Curtis Dahlgren
The good news, the bad news, and the really UGLY news!
By Curtis Dahlgren
"If something cannot go on forever, it will stop." — Herb Stein, economist
RADICALS IN MADISON ARE PARTYING LIKE THERE'S S'NO TOMORROW (and the way the weather changes, they may be right). The southwest is on fire and China is dumping our T-bills. Meanwhile TV news leads with stories about snapshots of a TWIT and his "tweeter" (what a convenient distraction for the White House). If he's so "bored" by his job as Congressman, maybe he could start to read the thousands of pages of ObomaCare.
The June 3rd USA Today published this headline: "Agency: U.S. could lose credit rating." No, this was not on top of page one, but at the bottom of page 5A, right next to "Pelosi likes Democrats' chances in 2012"! What we have here is hard news versus P.R. B.S. spin (her high hopes are based on 'hammering Republicans on their plan to revamp Medicare') — i.e., short term political 'hopes' versus the future of the Republic.
Nothing like having priorities, eh? "Moody's Investors Service said that if the [2] parties fail to make progress soon, it would put the U.S. rating under review for a possible downgrade."
It should go without saying that that would be worse than any failure to raise the "debt ceiling," but the story only rated page 5 next to a Pelosi "opinion"? I don't even know what beat out the story for page one, but the other day the "editorial page" (aren't they all?) published this gem:
"Well, we couldn't be more excited. Sarah Palin is starting a nationwide bus tour, which I think is a really good way for her to learn all the names of the states." — Jay Leno
Jay, we all know that it's the "man on the street" who doesn't know geography, not Sarah Palin. Public school "grads" don't even know how many states there are, but Sarah has personally visited every one of them. She's young enough to be my daughter but has virtually the same values as my generation because her family made like pioneers and moved north to the new 'New Frontier' when she was a little girl. A little hardship in one's life goes a long way to helping you appreciate our Founders and American history. And every single attack on a conservative woman is worth two valentine's gifts in the political arena.
As Ole the Norwegian would put it, "The yolk's on youse guys, Yay."
Speaking of short-sighted values, I overheard two teachers the other day complaining about Governor Walker and Gov. Snyder. Teachers have absolutely no mercy on the taxpayer who is losing his home due to high property taxes and gasoline prices (up over $4 a gallon here again). It would be one thing if the public schools were teaching reading and arithmatic, but they are dumbing down the kids and teaching them lies about the origin of man, "global warming," and the American Revolution. Some teachers say:
"I'm so tired of hearing how smart the Founding Fathers were."
I don't know if Ann Coulter has perfect timing or the rent-a-mob in Madison has bad timing, but Ann just released her best book ever, "Demonic." Just in time for the party on Mifflin Street. I plan to buy the book and would highly recommend it, because she documents the differences between the French and American Revolutions. I've been writing about that subject for years already. If you go to www.RenewAmerica.com/columns/Dahlgren and search "French Revolution" or "Thomas Paine" or "Jefferson," you will find much "Enlightenment."
If you ever wondered what a "community organizer" looked like, just look at the Tent City in Mad Town. They call it 'Walkerville,' but I just call it Hooterville or the Arab Spring does Madison.
P.S. This column is being posted late, not for lack of stuff to write about, but because it was hard to decide which news to write about. I know you have a few other sources of information, but there is some info you can only get here, because I have sources!
"As they had no means of seizing the central power, they adopted the method of endeavouring to bring about the desired political, social and economic changes by converting the masses to their views. They began, therefore, a propaganda among the working population of the towns and the rural population in the villages. The propagandists were recruited chiefly from the faculty of physical science in the universities [etc] . . .
"Each individual had entire freedom as to the kind and means of propaganda to be employed. Some disguised themselves as artisans or ordinary labourers, and sought to convert their uneducated fellow-workmen in the industrial centres, whilst others settled in the villages as school-teachers, and endeavoured to stir up disaffection among the [peasants — about the 'millionaires and billionaires'] . . .
