Tom DeWeese
I have ANOTHER victory to report to you!
By Tom DeWeese
August 11, 2020

I have two victories to report to you – and an immediate action for you to take that will keep the victories coming!

First, as I reported to you last week, my American Policy Center (APC) won a major victory in the fight to stop HUD's AFFH.

As know, APC has been leading the fight to stop the Obama-created Housing and Urban Development (HUD) policy called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule.

AFFH is a major tool for Agenda 21/Green New Deal that destroys property rights and single-family neighborhoods – all driven through HUD grants taken by your local governments. If cities don’t comply with the AFFH rules, then the cities are punished.

For the past three years, since President Trump took office and appointed Dr. Ben Carson as director of HUD, I have been applying pressure to get rid of AFFH.

Finally, President Trump has taken that action and just announced that he is ending AFFH! That is a huge victory for homeowners and for you, me, and APC!

But that’s not the only victory we've won!

Over the past year APC has been collecting petitions calling on President Trump to reverse three Executive Orders issues by former Presidents Clinton and Obama. These orders are the root of federal policies that are designed to enforce Agenda 21.

The three Executive Orders are these:

First: Executive Order 12852, signed by Bill Clinton, to create the President’s Council on Sustainable Development. This is the main Executive Order that converted Agenda 21 from just a “suggestion” (as the UN claims it is) to official U.S. policy through every single agency of the federal government. It may well be the most dangerous Executive Order of all time!

Second: Executive Order 13547, signed by Barack Obama, to create the Stewardship the Seas. This Executive Order extends federal power over land owners and embraces global governance, diminishes the rights and privileges of land owners with property adjacent to bodies of water, bringing the U.S. into compliance with Chapter 17.6 of Agenda 21. It also ratifies the UN’s Convention on Law of the Sea Treaty, which was never legally ratified by the U.S. Senate. Law of the Sea essentially gives the UN power to tax and control water worldwide.

Third: Executive Order 13575, also signed by Barack Obama. This Executive Order created the White House Rural Council, giving the Federal government control of over 16% of the nation’s rural lands. It cedes U.S. agriculture to international guidelines under the authorship of the UN. Obama, in effect, signed the UN’s Kyoto Treaty without Senate ratification. It’s one reason why we are now in such a battle over the growing enforcement of sustainable agriculture, which is killing our farmers.

These three Executive Orders, signed by Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are weapons to enforce Agenda 21 in the United States. They made it official policy of every federal agency. It’s buried in grants that now infest our states and cities.

As a result of these three Executive Orders, our city governments are being transformed through non-elected appointed boards and councils. Drilling for oil in the oceans and in our rural areas to supply our energy needs is under constant battle. And our farmers are fighting oppressive regulations to produce our food.

And that is why APC has been leading the fight to stop these policies for almost 30 years.

Well, here is the second part of the good news I promised.

APC has generated and delivered over 64,000 petitions to President Trump asking him to rescind these three Agenda 21 inspired Executive Orders.

Well, we have one a second battle! Because President Trump has now rescinded Executive Order 13575, the Stewardship of the Seas and replaced it with his own Executive Order 13840, which restores American control of our own waterways and brings back economic activity to the seas.

That’s two huge victories for us!

Now, I need to ask you to join me in working to complete this task and get the final two Executive Orders from Clinton and Obama rescinded too!

That’s why I’m asking you to sign APC’s new petition to President Trump. It will be emailed to him at the White House. We need to deliver thousands of these petitions now!

To finally clear the decks of Agenda 21 federal policy we must get President Trump to also revoke Executive orders 12852 and 13575. We must keep up the pressure! He’s taken two important steps. We just need two more!

So please, will you sign APCs petition to President Trump asking him to finish the job and revoke these two dangerous Executive Orders?

And also, please help me continue to lead this fight with your financial support. APC can only win these victories with your donations. We take no federal grants, and foundations and corporations won’t support us because we are too controversial. So your personal support is all I have to keep this fight going.

But we are winning victories!! How many other groups can tell you that?

APC is growing. Our influence is being felt. After all of these years of being dismissed as conspiracy theorists, more people, especially elected officials, are learning APC has been right on every issue we have take on.

We can win. We can stop the threat of Agenda 21 and the Green New Deal. I just need you to stick with me so we can keep this fight going until we win! Please help!

I’m excited over these victories. I hope you are too!



© Tom DeWeese


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Tom DeWeese

Tom DeWeese is one of the nation's leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education, and American sovereignty and independence... (more)


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