Selwyn Duke
Gosh, has anyone ever really believed in Equality™?
The Queensland Suns won the Nissan State under-18 netball tournament last month, and the wrath of many, by easily defeating seven other teams. The issue? The Suns are sons — not daughters like the rest of their competitors.
Netball is a variation on basketball played in many Commonwealth countries. The game also apparently doesn’t have many male competitors in Australia, which is why the Suns were allowed to compete with the lasses. As Netball Queensland, the organization running the Nissan tournament, stated, it was choosing “inclusion over exclusion.”
For a little background, this is an example of the chickens coming home to roost for the feminist clucking hens. We’ve long had a Title IX-based standard in the United States dictating “that members of the underrepresented gender [“sex” is the proper word, do note] be permitted to play on teams provided for the overrepresented gender or that separate teams in that sport be created for underrepresented gender,” as the Women’s Sports Foundation puts it.
From a practical standpoint, this initially meant that girls would be trying out for boys’ teams, not vice versa, as decades ago there were few if any athletic endeavors in which females were numerically dominant and male opportunity was lacking. But this has changed, and feminists have soured on “equality” now that it less often means “special advantage.”
Australia also apparently has a Title IX-like standard; hence the Suns crushing of the daughters. Yet this thrashing inspired not only condemnation and vulgar comments directed at the boys from some parents during the final game (shameful), but also some caterwauling from a women’s sports advocate, seen in the video below.
First note that it’s intolerant of the guest, Katherine Deves, to assume the Suns’ players’ “gender,” though they do seem to be youthful, non-menstruating sentient bipeds. We also should applaud these people without uteruses for their bravery in putting themselves out there and breaking down barriers.
You go, non-menstruating sentient biped!
Of course, the wokesters absolutely would be praising the Suns for bravery if the latter overtly identified as girls and wore dresses, a phenomenon whose genesis can also be blamed on the feminists and their enablers (as I explained here).
But because the boys are apparently normal, they get very different treatment. Deves actually said that they “should have forfeited” while, ironically, attributing their presence to “male entitlement.”
Well, let’s talk about entitlement. I’m well aware of the intersex athletics performance gap (in the 800-meter run, the 14-year-old boys’ record is better than the women’s world record). But here’s the problem: It would’ve been one thing if those advocating girls’ entry into boys’ athletics had simply said, “Look, because guys are far better at sports, it can’t hurt giving girls a shot at their teams.” (I still would have disagreed.) But that wasn’t the argument.
It was “Equality!”
Whether it was allowing women into the Virginia Military Institute or the Citadel or onto police and fire departments, pushing for equal prize money at tennis’s Grand Slam events or greater pay for our women’s national soccer team (which lost to 14-year-old boys), or a multitude of other “glass ceiling” efforts, “equality” was the rallying cry.
“I am woman! Hear me roar!” was the spirit; “There’s not a single thing a man can do that a woman can’t do as well or better,” to quote Sleepy Joe Biden. It was chest-thumping and fist-pumping.
It was also completely phony.
We’d hear about how there weren’t enough women on corporate boards, but not how there weren’t enough female garbage collectors; there’d be complaints about how actresses didn’t earn as much as actors, but not about how female fashions models command far more income than their male counterparts. It was never about equality. It was always about power and prestige.
Of course, the Equality Ploy was employed because the social engineers correctly figured that if they acknowledged the sexes’ inherent differences and that men are stronger and faster, they’d lose the argument for identical treatment. They’d be tacitly admitting that there are two different standards because there are two different sexes.
So they lied, at least to themselves, because reality refuted their aims.
And now they’re shocked that their equality dogma is being applied to them. That’s entitlement, babe.
By the way, in 2012, a 13-year-old boy named Keeling Pilaro had for two years been a member of Southampton High School girls’ field hockey team. Finally, however, Suffolk County, NY, officials stated that Keeling — a 4’8”, 82-pound towhead who was dwarfed by his more physically mature female teammates — couldn’t participate because his superior skills gave him an unfair advantage. As I wrote at the time, “When justifying a girl’s presence on boys’ teams, we’re told all that matters is that she’s good enough. But when the roles are reversed, the standard changes: The boy must be bad enough.”
So all I’ll say to the Suns is, you go, boy! After all, “The best way to get a bad law [or social standard] repealed is to enforce it strictly,” the quotation goes. And as H. L. Mencken might say, the feminists wanted equality — and they deserve to get it good and hard.
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