those who challenge the radical homosexual agenda know all too well.

Many homosexuals simply want to be left alone to live their lives in peace as they see fit. But others demand society's approval and endorsement for homosexual behavior, and are driven by a dark and malevolent energy that threatens and intimidates any who stand in their way.

Intimidating people of faith

It is critical that people of faith recognize this reality and refuse to be cowered into either silence or inaction by such hatred. It is important that we quietly, courteously and simply affirm the truth about God's design for sexuality without either becoming angry ourselves or backing away from and compromising the truth.

People of faith must realize that, no matter how kind and civil we are, if we do nothing more than affirm the biblical truth about homosexuality we run the risk of incurring the wrath of gay activists. We will be targeted not for who we are but for what we believe, and it won't matter how compassionate we are in the process.

A Michigan newspaper reports that a "gay anarchist" group called "Bash Back" infiltrated a local, 5000 member church during its worship service last Sunday, and disrupted the service by hanging a banner from the balcony, pulling a fire alarm, dropping leaflets and yelling at parishioners in what a member of the pastoral staff said was "an unwelcome and violent demonstration."

Outside, other members were beating on buckets and shouting "Jesus was a homo" through a bullhorn at churchgoers entered the building.

(By the way, be prepared to hear a new term — "transphobia" — as a label for those who continue to believe that transvestitism and transsexualism are non-normative sexual behaviors.)

Church members were nonplussed that the church had been targeted, as it had not played a visible role in political matters and is guilty of nothing more than believing that the Bible teaches that homosexuality, along with adultery, murder, theft and lying, is a sin.

Since 84% of weekly churchgoers voted for California's marriage amendment, this has made the faith community in the Golden State the target of homosexual venom, and much of that has been directed at the LDS church which provided perhaps the most united and visible support for natural marriage.

A member of the IVA network wrote me yesterday to tell me that his daughter, who lives in California, reports that homosexual activists are now targeting individual members of the LDS church. Her Bishop had his house vandalized with the word "BIGGOT" (sic) spray painted on the door and siding.

The LDS church has been forced to temporarily close its LA temple because of the harassment of those who entered the temple.

Racist taunts against blacks

Blogger Rod McCullom reports that gay activists hurled racial epithets at black homosexuals this week, evidently blaming the black community, which voted 70-30 for natural marriage, for the success of California's marriage amendment.

According to this blogger, "[T]he 'blame the blacks' meme is being commonly accepted by some so-called 'progressive' gay activists."

Blacks were subjected to "taunts, threats and racist abuse" at a homosexual-rights rally in LA on Sunday night outside the LA temple of the LDS church.

One gay black student reported, "It was like being at a klan rally except the klansmen were wearing Abercombie polos and Birkenstocks. 'YOU NIGGER,' one man shouted at me. If you people want to call me a FAGGOT, I will call you a nigger." (Note: original spelling and punctuation preserved.)

Someone else said the same thing to him on the next block, and he was told that "the niggers better not come to West Hollywood if they knew what was BEST for them." He and his friend were carrying "No on Prop 8" signs but were still subjected to the racial abuse.

Three older men accosted a friend of his, shouting, "Black people did this. I hope you people are happy!" and they were soon joined by a young lesbian couple with Mohawks and Obama buttons saying they were "very disappointed with black people."

When his friend pointed out he was carrying a "No on Prop 8" sign, one of the older men said it didn't matter because "most black people hated gays" and that it was wrong to think that black people had compassion.

Another blogger reported receiving several phone calls from blacks, both straight and gay, who were called "niggers" and were accosted in their cars and told that it was "because of you people gays don't have equal rights and you better watch your back."

McCollum reported that at least a dozen racist comments had had to be removed from his pro-gay blog, such as "Black people make me feel like s — when it should have been a night of celebration for all," and "F — K you niggers."

(To their credit, leaders of both Truth Wins Out and People for the American Way issued statements condemning these racist outbursts.)

Obama already advancing radical homosexual agenda

With 2 ½ months left before he officially assumes office, President-elect Barack Obama is already using his influence to advance the cause of radical homosexual activists.

Even before the election, Sen. Obama contacted controversial gay bishop Gene Robinson (whose ordination is responsible for a worldwide fracture in the Anglican Communion) and expressed to him his support for special rights for gays and lesbians.

Now it turns out that the application form for a position on "The Obama-Biden Transition Project" makes it clear that it does not discriminate on the basis of either "sexual orientation" or "gender identity."

This means that the President-elect is eager to hire employees who are transsexual males who want to wear dresses and high heels to work and use the women's restroom.

The ACLU, of course, commends the President-elect for this "bold departure from the past."

This serves as an indication that the new president is likely to work aggressively to expand special rights for sexually confused men and women in his administration and in Congress.

The word about the transition team's hiring practices is rapidly spreading to homosexual websites, meaning that the transition team is likely to be flooded with employment requests from people who indulge in non-normative sexual behavior.

Further, a health adviser for Obama said yesterday that the President-elect will overturn the successful anti-AIDS policy Pres. Bush employed in Africa, which emphasized abstinence and fidelity and significantly reduced AIDS rates in countries such as Uganda, where HIV/AIDS infection rates among pregnant women have dropped from 21% to 6% since 1991.

Obama will axe the funding for abstinence and pump the money into promoting condoms and, by implication, promiscuity.

But the director of Uganda's health ministry is clear that abstinence is the reason for the decline. "Our most important achievement has been to change sexual behavior."

Those who have told us that as president Mr. Obama would govern (or "rule," as his aide said on Meet the Press on Sunday) from the center are sadly mistaken. He seems determined to implement policies drawn from the radical leftwing fringe of American society.

Sen. Obama, as president, seems determined to do damage to our nation's moral fabric that will take decades to repair.

The bottom line here is that elections have consequences, and the next four years at the national level will largely be a matter of using rear-guard, defensive maneuvers while working and planning to put family-friendly lawmakers in office in 2012.

The focus increasingly now must turn to the individual states, where the opportunity still exists for citizens with pro-family, pro-marriage views to make a difference.

For example, with conservative majorities in both the Idaho House and Senate, we have reason for optimism that Idaho can buck the national trend and preserve the moral values that have made the United States what it is and made Idaho the destination of choice for families from all across the nation.

Obama Sought Out Controversial Gay Bishop | Politics | Christianity Today

Will Federal Female Employees Be Safe from Cross-Dressing Men Using Ladies' Restrooms in the Obama Administration — Christian Newswire

Barack Obama May Reverse Successful Abstinence-Based Anti-AIDS Policy

Rod 2.0:Beta: N-Word Hurled at Blacks During Westwood Prop 8 Protest

Gay anarchist 'action' hits church
(hat tip: Clayton Cramer)

Protesters March in Front of Saddleback | Politics | Christianity Today

© Bryan Fischer


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