"Landed proprietors and officials, it was suggested, should be got rid of, and then the peasants would have arable, pastoral and forest land in abundance, and [they] would not [be required] to pay any taxes."
Does any of this sound familiar yet? Those words are not about the 1960s Youth Revolution, but the hippie-nihilists of Russia's 1860s! [Encyclopaedia Brit., 11th edition, 1910; "Nihilism"] Now get this:
"In Rules for Radicals, Alinsky wrote: 'From the moment an organizer enters a community, he lives, dreams, eats, breathes, sleeps only one thing, and that is to build the mass power base of what he calls the army.'
"The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution. . . .
"When Hillary graduated from Wellesley in 1969, she was offered a job with Alinsky's new training institute in Chicago. She opted instead to enroll at Yale Law school . . [but] . . she kept her connections even in the White House and gave Alinsky's army support:
"'As first lady, Clinton occasionally lent her name to projects endorsed by the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), the Alinsky group that had offered her a job in 1968. She raised money and attended two events organized by the Washington Interfaith Network, an IAF affiliate' [Wash. Post, 3/24/2007] . . .
"Three of Obama's mentors in Chicago were trained at the Alinsky Industrial Areas Foundation, and for several years Obama himself taught workshops on the Alinsky method. Of the three, Gregory Galluzo, shared with Ryan Lizza the actual manual for training new organizers, which he said was little different from the version he used to train Obama in the 1980s."
- David Horowitz ("Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution")
PPS: This is the third column in a row in which I've been pushing that little book. One of the best things you can do for your country and fellowmen is to obtain and pass along Rules for Revolution. Go to www.FrontPageMag.com or write to:
David Horowitz Freedom Center
PO Box 55089
Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964
The book is $3 apiece or 25 for $25. Horowitz concludes the book by saying:
"What radicals like Saul Alinsky create is not salvation but chaos. And presidential disciples of Alinsky, what will they create?"
Like I said, "good news, bad news, and really UGLY news"!
© Curtis Dahlgren
June 9, 2011
"If something cannot go on forever, it will stop." — Herb Stein, economist
RADICALS IN MADISON ARE PARTYING LIKE THERE'S S'NO TOMORROW (and the way the weather changes, they may be right). The southwest is on fire and China is dumping our T-bills. Meanwhile TV news leads with stories about snapshots of a TWIT and his "tweeter" (what a convenient distraction for the White House). If he's so "bored" by his job as Congressman, maybe he could start to read the thousands of pages of ObomaCare.
The June 3rd USA Today published this headline: "Agency: U.S. could lose credit rating." No, this was not on top of page one, but at the bottom of page 5A, right next to "Pelosi likes Democrats' chances in 2012"! What we have here is hard news versus P.R. B.S. spin (her high hopes are based on 'hammering Republicans on their plan to revamp Medicare') — i.e., short term political 'hopes' versus the future of the Republic.
Nothing like having priorities, eh? "Moody's Investors Service said that if the [2] parties fail to make progress soon, it would put the U.S. rating under review for a possible downgrade."
It should go without saying that that would be worse than any failure to raise the "debt ceiling," but the story only rated page 5 next to a Pelosi "opinion"? I don't even know what beat out the story for page one, but the other day the "editorial page" (aren't they all?) published this gem:
"Well, we couldn't be more excited. Sarah Palin is starting a nationwide bus tour, which I think is a really good way for her to learn all the names of the states." — Jay Leno
Jay, we all know that it's the "man on the street" who doesn't know geography, not Sarah Palin. Public school "grads" don't even know how many states there are, but Sarah has personally visited every one of them. She's young enough to be my daughter but has virtually the same values as my generation because her family made like pioneers and moved north to the new 'New Frontier' when she was a little girl. A little hardship in one's life goes a long way to helping you appreciate our Founders and American history. And every single attack on a conservative woman is worth two valentine's gifts in the political arena.
As Ole the Norwegian would put it, "The yolk's on youse guys, Yay."
