Curtis Dahlgren
THE WAR ON DISSENT: Bibi & 'Bama; Purim & the Ayatollah of Persia
By Curtis Dahlgren
"Pravda nyet izvestia; izvestia nyet pravda" (News isn't truth; truth isn't news). – common joke in the USSR
A LONG-TIME READER of this column, age 84, emailed me recently to say the heartbreak of his life has been witnessing the daily corruption of all information – "the rigging of numbers . . the misleading government statistics. We're drowning in lies," he said. That is not an exaggeration.
SO SAID Peggy Noonan (Wall St. Journal, 2/14/15). Hitler said that people will likelier believe a big lie than a small one, and Rush Limbaugh warns that this is 1938 without a Churchill. I would add that Churchill was "dissent" and Chamberlain was "settled science" or "political conventional wisdom." And everything is political. Especially Darwinism in all its competing "theories." The politically correct all believe fervently that society is "evolving" – so they feel safe in saying that the world is "safer" than it's ever been (except for global warming, of course).
The potus said that while the world "may not be perfect, it is perfectible." We can regulate the stratosphere, the jet stream, and the ocean currents? Mankind is allegedly almost omnipotent, albeit descended from apes or some other low-life – and acting like one! Yet the Utopians like Chamberlain thought that even Hitler was "perfectible." It only took Pastor Bonhoeffer four days to go on the radio and criticize the Nazis after Hitler' "ascension." Where are the open-eyed pundits today? They are only about four years too late.
World War III has unofficially begun, boys and girls. And in places such as Syria and northern Iraq, it's hard to tell which side we are on, or should be! For all practical purposes, we've lost Libya, Yemen, and Babylon, and we're gradually losing Africa to anti-Christian monsters. I'm reminded of the "police action" in Korea, the "containment" in Vietnam – our first ten-year war – and the first Gulf War. I'm reminded of decisions made in 1964 (I hate to tell you, but things could have been different!).
But that was then and this is now: Whether they know it or not, President Oboma and Prime Minister Netanyahu are playing a game of "good cop, bad cop" with the Ayatollah of Persia at the time of Purim (which celebrates the day the king of Persia changed his mind). Obama is the presumed "good cop" and Bibi is the "bad" cop. The former is the wheeler-dealer – at least by appearances – and it's Bibi's job to intimidate the "suspect" (like in the movies). Carrot and shtick!
All I can say is it's really Purim today, and the threats to the world are real. I can only pray, "Never again, please, and let the evil days be shortened."
P.S. There are three kinds of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things as they happen, and those who say "What happened?" Our State Department is probably in the latter category, so when I talk about praying, I'm speaking literally. Between the shrewdly incompetent and the incompetent shrews, there are a lot of people who need prayin'! While the Mideast held the spotlight this week, a whole lot of other big deals occurred. It's a regular blitzkrieg. The politically 'correct' continue to pile on dissenters, and the President just took over the Internet (if you want to know "what happened?").
I think it was Mr. Spock of Star Trek who asked the villain, "What need has a god of a star ship?" And I say, what need has settled science – or political correctness – of P.R. experts to compose terms such as "Net neutrality"? Just call it NET NEUTERING (and I won't charge you a penny for the thought). Ever notice, since the 1960s everything's an acronym? I noticed, so I'm suggesting some new acronyms for the 21st century:
- FIBS: Federation of Itinerant B.S.ers
- LOSERS: Liberals Opposed to Sensible Environmental Regulations
- FREAKS: Freedom From Religion, Economics, and Kommon Sense
- LOONS: Libs Open-mindedly Opposed to Normalcy in Society
- SWINE: Students Wildly Indignant About Nearly Everything
- GLIBS: Gay, Lesbian, and In-Between Sex
- FANATICS: Fellowship of Anybody NOW Attempting To Intimidate the Churches
- JOKERS: Jew-haters Out to Kill Everybody Real Soon
In regard to the above, I suggest this in response:
Fellowship of Anybody NOT Teaching Absent-minded Students To Impugn Christianity (FANTASTIC)!
PPS: The low was minus 10 degrees today, and we hit 20 below three times in the past week. And, of course, the mainstream media hail the banning of bullets by fiat, because those "climate skeptics" are really really dangerous people! LOL. In reality, conservatives are trying to protect science. The root word for "conserve" means to "preserve in advance," which is why conservatives are cautious, skeptical, and perceived sometimes as paranoid (we're always looking ahead).
There was an interesting article in a recent Wall Street Journal about science in Germany. It was a book review by Jeremy Bernstein, reviewing "Serving the Reich" by Philip Ball, who says:
"Before a fanatic regime came to power, Germany had the greatest scientific establishment ever created. In a very few years it evaporated. The ambiance for doing science is fragile . . . Revolutionary science thrives on dissent. Without it, science becomes mundane."
