Tom DeWeese
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are beginning to crumble – none too soon
By Tom DeWeese
September 30, 2024

Written by Kathleen Marquardt, an associate of Tom DeWeese

Diversity: a range of different things.

Equity: the quality of being fair and impartial.

Inclusion: a person or thing that is included within a larger group or structure.

Go try to find a definition of diversity that doesn’t include all the Critical Race Theory terms. Unless you have an old dictionary that you must leaf through the pages of, you won’t find an uncorrupted definition.

Supposedly, DEI is the antidote to the gross discrimination we are observing today in most mainstream media (MSM). Regretfully, it is thanks to MSM that there are even such aberrations called WOKE, Critical Race Theory, Environment, Social, Governance (ESG), an investing principle that prioritizes environmental issues, social issues, and corporate governance, and every other Social Justice issue you can name. AND it encompasses every aspect of your life. And DEI is based on Critical Race Theory.

For those who need a bit of background on the birth of the Marxist problem developed to spur a hopeful but impossible resolution – (Hegelian Dialectic) read Herbert Marcuse And CRT: A Solution Looking For A Problem by Scott Sturman, MD, USAFA ’72.

The crux: Critical Race prophet Herbert Marcuse, a German-born Marxist and “Father of the New Left,” evolved from an obscure academic to a formative figure in Critical Race Theory. His many books and articles, filled with abstruse prose and revolutionary terminology, served as a template and validating authority for the perpetrators of violence and social unrest in the 1960s.

Despite Marcuse’s lifetime of publishing nuanced commentary that attempted to explain and understand the failure of Marxism, his personal boogeyman was capitalism. He spent a career exploring its oppressive and repressive elements and was aghast that workers did not share his disdain and revolt against their masters.

Since Marxism is tantamount to perfection, then any variance must necessarily be the fault of the workers. Flummoxed by this irrationality, the members of the Frankfurt School, of which Marcuse was a member, employed psychotherapy to discern why those who would benefit most from revolution eschewed it.

Confronted with the dilemma, the Critical Theorists deduced that workers had not developed a suitable level of consciousness regarding their plight. Essentially, they did not grasp their misery.

Revolution required the introduction of radical subjectivity to foment discontent and the realization that labor represented enslavement that was economically and socially intolerable. This dynamic represents Marcuse’s concept of alienation, which was made possible by concealment, a process of intrinsic domination within capitalist societies whereby these contradictions are purposefully hidden.

Thus, only by arousing the workers’ consciousness can problems be solved by revolution.

At this point, Marcuse departs from orthodox Marxist dogma, which is wedded to proletarian revolt, and proposes countless marginalized, oppressed groups seeking radical change.

The “inner history of the individual” stipulates that all human differences are a potential source of conflict.

Marcuse’s insights came to fruition in 1964 with the publication of the book “One-Dimensional Mind”. Here he covers his bases and points out that domination is no longer dependent on force or an authority figure but one-dimensional thinking, the antithesis of critical thinking, which relies on two-dimensional thinking. One-dimensional thinking subverts its better by:

  1. The system makes people feel freer than they are in actuality.

  2. The system provides just enough goods to pacify the citizen.

  3. The citizen identifies with his oppressor. (Stockholm Syndrome)

  4. Political discourse is eliminated.

Once again, a tidy, contrived, circular argument places all the blame on capitalism and exonerates Marxism and its reinterpretations.

Fragmentation of society into component groups is the sine qua non of revolution, and like CRT founder Richard Delgado, Marcuse paid special tribute to radical feminism, which offered in his view “the most important and potentially the most radical political movement we have.” This movement offered a vehicle for all oppressed classes.

Understanding the usefulness of division to achieve revolutionary goals, Marcuse professed androgyny – what better way to stir the pot and disrupt societal norms?

Liberation was useful only to a point, however. According to Marcuse, too much individuality impedes the freedom of others, so freedom and happiness must be limited for coexistence.

The desires of the individual must conform and identify with the apparatus, which in turn defines humanity.


Back to DEI.

DEI is basedJust recently, the Inclusion at Work Panel, an independent U.K. organization, published a report that found little evidence “DEI efforts such as mandatory anti-bias training and corporate policy overhauls have any positive effect on corporate culture.” In fact, as we are seeing companies fleeing from DEI, the truth – the fallacies of DEI – are coming home to roost. And a lot of people and pension funds are out of a lot of $$$.

As Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn stated: “DEI is an initiative that has been co-opted by the radical Left to lead Americans to believe it will reduce discrimination and quell bias. In reality, the Left has hijacked DEI as part of their hidden agenda to pit Americans of different races, religions, and genders against each other. But studies show that DEI programs accomplish the exact opposite of what the Left wants Americans to believe they do – a report by Harvard Business Review details how most diversity programs fail to increase diversity, and studies indicate that DEI can activate bias or spark a harmful backlash against workers.”

