Selwyn Duke
American't: From midterms to end times
By Selwyn Duke
Truly great disasters come like a thief in the night. How many foresaw Rome's sacking in 410 A.D., her collapse 66 years later, WWI or WWII? As for today, how many see that the United States is at what some call a tipping point, what others may call a Fourth Turning? Whatever you call it, the American republic is in its last days. This is too scary for many to contemplate, but there's something far scarier: playing ostrich and not being prepared for things to come.
The so-called Left, ever violent since its French Revolution birth and as power hungry as ever, wholly controls the culture: the media, mainstream and social; academia; and entertainment. This means it controls long-term politics, since the latter is downstream of culture. So is big business, mind you, which is why the Left controls most of it as well; this, of course, translates into funding.
Trump's 2016 victory will not MAGA; it was merely a stay of execution, a prolonging of the inevitable. This should have been obvious in a country that could elect Barack Obama and then, like the Titanic having backed up to hit the iceberg again, re-elect him. If it wasn't, it should be obvious now that the Democrats have seized the House in a Watergate-level rout.
The notion that this was a standard result for a president's first midterm is only comforting when viewing matters in relative terms; that is, the "'political spectrum' always has a right and left side no matter how far 'left' that spectrum moves."
The problem? Civilizational ebbs and flows (and collapses) are governed by absolutes, such as right and wrong; not relative qualities, such as right and left. Thinking otherwise is like supposing your transition from stage-one to stage-four cancer as a 70-year-old is like when you went from a bruised arm to a broken one as a 12-year-old because, well, both involve movement toward diminished states of health.
But this isn't your grandfather's Democrat Party. Voters this time empowered socialistic to socialist to closet-communist, sexual devolutionary, rabble-rousing, low-I.Q., no-virtue, ignorant freaks who often encourage political violence by their Antifa-Brownshirt useful idiots. So it's not your great-grandfather's America, either.
Digging into the electoral numbers also tells a tale. Ninety percent of blacks, 79 percent of Jews, 77 percent of Asians, 69 percent of Hispanics, and 59 percent of women voted Democrat – same as usual. Can we stop now with talk about "Blexit," the "Walkaway" movement, how "Hispanics are natural conservatives," how Jews are waking up to the Left's anti-Semitism, and all the other connedservative self-delusion? People vote in accordance with their emotional and philosophical foundations, and "You cannot reason a man out of a position he has not reasoned himself into," as Jonathan Swift put it. Fooling oneself doesn't help.
The voters are only getting worse, too, for three basic reasons: immigration, indoctrination, and moral corruption. Let's consider the first, then the other two together.
Demography is Destiny
Ever since the nation-rending Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 took effect in '68, 85 to 90 percent of our immigrants have been Third Worlders, and 70 to 90 percent of them support Democrats upon naturalization.
This has caused a historic demographic shift (and attendant electoral one) that has seen our nation go from 85-plus percent white in 1965 to only 61 percent non-Hispanic white today. Let's define further the political impact, using conservative figures.
We absorb approximately 1.3 million legal immigrants annually. If one million ultimately remain and are naturalized and 50 percent vote, and 80 percent of that group breaks Democrat, it means a net plus for Democrats of 300,000 voters every year and three million every decade.
The latter was Hillary Clinton's purported 2016 popular-vote advantage.
This also translates into 15 million new Democrat voters after half a century, which was as much as Barack Obama's 2008 and 2012 popular-vote margins combined. Of course, illegal migration and resultant amnesties would only increase these numbers, but are wholly unnecessary to effect this cultural and electoral annihilation. But not all un-American mentalities are imported.
We can't MAGA unless we MAMA
"The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next," the apocryphal saying goes. Today's brainwashing not just by academia but also media and entertainment is intense. Moreover, we can't MAGA unless we MAMA – Make America Moral Again. As Ben Franklin put it, "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." Yet academia, media, and, especially, entertainment subject each generation to an ever intensifying demoralization process.
