Curtis Dahlgren
Trickle-down-the-leg Political Correctness (#2)
By Curtis Dahlgren
"This institution will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind. For here we are not afraid follow the truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error as long as reason is left free to combat it." — Thomas Jefferson (on U. of Virginia; Dec. 27, 1820)
"If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to." — Ronald Reagan
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion." — Edmund Burke (town hall meeting, 1784)
FROM THE UNIVERSITY TO THE NURSERY SCHOOL, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS IS ALL THE RAGE. But conservative Democrats and Independents are as sick of it as the hardiest Tea Party-goer.
Speaking of "rage," Wisconsin politics is still in an uproar. It's all over but the pouting. "You can't reason anybody out of something people didn't reason themselves into!" Rage runs on adrenaline, not reason.
When you say disinformation, you've said it all, Wisconsin! Lies, damned lies, statistics, and campaign slogans: Upper-middle class teachers pointing their fingers at lower-middle class taxpayers and chanting "SHAME" for trying to hold the line on their property taxes (how many of us will be driven into "foreclosure" by the school taxes?) — taxes that benefit teachers making $10,000 a month including bennies, and adminstrators making $150,000 a year! Like even some garbage collectors in Madison. If I sound upset, maybe I should use all caps!
To add insult to injury to farce, the educrats aren't even doing such a "great" job teaching our kids. My nomination for column-of-the-month goes to Chuck Norris for his March 7th piece, "U.S. public schools: Progressive indoctrination camps." Excerpted headlines:
- "NEA and UN advocate mandatory classes to free students from 'religion'"
- "Dept. of Ed mandatory Arabic classes create firestorm"
- "State University defines Christians as 'oppressors'"
- "Principal orders Ten Commandments yanked from school lockers"
- "No opting out of pro-gay school propaganda"
- "Judge cites home-schoolers for violating UN mandate; Police question parents and confiscate their curriculum"
YES — the behavior of the Wisconsin teachers and other unions during recent weeks has done more to promote the home-schooling sector than anything else. Public schools won't have to worry about "large class sizes" if they keep driving away their "clients." Between private schools, charter schools, and abortion, schools are being closed across the country for lack of students.
This country not only has a "surplus" of NBA players in the college "farm system," the USA has a surplus of colleges and universities! My neighbor has a high school senior in the family and they are heating their home with junk mail begging for an application to schools of Higher Learning. With the dumbing down of public schools and the aborting of 50-some million babies, they are now desperate for qualified college freshman. I'm almost 70 but I'm tempted to apply to go back to school just to see what happens!
[If there's a college registrar reading this who is really hard up, you can contact me at treeman1776@yahoo.com ]
P.S. There are lots of other significant headlines out there this week:
- "Crude oil rising; diesel fuel at $4.00 a gallon"
- "Wholesale food rises 4% in February" [another six months of this and we may be able to solve the 'obesity' problem].
- "EPA forcing Electricity producers to lower mercury emissions"
- "Energy Dept. outlaws non-mercury light bulbs" [know what happens when a tornado hits a house full of mercury bulbs?]
- "March Madness"
- "Signs of a new Infatada in Jerusalem"
PPS: And that's not even talking about the war in Libya. OOPS — they're now calling it just "kinetic activity" — not a war — and there is a debate as to whether we have boots on the ground there. PR is everything, so I guess "kinetic activity" sounds so much better than a "police action" or "nation building" or even "peace-keeping mission." We not only have mission-creep but creepy creeping definitions of the mission.
Last week I wrote a sloppy sentence that sounded like I compared the rebels in Libya to the Cuban freedom fighters at the Bay of Pigs. Actually I was being partly facetious because we don't really know who the Libyan rebels are (TIME magazine; March 14, 2011). I was referring to the way we entered the fray more than to the "war" itself. I say the U.S. should have said "yea" or "nay" from Day One instead of leaving them out there to twist in the wind for a week or two. "An uncertain throne is like ice on summer seas" (someone said).
Obviously, each nation must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, but the White House intelligence and national security advice seems more like a cross between ESPN and PMSNBC. The end result is that, like a chess player, Oboma said to Europe, "You go first." But in the meantime, lots of people died needlessly.
President Oboma cut his spring break short — by a couple of hours — and couldn't get back in the White House. Shoot, even National Public Radio knew was coming home, but his staff must have been listening to FM or Serius radio. It's just a good thing the Park Police didn't mistake him for a terrorist, or we might have had to have had a "beer summit" between the Park Police and the President, overseen by NATO or whatever the entity is that is in charge of the NON-WAR.