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reported a 20% rise in discrimination charges in FY22. In cases related to K-12 education, there was a 144% increase in complaints since 2021. Hmmmmm. Gee Whiz, we have DEI working overtime, and things are getting worse, not better? What can possibly be wrong with this picture?

DEI is based on Critical Race Theory. Unlike many philosophical works on race that demand a more enriched and critical conversation with whites about race, CRT is adamant about its radical activism, which challenges not only the idea of white privilege but the property rights that whites maintain. CRT’s skepticism to the commonsensical approaches of liberalism and integrationist thought reverses many of the issues philosophical investigations of race aim to achieve. Rather than creating a world of peaceful racial co-existence, CRT works from that premise that, in America, such a world is impossible, and as a consequence, racism cannot be studied with its eye on that illusory promise. In short, CRT maintains that race and racism are inextricable manifestations of the American ethos and, as such, cannot be cured by a constructive engagement with whites.

Or as Tommy J. Curry says in an essay Will the Real CRT Please Stand Up, “… within Critical Race Theory, racism is not something to be overcome or dispelled because it is a permanent part of the United States culture.” (emphasis mine)

Or as Martin Luther King, Jr. said with heartfelt emotion:

    So even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day, this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.

That speech was in 1963. The Civil Rights Act, written the next year, was to fulfill King Jr.’s dream. And it was. We had been coming out of segregation, and people all over this country were accepting that it would be erased from our laws and behaviors. And we were well on the way until the Global Elite decided to ignite false prejudices.

We can thus conclude that no matter how many statistics show there is, at most, systemic anti-Black racism in the United States is marginal. Yet, MSM, government, and schools will be pushing the lie of Critical Race Theory as a must to rectify the almost negligible race issue. Many institutions of higher education are the focus of antisemitism today.

University of California, Berkeley’s hiring rubric for the grant’s funds, which has been adopted by many other universities, including Northwestern University and the University of Southern California, “penalizes job candidates for espousing colorblind equality and gives low scores to those who say they intend to ‘treat everyone the same,’” according to John Sailer’s opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal.

“The NIH, perhaps most notably, has begun rolling out mandatory ‘Plans for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives.’ The NIH BRAIN initiative upholds the diverse teams working together and capitalizing on innovative ideas and distinct perspectives outperform homogeneous teams. The BRAIN initiative is firmly committed to fostering diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility in the research community.” Don’t worry, be happy. Those researchers and doctors at NIH may not be the best and brightest, but they will be WOKE. So if you ain’t white, male, and heterosexual, you will be fine if you enter those hallowed doors or “benefit” from some of their recent research.

STARRS — Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services – an organization that understands the difference between discrimination and social justice states: DEI, at its core, minimizes merit-based, objective value systems and promotes the widespread use of quotas and discrimination based on sex and race. STARRS also notes that “record-high suicide rates in the armed forces, estrangement from fellow service members, and the current recruitment crisis reflect poor morale. ; The pool of Americans from which the military has drawn upon (sic) since the country’s beginnings is alienated by leftist DOD doctrines. Comments from military service members, veterans, and their families indicate that they are no longer recommending military service due to the pervasiveness of CRT and DEI policies throughout the armed forces.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, protects employees and job applicants from employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. “Nuff said.

Those pushing DEI, ESG, and CRT are mostly stakeholders (non-governmental organizations [NGOs] attached to the United Nations and doing the bidding of the global elite. They have skin in the game; their job is to be useful idiots, fodder in the asymmetrical war being fought (without guns, so far).

Finally, we are seeing some common sense (or fear of lawsuits for not following the Civil Rights Act) in a number of big businesses and some universities saying adios to DEI and ESG. Molson Coors, Ford Motor Co., John Deere, Lowe’s, Harley-Davidson, and Tractor Supply Co. are just the first to wake up and get out. This should be the beginning of the end – even if it is just one of the illegal, abhorrent tools of asymmetric warfare. Some universities are also showing common sense on this issue.

If the Civil Rights Act wasn’t functioning, I could see a need for other options, but that is not the case. And, regretfully, DEI is not what it’s being sold as – a panacea for a non-functional Act; it is, instead, a repugnant tool to cancel our culture – with we Americans doing the canceling.

It’s time to slay the dragon and get back to good ol’ basic values, attitudes, and beliefs.


Kathleen Marquardt has been an advocate for property rights and freedom for decades. While not intending to be an activist, she has become a leader and an avid supporter of constitutional rights, promoter of civility, sound science, and reason. She is dedicated to exposing the fallacies of the radical environmental and animal rights movements. She has been featured in national publications including Fortune, People, the Washington Post, and Field and Stream, as well as television news programs such as Hard Copy, The McLaughlin Group, Geraldo, and many others. Today, she serves as Vice President of American Policy Center. Kathleen now writes and speaks on Agenda21/2030, and its threat to our culture and our system of representative government.


Phone: (540) 341-8911

© Tom DeWeese


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Tom DeWeese

Tom DeWeese is one of the nation's leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education, and American sovereignty and independence... (more)


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