Curtis Dahlgren
31 genders and becoming Venezuela: Signs of decline (by design)
By Curtis Dahlgren

"Get control of all means of publicity. Get peoples' minds off government and divide people into hostile groups by constantly harping on matters of no importance." -Communist goals, 1919
THE "GREAT WHITE THRONES": You saw the prologue; now comes the epic reality. We become Venezuela. Baskin-Robbins will have 12 appropriate gender pronouns and 31 bathrooms. No toilet paper or ice cream though. I'm only being partly facetious. In a related-unrelated story, the California Air Quality Board has declared war on Elsie the cow over her "emissions," so to speak. As former Governor Nixon would have put it, "Let me just say this about that, and be perfectly clear: cows almost never fart. At least not compared to horses." DUH. Intestinal gas is essentially a product of incomplete digestion, and cows have four stomachs. Meaning near 100 percent digestion. The youths of America may not know that. Milking cows is now one of those jobs "Americans won't do." But as the Holstein Association might put it, "Black-and-white lives matter."
I speak from first-hand experience. As a young boy I used to sit on a spreader over a load of cow manure and directly behind two horses' asses. Believe me, the manure smelled better than the latter. Manure smells like money to a farmer. If the enviro-mental wackos want to ban the cow, they had better ban the deer and the antelope, the elk, caribou, moose, and us old coots - not to mention the wild horses they celebrate. But seriously, the California greenies now want another "study" to find a way to recycle cow farts! I think I'm already doing that. Talk about "matters of little importance," eh?
"The air is heavy with ominous things." – Russian citizen, 1908
He wasn't talking about bovine emissions or carbon dioxide, or bathroom "discrimination." Coming events were casting long shadows before them. Nihilism had been brewing for 50 years, and the odor wasn't good. One czar had already been shot. The Bolsheviks were coming and that was the ominous thing. The czars had been opulent, but they didn't have Five Year Plans that starved 20 million people like Stalin. The Ukrainians are still paranoid about that one.
Batista was no saint but be careful what you wish for; Chavez and Venezuela have put the exclamation point on that point. The economy isn't just in the toilet; it's in the septic tank (there seems to be a theme to this column, but I'm just saying – totalitarianism stinks!). Venezuela confiscated thousands of guns from civilians last week. Maybe they can be melted down into coins for the Black Market in toilet paper. Former white collar workers are now trying to survive by panning gold in abandoned mines. And getting malaria (google Venezuela sometime). Meanwhile back at the ranch, at the Democrat convention Michelle O'Bama said:
"In this election, it's about who will have the power to shape our children for the next 4 to 8 years."
Yes the power. The power of the feds to control all means of publicity, education, and information (not to mention your local police department) for the rest of our lives (if the Four-Year-Plan goes according to "plan"). I saw a headline today, "Get ready for the Internet as you know it to get flushed down the toilet."
Talk about "Plans": a year before the Goldwater-LBJ presidential campaign, the Hon. A.S. Herlong, Jr. of Florida inserted a speech into the Congressional Record. It included excerpts from a book by Cleon Skousen. Here's an excerpt of the excerpts (January 10, 1963):
- Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
- Use decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate "civil rights."
- Get control of the schools. Soften the curriculum. Put the party line in textbooks.
- Gain control of all student newspapers and foment riots.
- Infiltrate the press, radio, TV, entertainment, and "art."
- Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history; discredit the Founding Fathers.
- Discredit the Constitution by calling it out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations.
- [And] infiltrate the churches; replace revealed religion with the "social gospel"; equate faith with intellectual immaturity, a "crutch."
Finally, to sum up the Plan, "soften the people up with a cultural artillery barrage, a blitzkrieg." [Missions accomplished! Decline by design.]
We didn't fall; we were pushed. Today's college males are physically – as well as spiritually – weaker than 30 years ago. To whom do I attribute this plot? Totalitarianism by any other name is still totalitarianism (in all its reincarnations). Today's White House appears to admire control freaks of every stripe. I hope that you do not miss the obvious:
There is a tide in the affairs of man, to coin a phrase, and some people don't see the tide turn until it's too late. Freedom is hanging by a thread and some of us don't even see the thread.
That reminds me of a joke. A snail and a tortoise collided head-on one day. A friend of the snail said "What happened?" And the snail said:
"I don't know; it happened so fast!"
That was the state of mind of the average German in 1939. The Cuban people in 1959. The Venezuealans in 2014. The GOP establishment in 2016. The people who are always the most "surprised" are the people who just haven't been paying attention. What just happened? You tell me.
P.S. Just one more joke. The door bell rings and a guy answers it. There's no one there, but then he sees a snail on the door bell button. He takes the snail and throws it into a bush across the lawn. One year later, to the day, the bell rings again. It's the same snail and he says:
"What was that all about?" One final thought -
Find God yet? If God rang your bell, what would you do?
PPS: What are you doing there sitting on your butt reading a silly column? You could be out trying to find pokie mons, or whatever they're called.