So now let's crunch some more numbers. Between Trump's 2016 victory and Election Day 2020, more than 10 million Americans will have died; mostly older, they're a relatively conservative voting demographic. They will more or less be replaced, however, by approximately 16 million young people who'll turn 18 during those years. Unlike their elders, though, they'll disproportionately cast ballots for hardcore statists.
Given this ongoing immigration and indoctrination-enabled electoral-degradation process, is it now clearer why Republicans have lost the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential contests?
Note that during our entire pre-2000 history, Republican candidates won the presidency while losing the popular vote only twice. Now it has happened twice since 2000 alone, with the GOP capturing the popular vote in just one of its three victories (G.W. Bush, 2004). How long can we continue losing it while winning the Electoral College? We can't pull inside straights forever.
Moreover, the cards won't be there at all once Texas turns blue, and the warning signs are already evident. Rationalize all you want, but leftist nuts Andrew "Cracker State" Gillum, Irish Bob the Phony Mexican (O'Rourke) and Stacey "Suin' Sore Loser" Abrams came close to winning in, respectively, Florida, Texas(!) and Georgia(!); Taliban bubblehead Kyrsten Sinema did win in Arizona. We're further down the rabbit hole than you think, Alice.
Leftists are already talking about 2020, too, with a lineup resembling the bar scene in Star Wars (hat tip: Pat Buchanan). But the details don't matter. Whatever the Democrat presidential ticket, it'll be a ticket to Hell.
Not only is society drifting ever further from Truth ("leftwards") for the aforementioned reasons, but consider the Democrats' delusional perspective. Projecting, many of them have convinced themselves we're Nazis, fascists, bigots, and un-American, evil haters who have undermined the rule of law, created a constitutional crisis, and now represent a clear and present danger to the republic – we're "deplorables." Believing this, wouldn't you suppose these were desperate times that called for desperate measures?
When the Democrats seize the presidency and both legislative chambers – which they eventually will – they'll have a justification for behaving as tyrannically as they fancy we have. They'll see it as simply responding in kind to a precedent we set. You'll have Antifa in power.
The more "conservative" Supreme Court won't save us, either. With their power-lust and ends-justify-the-means mentality, the Left will discover that judicial supremacy isn't in the Constitution (which it isn't; Leftists also may just pack the SCOTUS and eliminate "uncooperative" lower courts). Unlike connedservatives, though, they'd actually act upon their epiphany and ignore inconvenient court rulings.
...Some good news?
So these are our interesting times. If you're now ready to split a vein or run for the Zoloft, hold on. There's some good news here, too – if you want to call it that.
There no longer is an "American people"; there are peoples living in America. We're balkanized not just racially, ethnically, and religiously, but also ideologically, sexually, and philosophically; we speak different languages, literally and figuratively. With open talk of open-borders socialism on one side and nationalism on the other, the Overton window is now so wide that each end occupies a different time zone. Frankly, many of us hate each other. If our union were a marriage, we'd have divorced long ago.
And I believe this will likely be the U.S.'s fate: dissolution. It may be precipitated by a calamity such as a severe economic collapse. If the federal government is then unable to meet its obligations (e.g., Social Security payments), the union-binding carrot will be gone. If the feds also seek to impose a tyrannical will, certain states may nullify their dictates, creating a further rift. One thing could then lead to another and...
Regardless, with the Left hurling fightin' words (Nazi, etc.), fomenting unrest, and attacking and bullying conservatives, the Cold Civil War is already afoot. Will it go hot? If so, when? For sure, if the Left keeps pushing, it eventually will get pushback.
Of course, should this happen, we'd likely be vulnerable to enemies such as China. It all makes for a very unsure, but not uninteresting, future.
Yet if the republic does fall and dissolve, maybe, just perhaps, one of the resulting countries can be that shining city on a hill. But remember: It will be up to us to forge it, ever bearing in mind that we can't MAGA unless we MAMA. This means instilling in ourselves virtue – including that of courage. For whatever terrors, traumas, and tribulations lie ahead, we'll need a lot of it for things to come.
Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com
© Selwyn Duke
November 19, 2018
Truly great disasters come like a thief in the night. How many foresaw Rome's sacking in 410 A.D., her collapse 66 years later, WWI or WWII? As for today, how many see that the United States is at what some call a tipping point, what others may call a Fourth Turning? Whatever you call it, the American republic is in its last days. This is too scary for many to contemplate, but there's something far scarier: playing ostrich and not being prepared for things to come.
The so-called Left, ever violent since its French Revolution birth and as power hungry as ever, wholly controls the culture: the media, mainstream and social; academia; and entertainment. This means it controls long-term politics, since the latter is downstream of culture. So is big business, mind you, which is why the Left controls most of it as well; this, of course, translates into funding.
Trump's 2016 victory will not MAGA; it was merely a stay of execution, a prolonging of the inevitable. This should have been obvious in a country that could elect Barack Obama and then, like the Titanic having backed up to hit the iceberg again, re-elect him. If it wasn't, it should be obvious now that the Democrats have seized the House in a Watergate-level rout.
The notion that this was a standard result for a president's first midterm is only comforting when viewing matters in relative terms; that is, the "'political spectrum' always has a right and left side no matter how far 'left' that spectrum moves."
The problem? Civilizational ebbs and flows (and collapses) are governed by absolutes, such as right and wrong; not relative qualities, such as right and left. Thinking otherwise is like supposing your transition from stage-one to stage-four cancer as a 70-year-old is like when you went from a bruised arm to a broken one as a 12-year-old because, well, both involve movement toward diminished states of health.
But this isn't your grandfather's Democrat Party. Voters this time empowered socialistic to socialist to closet-communist, sexual devolutionary, rabble-rousing, low-I.Q., no-virtue, ignorant freaks who often encourage political violence by their Antifa-Brownshirt useful idiots. So it's not your great-grandfather's America, either.
Digging into the electoral numbers also tells a tale. Ninety percent of blacks, 79 percent of Jews, 77 percent of Asians, 69 percent of Hispanics, and 59 percent of women voted Democrat – same as usual. Can we stop now with talk about "Blexit," the "Walkaway" movement, how "Hispanics are natural conservatives," how Jews are waking up to the Left's anti-Semitism, and all the other connedservative self-delusion? People vote in accordance with their emotional and philosophical foundations, and "You cannot reason a man out of a position he has not reasoned himself into," as Jonathan Swift put it. Fooling oneself doesn't help.
The voters are only getting worse, too, for three basic reasons: immigration, indoctrination, and moral corruption. Let's consider the first, then the other two together.
Demography is Destiny
Ever since the nation-rending Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 took effect in '68, 85 to 90 percent of our immigrants have been Third Worlders, and 70 to 90 percent of them support Democrats upon naturalization.
This has caused a historic demographic shift (and attendant electoral one) that has seen our nation go from 85-plus percent white in 1965 to only 61 percent non-Hispanic white today. Let's define further the political impact, using conservative figures.
We absorb approximately 1.3 million legal immigrants annually. If one million ultimately remain and are naturalized and 50 percent vote, and 80 percent of that group breaks Democrat, it means a net plus for Democrats of 300,000 voters every year and three million every decade.
The latter was Hillary Clinton's purported 2016 popular-vote advantage.
This also translates into 15 million new Democrat voters after half a century, which was as much as Barack Obama's 2008 and 2012 popular-vote margins combined. Of course, illegal migration and resultant amnesties would only increase these numbers, but are wholly unnecessary to effect this cultural and electoral annihilation. But not all un-American mentalities are imported.
We can't MAGA unless we MAMA
"The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next," the apocryphal saying goes. Today's brainwashing not just by academia but also media and entertainment is intense. Moreover, we can't MAGA unless we MAMA – Make America Moral Again. As Ben Franklin put it, "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." Yet academia, media, and, especially, entertainment subject each generation to an ever intensifying demoralization process.
