Madeline Crabb
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places.” (Eph. 6:12 AMP)
In all my recent articles about Election 2024, there is one more thing we need to discuss: God’s Divine Order. Now, there are some people, particularly women who will disagree, but if you are indeed a Christian, I will instruct you to take it to the Lord. It is my duty to obey God’s directions.
First of all, as said in my first pre-election article, America is in the fast lane to hell in a handbasket. This did not happen overnight and is not really directed by the progressives/radicals/socialists/communists, but by spiritual forces. (These groups are merely puppets.) The true “rulers” over America are spiritual entities, specifically what Bible teacher and author, Jonathan Cahn calls the “Dark Trinity” which consists of three ancient figures: Baal, Ishtar (the Queen of Heaven), and Molech. Cahn authored an amazing book, the Return of the Gods, which explains their history, and how they have been running things throughout the world, but particularly here in America.
So why is knowing about these dark spiritual entities important to us? Because Americans are divided to the point of a possible Civil War if we don’t understand how we have been manipulated by these evil forces, and instead of fighting one another, realize we must fight against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and the spiritual wickedness in high places. (Eph. 6:12) More in a bit…
But first, we need to go back to the beginning premise: Divine roles in society. The Bible tells us that God created man, Adam, (Gen. 2:7), then created Eve, his wife. He was to be her protector and provider. Adam was created in the “image of God” and “through him, mankind was given dominion over all the earth.” (justdisciple.com) The Bible also tells us that Eve was formed out of a rib taken from Adam. (Gen. 2:22) God called her woman, and Adam’s wife. This became the pattern for marriage, the first social institution, and helps explain the Scripture, “why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” (Gen.2:24) The unity of a married couple and the “one flesh” principle are based on the fact that God used one of Adam’s ribs to make the woman…perhaps because God made the ribs to have
regenerative powers. (gotquestions.com)
Adam was given authority over all the earth, but when the serpent (Satan) tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, although she knew the rules given by the Father to not eat of the tree of good and evil and was reminded by Adam before taking of the fruit, Eve took that fateful bite, and enticed Adam who followed suit. (Gen. 3:6) And women have been enticing men ever since, but I digress…
Consequently the First Couple was kicked out of the Garden. Sin had entered into the human race, by Satan who himself had served the Father in heaven under the name Lucifer. In his pride, jealousy of God, and covetous seeking of God’s throne, he got kicked out of heaven and has been leading people into sin ever since.
Fast forward to the New Testament where we are told by the Apostle Paul, “But I want you to know and realize that Christ is the Head of every man, the head of a woman is her husband, and the Head of Christ is God.” (1 Cor. 11:3 AMP) And also, Paul reminds that “man was created on the account of or for the benefit of woman, but woman on account of and for the benefit of man—a suitable helper. (Gen. 2:18). Then we read from Paul’s letter to the Colossians, “Wives, be subject to your husbands [out of respect for their position as protector, and their accountability to God], as is proper and fitting in the Lord.”
Also to the Ephesians, “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.” (Eph. 5:22) A more emphatic translation reads, “Wives, place yourselves under your husbands' authority as you have placed yourselves under the Lord's authority.” (Eph. 5:22 GW) And on authority, Paul said, “But I do not allow a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.” (1 Tim. 2:12 NASB)
In God’s Divine Order, He called for women to be subject to man. Period. Women can serve in many ways. The Proverbs 31 woman is described as: An excellent woman [one who is spiritual, capable, intelligent, and virtuous], who is he who can find her? Her value is more precious than jewels and her worth is far above rubies or pearls. The heart of her husband trusts in her [with secure confidence], And he will have no lack of gain. She comforts, encourages, and does him only good and not evil all the days of her life. (Prov. 31: 10-12 AMP)
Again, we are speaking of Divine Order. But we began in earnest to kick God out of our individual lives, and then our nation in the early 1960s, started by what we call the Feminist Movement. But did you know that behind that movement is the ancient god, Ishtar? She was/is among the most potent of gods and among the oldest. Jonathan Cahn calls her the breaker of rules, the trespasser of boundaries, and transgressor of standards and conventions. He says she is also the goddess of sexuality, war, and destruction.”
For the sake of this article, suffice it to say that the sexual revolution we have been undergoing since the 1960s is still progressing, as shown by the so-called transgender movement. But worse, this movement has been systematically blurring the identities and roles of the God-ordained sexes, which in turn has sissified men. What God ordained as the roles of the two sexes, has been turned upside down. Cahn says this is an ancient concept that was eradicated because of Jesus and the teachings of the Holy Bible. But now “They shall call evil good, and good evil. Is. 5:20) is in full operation. Since we have kicked God out of our affairs, and reject biblical teaching as archaic, all hell is indeed breaking loose. But we need to focus on God’s Divine Order.
We have a woman, Kamala Harris, running against a man, former President Donald J. Trump. As I was contemplating the material I was to write about, it occurred to me that this is not an accident. Perhaps this is the final nail in America’s proverbial coffin. While recently in prayer I received a word that when America elected a woman president, that would be the end of America.