Speaking of short-sighted values, I overheard two teachers the other day complaining about Governor Walker and Gov. Snyder. Teachers have absolutely no mercy on the taxpayer who is losing his home due to high property taxes and gasoline prices (up over $4 a gallon here again). It would be one thing if the public schools were teaching reading and arithmatic, but they are dumbing down the kids and teaching them lies about the origin of man, "global warming," and the American Revolution. Some teachers say:
"I'm so tired of hearing how smart the Founding Fathers were."
I don't know if Ann Coulter has perfect timing or the rent-a-mob in Madison has bad timing, but Ann just released her best book ever, "Demonic." Just in time for the party on Mifflin Street. I plan to buy the book and would highly recommend it, because she documents the differences between the French and American Revolutions. I've been writing about that subject for years already. If you go to www.RenewAmerica.com/columns/Dahlgren and search "French Revolution" or "Thomas Paine" or "Jefferson," you will find much "Enlightenment."
If you ever wondered what a "community organizer" looked like, just look at the Tent City in Mad Town. They call it 'Walkerville,' but I just call it Hooterville or the Arab Spring does Madison.
P.S. This column is being posted late, not for lack of stuff to write about, but because it was hard to decide which news to write about. I know you have a few other sources of information, but there is some info you can only get here, because I have sources!
"As they had no means of seizing the central power, they adopted the method of endeavouring to bring about the desired political, social and economic changes by converting the masses to their views. They began, therefore, a propaganda among the working population of the towns and the rural population in the villages. The propagandists were recruited chiefly from the faculty of physical science in the universities [etc] . . .
"Each individual had entire freedom as to the kind and means of propaganda to be employed. Some disguised themselves as artisans or ordinary labourers, and sought to convert their uneducated fellow-workmen in the industrial centres, whilst others settled in the villages as school-teachers, and endeavoured to stir up disaffection among the [peasants — about the 'millionaires and billionaires'] . . .
"Landed proprietors and officials, it was suggested, should be got rid of, and then the peasants would have arable, pastoral and forest land in abundance, and [they] would not [be required] to pay any taxes."
Does any of this sound familiar yet? Those words are not about the 1960s Youth Revolution, but the hippie-nihilists of Russia's 1860s! [Encyclopaedia Brit., 11th edition, 1910; "Nihilism"] Now get this:
"In Rules for Radicals, Alinsky wrote: 'From the moment an organizer enters a community, he lives, dreams, eats, breathes, sleeps only one thing, and that is to build the mass power base of what he calls the army.'
"The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution. . . .
"When Hillary graduated from Wellesley in 1969, she was offered a job with Alinsky's new training institute in Chicago. She opted instead to enroll at Yale Law school . . [but] . . she kept her connections even in the White House and gave Alinsky's army support:
"'As first lady, Clinton occasionally lent her name to projects endorsed by the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), the Alinsky group that had offered her a job in 1968. She raised money and attended two events organized by the Washington Interfaith Network, an IAF affiliate' [Wash. Post, 3/24/2007] . . .
"Three of Obama's mentors in Chicago were trained at the Alinsky Industrial Areas Foundation, and for several years Obama himself taught workshops on the Alinsky method. Of the three, Gregory Galluzo, shared with Ryan Lizza the actual manual for training new organizers, which he said was little different from the version he used to train Obama in the 1980s."
- David Horowitz ("Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution")
PPS: This is the third column in a row in which I've been pushing that little book. One of the best things you can do for your country and fellowmen is to obtain and pass along Rules for Revolution. Go to www.FrontPageMag.com or write to:
David Horowitz Freedom Center
PO Box 55089
Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964
The book is $3 apiece or 25 for $25. Horowitz concludes the book by saying:
"What radicals like Saul Alinsky create is not salvation but chaos. And presidential disciples of Alinsky, what will they create?"
Like I said, "good news, bad news, and really UGLY news"!
© Curtis Dahlgren
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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