© Curtis Dahlgren
March 25, 2011
"This institution will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind. For here we are not afraid follow the truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error as long as reason is left free to combat it." — Thomas Jefferson (on U. of Virginia; Dec. 27, 1820)
"If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to." — Ronald Reagan
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion." — Edmund Burke (town hall meeting, 1784)
FROM THE UNIVERSITY TO THE NURSERY SCHOOL, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS IS ALL THE RAGE. But conservative Democrats and Independents are as sick of it as the hardiest Tea Party-goer.
Speaking of "rage," Wisconsin politics is still in an uproar. It's all over but the pouting. "You can't reason anybody out of something people didn't reason themselves into!" Rage runs on adrenaline, not reason.
When you say disinformation, you've said it all, Wisconsin! Lies, damned lies, statistics, and campaign slogans: Upper-middle class teachers pointing their fingers at lower-middle class taxpayers and chanting "SHAME" for trying to hold the line on their property taxes (how many of us will be driven into "foreclosure" by the school taxes?) — taxes that benefit teachers making $10,000 a month including bennies, and adminstrators making $150,000 a year! Like even some garbage collectors in Madison. If I sound upset, maybe I should use all caps!
To add insult to injury to farce, the educrats aren't even doing such a "great" job teaching our kids. My nomination for column-of-the-month goes to Chuck Norris for his March 7th piece, "U.S. public schools: Progressive indoctrination camps." Excerpted headlines:
- "NEA and UN advocate mandatory classes to free students from 'religion'"
- "Dept. of Ed mandatory Arabic classes create firestorm"
- "State University defines Christians as 'oppressors'"
- "Principal orders Ten Commandments yanked from school lockers"
- "No opting out of pro-gay school propaganda"
- "Judge cites home-schoolers for violating UN mandate; Police question parents and confiscate their curriculum"
YES — the behavior of the Wisconsin teachers and other unions during recent weeks has done more to promote the home-schooling sector than anything else. Public schools won't have to worry about "large class sizes" if they keep driving away their "clients." Between private schools, charter schools, and abortion, schools are being closed across the country for lack of students.
This country not only has a "surplus" of NBA players in the college "farm system," the USA has a surplus of colleges and universities! My neighbor has a high school senior in the family and they are heating their home with junk mail begging for an application to schools of Higher Learning. With the dumbing down of public schools and the aborting of 50-some million babies, they are now desperate for qualified college freshman. I'm almost 70 but I'm tempted to apply to go back to school just to see what happens!
[If there's a college registrar reading this who is really hard up, you can contact me at treeman1776@yahoo.com ]
P.S. There are lots of other significant headlines out there this week:
- "Crude oil rising; diesel fuel at $4.00 a gallon"
- "Wholesale food rises 4% in February" [another six months of this and we may be able to solve the 'obesity' problem].
- "EPA forcing Electricity producers to lower mercury emissions"
- "Energy Dept. outlaws non-mercury light bulbs" [know what happens when a tornado hits a house full of mercury bulbs?]
- "March Madness"
- "Signs of a new Infatada in Jerusalem"
PPS: And that's not even talking about the war in Libya. OOPS — they're now calling it just "kinetic activity" — not a war — and there is a debate as to whether we have boots on the ground there. PR is everything, so I guess "kinetic activity" sounds so much better than a "police action" or "nation building" or even "peace-keeping mission." We not only have mission-creep but creepy creeping definitions of the mission.
Last week I wrote a sloppy sentence that sounded like I compared the rebels in Libya to the Cuban freedom fighters at the Bay of Pigs. Actually I was being partly facetious because we don't really know who the Libyan rebels are (TIME magazine; March 14, 2011). I was referring to the way we entered the fray more than to the "war" itself. I say the U.S. should have said "yea" or "nay" from Day One instead of leaving them out there to twist in the wind for a week or two. "An uncertain throne is like ice on summer seas" (someone said).
Obviously, each nation must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, but the White House intelligence and national security advice seems more like a cross between ESPN and PMSNBC. The end result is that, like a chess player, Oboma said to Europe, "You go first." But in the meantime, lots of people died needlessly.
President Oboma cut his spring break short — by a couple of hours — and couldn't get back in the White House. Shoot, even National Public Radio knew was coming home, but his staff must have been listening to FM or Serius radio. It's just a good thing the Park Police didn't mistake him for a terrorist, or we might have had to have had a "beer summit" between the Park Police and the President, overseen by NATO or whatever the entity is that is in charge of the NON-WAR.
© Curtis Dahlgren
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