If women are prohibited from teaching or exercising authority over men, how is it that a woman could be over all men in America, and then dictate to men worldwide? Honestly, most of today’s democrats are arrogant, bossy, and condescending. Furthermore, the Democrat Party as a whole has a platform against biblical morality, which it pushes upon all Americans, and the rest of the world. Just think about the LGBT movement—a tool used by Ishtar (and Satan) to destroy our biblical foundation, which our government pushes around the world. (Embassies now fly the “rainbow” flag along with the American flag. This is a demonstration of to whom our loyalty belongs.) BTW…this flag and agenda are not mine. Are they yours? And do I need to begin describing many of the women in the Democrat Party? Some of them are the nastiest people on earth. Or even the dumbest.
Mr. Trump asks the rhetorical question: Can you imagine Harris talking to people like Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, or Vladimir Putin? Worse, how about her speaking to, or condescendingly issuing ultimatums to the Arab leaders? They do not respect women, and certainly would not respect a woman’s (assumed) authority. In fact, a close friend of mine originally from Taiwan says that even in Southeast Asian countries, it is out of order for a woman to rule over man, and that women should not have that authority.
But in “progressive” America, women must push through and have dominance over man. But it is not God’s Divine Order.
One of the key features of the Kamala Harris platform is women’s reproductive rights. (Ever wonder about men’s role in the murder of a child that was created by them? Many times they have absolutely no say.) Just the abortion issue alone should stop each and every Christian from voting for her. She will try to force through a national abortion rights policy that cannot be changed—ever. While the states have the right to decide things not specifically listed in the Constitution, Harris and the Dems claim women cannot get abortions now. Wrong. I just heard yesterday that abortions have increased by ten percent since that decision was properly returned to the states. The spirit of murder is behind one of the most important platforms of democrats.
But then, this woman has surrounded herself with scores of those captured by the LGBT ideology. Why, look at Biden’s cabinet. Do we want more of the same? Do we understand how far down the road to our destruction we have gone?
This woman is a radical leftist, but then, she comes from the radical left side of the country—California. She appears to not even like the American people and reminds me of Let-them-eat-cake-Marie-Antoinette. Does she appear genuine to you in anything she says? Honestly? And yet, look at how close America is to her being elected to the highest office in the land!
Donald Trump is a known entity. He has already successfully held the office of President and has specific plans to begin to undo some of the horrific damage done to our nation over the past four years. No, he is not perfect, and neither are any of us! However, he has common sense and intelligence, learned from decades of “building things” unlike Harris whose only jobs have been in government. Being a phenomenally successful business executive, he can put this experience to work once again in managing the bloated, out-of-control bureaucracy the Federal Government has become. Furthermore, he genuinely cares for the American people—all of us, and he respects our God, and knows we need to turn back to our foundational principles, which are biblically based.
The legacy media has gone out of its way to scorn, ridicule, and denigrate him. Fortunately for We the People, there are “alternative” news sources now available so we can find truth. And yes, we are responding by supporting and voting for him. Regardless of what the media or political operatives say of him, he had a successful presidency and is willing to go through the hell that has been dished out towards him for over nine years! He even rose after being shot in the head and continued in the effort to serve us. The leftists wanted him to have his brains blown out on international television, like they did to President John F. Kennedy, but God protected him.
That last statement tells me all I need to know. But God. If God saved him from being murdered—twice—then He has a purpose and plan for Him.
As Christians, we are to seek God’s will in things. I ask, how can you call yourself a democrat and a Christian at the same time? These two things cannot co-exist. Look at the platforms, and what the two different candidates stand for. They are diametrically opposed.
Many so-called Christians claim Trump is not Christian enough. Question: How Christian are you if you intend, or have formerly voted for candidates who have pushed things like abortion (reproductive rights); the whole “Alphabet Mafia” agenda; open borders; the sexualization of our children; legalization of drugs that destroy minds and bodies, and lead to addictions; the legalization of theft (as in California); the de-funding of our police; more wars; or the feminization of our military? All of these things have led to our nation’s downfall.
As a pastor recently told me, many Christians do not like Trump, and plan to not vote because of his mean tweets, or mean words. Well, I would be more concerned about what Jesus will say to us one day. He used mean words like “whitewashed tombs” and “brood of vipers” (Matt. 23: 27) when speaking to the religious and political leaders of His day. Further, the Bible says, “So because you are lukewarm (spiritually useless), and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth [rejecting you with disgust].
What we are experiencing is an age-old battle between the forces of evil and good, between darkness and light. From their own mouths and actions, the Democrat Party rejects God and His Word, and also have no respect for people who follow Him. Republicans respect God, and the people who follow He and His Son. Election 2024 is also decision time for us individually, and collectively. Cast your vote, because it is your duty, but think of the spiritual consequences as you do so. God is indeed watching because this election more than likely decides our nation’s fate. To anyone willing to hear….
© Madeline CrabbThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.