Curtis Dahlgren
November 27, 2022
(Note: Republished from October 22, 2016)
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers." – unknown
I KNEW THE VIRGIN MARY. The virgin Mary was a friend of mine. You're no virgin Mary."
I knew William and Mary. William and Mary were friends of mine. You're no Queen Mary.
I knew Queen Elizabeth. She was a friend of mine. You're no Queen Elizabeth."
I knew Betsy Ross. Betsy Ross was a friend of mine. You're no Betsy Ross.
I knew Dolly Madison. Dolly Madison was a friend of mine. You're no Dolly Madison.
I knew Mary Todd Lincoln. She was a friend of mine. You're no Mary Todd Lincoln.
I knew Mother Theresa. Mother Theresa was a friend of mine. You're no Mother Theresa.
I knew Golda Meir. Golda was a friend of mine. You're no Golda Meir.
I knew Indira Gandhi. Indira was a friend of mine. You're no Indira Gandhi.
I knew Lady Margaret Thatcher. She was a friend of mine. You're no Maggie Thatcher.
I knew Nancy Reagan. Nancy was a friend of mine. You're no Nancy Reagan.
I knew Martha Washington. She was a friend of mine. You're no Martha Washington.
I knew Martha Jefferson. Martha was a friend of mine. You're no Martha Jefferson.
I knew Mary and Martha. They were friends of Jeshua. You're no Mary or Martha.
I knew Margaret Sanger. She was no friend of mine. You are a Margaret Sanger!
Never underestimate the power of stupid people.
© Curtis Dahlgren
Curtis Dahlgren
Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton...
Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton. In the intro to The Fenton Bible, Fenton said:
"I was in '53 a young student in a course of education for an entirely literary career, but with a wider basis of study than is usual. . . . In commerce my life has been passed. . . . Indeed, I hold my commercial experience to have been my most important field of education, divinely prepared to fit me to be a competent translator of the Bible, for it taught me what men are and upon what motives they act, and by what influences they are controlled. Had I, on the other hand, lived the life of a Collegiate Professor, shut up in the narrow walls of a library, I consider that I should have had my knowledge of mankind so confined to glancing through a 'peep-hole' as to make me totally unfit for [my life's work]."
In 1971-72 Curtis did some writing for the Badger Herald and he is listed as a University of Wisconsin-Madison "alumnus" (loosely speaking, along with a few other drop-outs including John Muir, Charles Lindbergh, Frank Lloyd Wright and Dick Cheney). [He writes humor, too.]
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