© Curtis Dahlgren
August 24, 2016

"Get control of all means of publicity. Get peoples' minds off government and divide people into hostile groups by constantly harping on matters of no importance." -Communist goals, 1919
THE "GREAT WHITE THRONES": You saw the prologue; now comes the epic reality. We become Venezuela. Baskin-Robbins will have 12 appropriate gender pronouns and 31 bathrooms. No toilet paper or ice cream though. I'm only being partly facetious. In a related-unrelated story, the California Air Quality Board has declared war on Elsie the cow over her "emissions," so to speak. As former Governor Nixon would have put it, "Let me just say this about that, and be perfectly clear: cows almost never fart. At least not compared to horses." DUH. Intestinal gas is essentially a product of incomplete digestion, and cows have four stomachs. Meaning near 100 percent digestion. The youths of America may not know that. Milking cows is now one of those jobs "Americans won't do." But as the Holstein Association might put it, "Black-and-white lives matter."
I speak from first-hand experience. As a young boy I used to sit on a spreader over a load of cow manure and directly behind two horses' asses. Believe me, the manure smelled better than the latter. Manure smells like money to a farmer. If the enviro-mental wackos want to ban the cow, they had better ban the deer and the antelope, the elk, caribou, moose, and us old coots - not to mention the wild horses they celebrate. But seriously, the California greenies now want another "study" to find a way to recycle cow farts! I think I'm already doing that. Talk about "matters of little importance," eh?
"The air is heavy with ominous things." – Russian citizen, 1908
He wasn't talking about bovine emissions or carbon dioxide, or bathroom "discrimination." Coming events were casting long shadows before them. Nihilism had been brewing for 50 years, and the odor wasn't good. One czar had already been shot. The Bolsheviks were coming and that was the ominous thing. The czars had been opulent, but they didn't have Five Year Plans that starved 20 million people like Stalin. The Ukrainians are still paranoid about that one.
Batista was no saint but be careful what you wish for; Chavez and Venezuela have put the exclamation point on that point. The economy isn't just in the toilet; it's in the septic tank (there seems to be a theme to this column, but I'm just saying – totalitarianism stinks!). Venezuela confiscated thousands of guns from civilians last week. Maybe they can be melted down into coins for the Black Market in toilet paper. Former white collar workers are now trying to survive by panning gold in abandoned mines. And getting malaria (google Venezuela sometime). Meanwhile back at the ranch, at the Democrat convention Michelle O'Bama said:
"In this election, it's about who will have the power to shape our children for the next 4 to 8 years."
Yes the power. The power of the feds to control all means of publicity, education, and information (not to mention your local police department) for the rest of our lives (if the Four-Year-Plan goes according to "plan"). I saw a headline today, "Get ready for the Internet as you know it to get flushed down the toilet."
Talk about "Plans": a year before the Goldwater-LBJ presidential campaign, the Hon. A.S. Herlong, Jr. of Florida inserted a speech into the Congressional Record. It included excerpts from a book by Cleon Skousen. Here's an excerpt of the excerpts (January 10, 1963):
- Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
- Use decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate "civil rights."
- Get control of the schools. Soften the curriculum. Put the party line in textbooks.
- Gain control of all student newspapers and foment riots.
- Infiltrate the press, radio, TV, entertainment, and "art."
- Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history; discredit the Founding Fathers.
- Discredit the Constitution by calling it out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations.
- [And] infiltrate the churches; replace revealed religion with the "social gospel"; equate faith with intellectual immaturity, a "crutch."
Finally, to sum up the Plan, "soften the people up with a cultural artillery barrage, a blitzkrieg." [Missions accomplished! Decline by design.]
We didn't fall; we were pushed. Today's college males are physically – as well as spiritually – weaker than 30 years ago. To whom do I attribute this plot? Totalitarianism by any other name is still totalitarianism (in all its reincarnations). Today's White House appears to admire control freaks of every stripe. I hope that you do not miss the obvious:
There is a tide in the affairs of man, to coin a phrase, and some people don't see the tide turn until it's too late. Freedom is hanging by a thread and some of us don't even see the thread.
That reminds me of a joke. A snail and a tortoise collided head-on one day. A friend of the snail said "What happened?" And the snail said:
"I don't know; it happened so fast!"
That was the state of mind of the average German in 1939. The Cuban people in 1959. The Venezuealans in 2014. The GOP establishment in 2016. The people who are always the most "surprised" are the people who just haven't been paying attention. What just happened? You tell me.
P.S. Just one more joke. The door bell rings and a guy answers it. There's no one there, but then he sees a snail on the door bell button. He takes the snail and throws it into a bush across the lawn. One year later, to the day, the bell rings again. It's the same snail and he says:
"What was that all about?" One final thought -
Find God yet? If God rang your bell, what would you do?
PPS: What are you doing there sitting on your butt reading a silly column? You could be out trying to find pokie mons, or whatever they're called.
© Curtis Dahlgren
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