Tom DeWeese
Does Biden executive order announce all-out lockdown of political opposition?
By Tom DeWeese
May 18, 2021

It has been barely noticed, but on April 15th Joe Biden signed a very questionable and possibly unconstitutional executive order, titled “Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the government of the Russian Federation. The official position for the EO is to be emergency sanctions against Russia and its “harmful foreign activities.” In particular, those specified harmful foreign activities by Russian include intervention in our election process.

The main body of the EO directly details punishment for anyone deemed to be acting as agents for the Russian Federation operating in this country. And how are these “agents” to be found guilty of such nefarious behavior? That will be “Determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, and … in consultation with the Attorney General.”

And what are to be the actions that will get such an agent to be found guilty by this tribunal? Well, Parts B and C of the Executive Order make it very specific. Part B says “Interference in a United States or other foreign government election.” Part C says explicitly, “actions or policies that undermine democratic process or institutions in the United States or abroad.” The purpose of these statements cannot be ignored. Interference can mean you are guilty of election interference if your political speech promotes anything positive regarding the Russian Federation. And to do so could deem you a Russian agent. Part C indicates that it could be a crime to criticize election fraud.

Now, does that not sound exactly like the news reports we have been hearing daily from mainstream media? Russian agents are the ones who hacked the election, we are told. They are guilty of perpetrating fraud. And notice how even the Republican Party leadership refuses to talk about the fraud. Moreover, Donald Trump colluded with the Russians, say the Democrat impeachment charges, starting in 2016.

It gets worse. The punishment for anyone found guilty of such actions are severe. Once the Biden-appointed tribunal determines that you are a dangerous Russian agent in any manner, all property is confiscated, it becomes illegal for others to provide you with legal representation, sell food to you, provide medical care, or even assist in hosting your website. You become known as a “Deprived Person” and any assistance to you becomes prohibited. Anyone who does attempts to assist you then shares your guilt as a Russian agent and is subjected to all of the same confiscations of property and prohibitions of services. In fact, if you are a leader, senior executive officer, or member of a board of directors of an entity determined to be Russian agents, then you could also find yourself facing the same punishments.

Section 4 prohibits transactions that “cause a violation” of this EO, even absent of intentionality. This is a warning to anyone to immediately cut ties with any person or entity that is targeted by the Biden regime. Those determined to be “Deprived Persons” become political pariahs that should be avoided at all costs. Even their relatives are not safe from guilt by association. A clear violation of the Constitution and the legal premise of “Innocent until proven guilty.”

Do you doubt the seriousness of the Democrats intentions to stop all opposition to their drive to reorganize American society? Then consider these details. Several people who attended the January 6th Anti-fraud rally in Washington, D.C., that has been labeled an insurrection, are being deprived of their Constitutional rights. More than 300 have been arrested and charged with rioting have been released while they await trial. However, several dozen of them are blocked from flying on commercial airlines, and some cannot even live in their own homes.

Many more are still in custody and have been placed in “restrictive housing.” While detained, they are isolated for up to 23 hours a day, yet have not been convicted of any crime. Moreover, there are reports that, as they are unlawfully imprisoned, they are being beaten, tortured, and treated like terrorists. In fact, reports on their treatment is so bad that even Democrat leftist Senator Elizabeth Warren is speaking out against the cruelty. Warren says she worries that law enforcement officials are out to “punish” those detained, or “break them so they will cooperate.” When a Democrat, and especially Warren, is saying that, you know that it is egregious.

One more outrageous event has drawn some attention that could be directly connected to the Biden EO. The early morning FBI raid on the home and office of Trump attorney Rudolph Giuliani came just days after the EO was issued. Was it the opening salvo for a complete expungement of conservative opposition as called for in the Executive Order?

We have experienced the massive censorship by the global social media companies, blocking anyone who attempts to post election fraud details. Banks and credit card companies have deprived conservative organizations from using their services, claiming they are engaged in illegal activity if they oppose the “progressive” agenda. Now we find this EO putting in concrete the premise that the Russians are guilty of interfering in our elections, and any U.S. citizen who also opposes Democrats could be found guilty of helping the Russians.

In Congress, the Democrats are rushing to pass their election overhaul bill (SR1) in the Senate, which will legalize all of the voter fraud tactics used in the last election. It now seems obvious that the Biden EO is intended as a partner to that bill in a systematic drive to silence all opposition to their tyranny.

© Tom DeWeese


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Tom DeWeese

Tom DeWeese is one of the nation's leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education, and American sovereignty and independence... (more)


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