So now let's crunch some more numbers. Between Trump's 2016 victory and Election Day 2020, more than 10 million Americans will have died; mostly older, they're a relatively conservative voting demographic. They will more or less be replaced, however, by approximately 16 million young people who'll turn 18 during those years. Unlike their elders, though, they'll disproportionately cast ballots for hardcore statists.
Given this ongoing immigration and indoctrination-enabled electoral-degradation process, is it now clearer why Republicans have lost the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential contests?
Note that during our entire pre-2000 history, Republican candidates won the presidency while losing the popular vote only twice. Now it has happened twice since 2000 alone, with the GOP capturing the popular vote in just one of its three victories (G.W. Bush, 2004). How long can we continue losing it while winning the Electoral College? We can't pull inside straights forever.
Moreover, the cards won't be there at all once Texas turns blue, and the warning signs are already evident. Rationalize all you want, but leftist nuts Andrew "Cracker State" Gillum, Irish Bob the Phony Mexican (O'Rourke) and Stacey "Suin' Sore Loser" Abrams came close to winning in, respectively, Florida, Texas(!) and Georgia(!); Taliban bubblehead Kyrsten Sinema did win in Arizona. We're further down the rabbit hole than you think, Alice.
Leftists are already talking about 2020, too, with a lineup resembling the bar scene in Star Wars (hat tip: Pat Buchanan). But the details don't matter. Whatever the Democrat presidential ticket, it'll be a ticket to Hell.
Not only is society drifting ever further from Truth ("leftwards") for the aforementioned reasons, but consider the Democrats' delusional perspective. Projecting, many of them have convinced themselves we're Nazis, fascists, bigots, and un-American, evil haters who have undermined the rule of law, created a constitutional crisis, and now represent a clear and present danger to the republic – we're "deplorables." Believing this, wouldn't you suppose these were desperate times that called for desperate measures?
When the Democrats seize the presidency and both legislative chambers – which they eventually will – they'll have a justification for behaving as tyrannically as they fancy we have. They'll see it as simply responding in kind to a precedent we set. You'll have Antifa in power.
The more "conservative" Supreme Court won't save us, either. With their power-lust and ends-justify-the-means mentality, the Left will discover that judicial supremacy isn't in the Constitution (which it isn't; Leftists also may just pack the SCOTUS and eliminate "uncooperative" lower courts). Unlike connedservatives, though, they'd actually act upon their epiphany and ignore inconvenient court rulings.
...Some good news?
So these are our interesting times. If you're now ready to split a vein or run for the Zoloft, hold on. There's some good news here, too – if you want to call it that.
There no longer is an "American people"; there are peoples living in America. We're balkanized not just racially, ethnically, and religiously, but also ideologically, sexually, and philosophically; we speak different languages, literally and figuratively. With open talk of open-borders socialism on one side and nationalism on the other, the Overton window is now so wide that each end occupies a different time zone. Frankly, many of us hate each other. If our union were a marriage, we'd have divorced long ago.
And I believe this will likely be the U.S.'s fate: dissolution. It may be precipitated by a calamity such as a severe economic collapse. If the federal government is then unable to meet its obligations (e.g., Social Security payments), the union-binding carrot will be gone. If the feds also seek to impose a tyrannical will, certain states may nullify their dictates, creating a further rift. One thing could then lead to another and...
Regardless, with the Left hurling fightin' words (Nazi, etc.), fomenting unrest, and attacking and bullying conservatives, the Cold Civil War is already afoot. Will it go hot? If so, when? For sure, if the Left keeps pushing, it eventually will get pushback.
Of course, should this happen, we'd likely be vulnerable to enemies such as China. It all makes for a very unsure, but not uninteresting, future.
Yet if the republic does fall and dissolve, maybe, just perhaps, one of the resulting countries can be that shining city on a hill. But remember: It will be up to us to forge it, ever bearing in mind that we can't MAGA unless we MAMA. This means instilling in ourselves virtue – including that of courage. For whatever terrors, traumas, and tribulations lie ahead, we'll need a lot of it for things to come.
Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com
© Selwyn Duke
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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