[And sometimes extinct.]
© Curtis Dahlgren
March 6, 2015
"Pravda nyet izvestia; izvestia nyet pravda" (News isn't truth; truth isn't news). – common joke in the USSR
A LONG-TIME READER of this column, age 84, emailed me recently to say the heartbreak of his life has been witnessing the daily corruption of all information – "the rigging of numbers . . the misleading government statistics. We're drowning in lies," he said. That is not an exaggeration.
SO SAID Peggy Noonan (Wall St. Journal, 2/14/15). Hitler said that people will likelier believe a big lie than a small one, and Rush Limbaugh warns that this is 1938 without a Churchill. I would add that Churchill was "dissent" and Chamberlain was "settled science" or "political conventional wisdom." And everything is political. Especially Darwinism in all its competing "theories." The politically correct all believe fervently that society is "evolving" – so they feel safe in saying that the world is "safer" than it's ever been (except for global warming, of course).
The potus said that while the world "may not be perfect, it is perfectible." We can regulate the stratosphere, the jet stream, and the ocean currents? Mankind is allegedly almost omnipotent, albeit descended from apes or some other low-life – and acting like one! Yet the Utopians like Chamberlain thought that even Hitler was "perfectible." It only took Pastor Bonhoeffer four days to go on the radio and criticize the Nazis after Hitler' "ascension." Where are the open-eyed pundits today? They are only about four years too late.
World War III has unofficially begun, boys and girls. And in places such as Syria and northern Iraq, it's hard to tell which side we are on, or should be! For all practical purposes, we've lost Libya, Yemen, and Babylon, and we're gradually losing Africa to anti-Christian monsters. I'm reminded of the "police action" in Korea, the "containment" in Vietnam – our first ten-year war – and the first Gulf War. I'm reminded of decisions made in 1964 (I hate to tell you, but things could have been different!).
But that was then and this is now: Whether they know it or not, President Oboma and Prime Minister Netanyahu are playing a game of "good cop, bad cop" with the Ayatollah of Persia at the time of Purim (which celebrates the day the king of Persia changed his mind). Obama is the presumed "good cop" and Bibi is the "bad" cop. The former is the wheeler-dealer – at least by appearances – and it's Bibi's job to intimidate the "suspect" (like in the movies). Carrot and shtick!
All I can say is it's really Purim today, and the threats to the world are real. I can only pray, "Never again, please, and let the evil days be shortened."
P.S. There are three kinds of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things as they happen, and those who say "What happened?" Our State Department is probably in the latter category, so when I talk about praying, I'm speaking literally. Between the shrewdly incompetent and the incompetent shrews, there are a lot of people who need prayin'! While the Mideast held the spotlight this week, a whole lot of other big deals occurred. It's a regular blitzkrieg. The politically 'correct' continue to pile on dissenters, and the President just took over the Internet (if you want to know "what happened?").
I think it was Mr. Spock of Star Trek who asked the villain, "What need has a god of a star ship?" And I say, what need has settled science – or political correctness – of P.R. experts to compose terms such as "Net neutrality"? Just call it NET NEUTERING (and I won't charge you a penny for the thought). Ever notice, since the 1960s everything's an acronym? I noticed, so I'm suggesting some new acronyms for the 21st century:
- FIBS: Federation of Itinerant B.S.ers
- LOSERS: Liberals Opposed to Sensible Environmental Regulations
- FREAKS: Freedom From Religion, Economics, and Kommon Sense
- LOONS: Libs Open-mindedly Opposed to Normalcy in Society
- SWINE: Students Wildly Indignant About Nearly Everything
- GLIBS: Gay, Lesbian, and In-Between Sex
- FANATICS: Fellowship of Anybody NOW Attempting To Intimidate the Churches
- JOKERS: Jew-haters Out to Kill Everybody Real Soon
In regard to the above, I suggest this in response:
Fellowship of Anybody NOT Teaching Absent-minded Students To Impugn Christianity (FANTASTIC)!
PPS: The low was minus 10 degrees today, and we hit 20 below three times in the past week. And, of course, the mainstream media hail the banning of bullets by fiat, because those "climate skeptics" are really really dangerous people! LOL. In reality, conservatives are trying to protect science. The root word for "conserve" means to "preserve in advance," which is why conservatives are cautious, skeptical, and perceived sometimes as paranoid (we're always looking ahead).
There was an interesting article in a recent Wall Street Journal about science in Germany. It was a book review by Jeremy Bernstein, reviewing "Serving the Reich" by Philip Ball, who says:
"Before a fanatic regime came to power, Germany had the greatest scientific establishment ever created. In a very few years it evaporated. The ambiance for doing science is fragile . . . Revolutionary science thrives on dissent. Without it, science becomes mundane."
[And sometimes extinct.]
© Curtis Dahlgren
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